"Nothing. It doesn't matter. She doesn't want anything to do with me."

"I'm sure that's not true."

"I called her out in front of our superior."

"Oh. Right." Andy sighed. "What would you do that?"

I was jealous.

"I don't know."

"Well, this is fixable. You need to do what I call the ol' bloom and beg."

"Bloom and beg?"

"Yeah, get her some flowers and beg on bended knee for her forgiveness. If she really likes you—and I think she does—she'll probably let you back into her good graces."

"Right. Bloom and beg." He considered for a moment, and then he remembered the look on her face as he'd spoken to their commanding officer. "I don't think that's going to work."

"Well, think about it."

"The thing is, I didn't do anything wrong. She was going to get herself in danger if I didn't—"

"Oh, here we go with the hero complex," Andy sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, no offense, but you sort of have this thing you do where you think you can save everyone no matter what the situation."

"You don't even know the situation."

"I don't have to. I know you."

"Right." Derrick scrubbed a hand over his face.

"Just, you know, think about it. Bloom and beg. Works every time."

"I'll think about it." Derrick hung up then slid back in his seat and waited for Jade to walk outside again.

* * *

When Monday morning came around, Jade could hardly tear herself from the bed. All weekend she'd been curled around a surprisingly snuggly Lisa and mentally banging her head against the wall.


She repeated the word to herself over and over again, and still she couldn't bring herself to call Derrick and apologize.

I've got nothing to apologize for.

After all, wasn't he the one who'd made everything about their relationship? All she'd said was that Zac couldn't possibly be the mole, and she still felt that way. What kind of idiot would waltz into the department as the new guy and start selling information from day one? Who wouldn't build trust first?

She knew Zac well enough to know that he was smarter than that. It was so much more likely that someone in the department had been waiting for a scapegoat and Zac had been the perfect target.

And if that conclusion hurts my pride less, then so much the better.

She cringed at the thought, but knew it was no small part of her decision making. What kind of woman would she be if she had been interested in a guy like that? What kind of detective?

Lisa purred beside her and Jade snuggled into her fur. It had been a long time since she'd taken a sick day. Maybe if she did that, she could avoid seeing Derrick and...