"If only," Janelle said and the other girls chuckled.

"Hey, if you don't have a man, don't let it get you down. Myself, I just grab this puppy, set it to number five and--"

A heavy footfall sounded in the corner of the room and she turned to find a man staring at her.

He was tall, dark, and handsome in all the worst ways, and if it wasn't her imagination she was pretty su

re his smile was getting bigger with every shade of red she turned. The tops of her ears burned and she rubbed a hand over the back of her neck just so soothe herself.

"Looking for a new plaything?" She asked, then made a motion with the toy in her hand.

"Maybe," he said, his eyes dark, and she knew without a doubt that he hadn't meant the vibrator.


"You guys are not going to beleive what's going on upstairs." Raphael Stone rejoined the table of men in Ian's dimly lit basement, then cracked open the beer he'd carried down with him.

"I thought it was a candle party?" Dan, who'd come with his wife, Janelle, said.

Raph laughed. "Not quite."

Ian raised his eyebrows. "Well? You gonna tell us or do you slow roll so often you don't remember how to do anything else."

Raph smirked. "It's a vibrator party."

Ian groaned. "Fuck."

"What?" Raph laughed.

"There is no way in hell Zoe agreed to that. Quinn must have tricked her."

"Quinn? Would that be the, um..." Raph wasn't sure how best to describe her. Ever since Ian'd hooled up with Zoe, he'd been a little less ephusive with his praise of other women, so Raph had to pick his words carefully.

"The gorgeous blonde with the big tits," Dan supplied, apparently less worried about his phrasing than Raph.

"That'd be her," Ian said. "Zoe's sister."

Raph laughed, trying to picture what straight-laced Zoe's face must have looked like when Quinn whipped out her wares.

"Guess the apple can fall far from the tree," Raph said and Ian shrugged.

"If you ask me, Zoe is the odd one out. The whole lot of her family is...a little off the wall. It's just her and Quinn now, though."

"Too bad," Raph said, but inside his mind was whirring.

Exactly how off the wall was this Quinn character...and in what way? In a town like this, it was hard to come by a real troublemaker, but then, everyone knew Quinn and Zoe weren't from around here...

"Fuck," Dan muttered, then tossed his cards onto the table and Raph looked down to realize he'd lost his hand, too.

"Damn." He had to get his head back in the game--had to focus in on what was going on around him.

But then, if Quinn was the kind of girl he hoped she was...

"So how off the wall is Quinn?" Raph eyed Ian and his friend looked at him from the corner of his eye.

Again, Dan stepped in to fill the gap.

"Aren't you the one who can tell us? You saw what she was doing up there." He laughed.