"No, she wasn't," Shay said. "She was manipulating."

"What did she want this time?"

"She and Phillip want me to come visit."

"Ah." Andy nodded but didn't meet Shay's eyes.


"Well, it might be nice. It'll have to wait until after my honeymoon, but it could be good to see her."

"Listen, I love you, but you have no idea what you're talking about. And I really don't want to talk about her right now. I'll send her a message when I get to your place, but that's the last I'm hearing of it for one trip, okay?" Shay cocked an eyebrow.

"Fine, fine. You got it."

"I want to focus on what's important. We've got one whole weekend together before the boys get here, and I intend to make the most of it. Now, I have a couple of things already lined up—"

"Right. About that." Andy turned onto a street speckled with little open-air villas. All of them looked out onto a private beach where thatched umbrellas and pretty flowered trees dotted the crisp white sand.

"What?" Shay asked, but when they pulled into the driveway of a little blue house, she already knew what her friend was going to say.

There, running across the sand, were two men in the midst of what looked like a heated Frisbee battle.

The first was tall and muscular, with a mane of shaggy black hair and eyes to match. Logan Grant, Andy's husband-to-be.

With him, Andy's male counterpart, complete with freckles and sandy, brownish-blond hair. Of course, instead of Andy's curv

y build, Matt was lean and toned, the perfect body for a professional athlete. And for a professional pain in the ass.

"They're here," Shay said blankly.

"Okay, okay. They showed up last night to surprise me. I didn't know anything about it. You have to believe me." Andy offered her a pleading smile, but before Shay could answer, she spotted Matt running toward the car, his Frisbee held aloft.

"Aloha," he shouted, and then bent down to Shay's window and added, "Has anyone offered you a lei yet?"

Andy rolled her eyes, and Shay looked from Matt to Andy and back again. "Where is..."—she frowned at Matt—"this staying?"

"Um." Andy offered her another nervous smile and Shay's jaw dropped, but then Matt was opening the back door and lugging Shay's purple case from the seat.

"Come on, lovely, I'll show you where you're staying." She watched him walk for a little bit, unable to do anything but blink after him, but then he called, "Are you coming or not?" and she scooted from the car.

Andy followed one pace behind her, her eyebrows still knit together.

"You promise you didn't know about this?" Shay hissed.

"I swear," Andy said. "Logan thought it would be nice."

"Right. That was... sweet of him." She said it For Andy's sake. From Logan’s perspective, Andy would be spending the two weeks before their wedding surrounded by the four people she loved most in the world—Shay, Logan, and her two brothers, Matt and Derrick.

From Shay's perspective, however...

"This is it." Matt chucked her case none too gently onto the bed. "Don't worry, if you need anything in the middle of the night, I'm right next door."

"You're..." She blew out a breath.

Andy let off a little nervous giggle. "Three bedrooms. Perfect, right?"

"Perfect," Shay said.