"So you are boning."

"Ew, don't call it that."

"You're getting busy with my brother. My best friend and my sibling."

"Now you know how Matt feels." Shay rolled her eyes. "Except you have the guarantee that we're not about to get married."

"I just can't believe you finally went through with it. I mean, I feel like I've been waiting forever and now—"

"All right, all right. I get it. Don't get your panties in a twist over it. It's just for while we're on the island, and then things go back to being nice and platonic."

"Oh yes, I'm sure they will." Andy poured the batter into their pans and jiggled them to even them out.

"Cut it out." Shay rolled her eyes.

"I just hope my brother is treating you right."

"Are you asking if he's a generous lover?" Shay waggled her eyebrows back.

"Ew, God, now it's my turn to be creeped out."

"Serves you right." Shay grinned, and then her iPad lit up with a message.

She turned her attention to the screen and flicked her finger across it.

"New email from Lou," she told Andy, and Andy scuttled over to read over Shay's shoulder.

Instantly, Shay regretted the decision to tell her what was going on.


Just got back from the last contract meeting. Looks like there's too many stars coming out of the colleges right now to take the chance, especially since there's already been a relapse. Next year we'll try again, but for now, the Sharks have agreed to take Matt on for another season.

Speak soon.


She set the iPad down and blinked. Matt was in the minors. Again.

A whole new season without the major league backing he'd been working so hard for.

She tried to imagine his face when she told him, but she couldn't come up with what Matt would look like when he was sad or disappointed. She couldn't even imagine Matt angry. Matt was just... Matt. Which, somehow, only made her feel worse.

"You want me to handle it?" Andy asked softly.

Shay shook her head. "I'm the lead on the case, I should take care of it. But I think I'll wait until after the wedding. There's too much going on."

"I don't know, Shay. He's waiting for that call. If it has come, I think he deserves to know about it. Rip the Band-Aid off and let the wound heal. Or something like that."

"The timing just isn't right. If I had to tell him now..." His smile would fade. She wouldn't get to laugh and play with him, to let him help her forget about her troubles.

If she shared this burden with him, the reality of their relationship would sink in. They'd share a hardship. They'd be... committed.

And that wasn't what she'd signed on for. Not now, not ever.

"Shay—" Andy tried.

Shay held up a hand. "Look, I'll think about it. Everything is going to be okay. But for right now, let's focus on this cake, okay?"