I had to admit, I liked the sound of that a little better. I hated to think some jerk had hurt her before and that she would have a hard time moving on.

About that time, the credits to the second Netflix movie started rolling. Time had really flown by tonight, I thought.

“Should I find another movie, or are you ready to call it a night?” Zia asked.

I wanted to stay and keep talking, but I could tell she was getting tired and I didn’t want to wear out my welcome. “Yeah, I guess I’d better get going. It’s been a long day and I’m pretty beat.”

At that, we both stood up and I pulled on my jacket. Zia walked me to the door and opened it for me. I walked out, wondering to myself how I wanted this departure to go. We had had an amazing time tonight, just hanging out and talking, at least from where I was sitting.

Once I got outside the door, I slowly turned around and faced her. How did I want to go about this?

“I have a confession to make,” I said.

“Uh-oh… Good things rarely follow that statement,” Zia teased.

I wanted to tell her I was falling for her, that I wanted to be with her instead of playing this game anymore of pretending I might like any girls I would meet with her help.

“I noticed you that night at the Book Shelf. The night you said you first saw me. I’m not sure why I didn’t mention it before, but I saw you come in that night, and I saw you when you left,” I admitted, still not sure where this was going.

She searched my eyes for a few seconds. “You did?”

I looked back into her eyes, and for a brief moment, I considered the consequences of just leaning in and kissing her right then. Did she look like she was expecting it, and if so, like she was hoping for it?

If she wasn’t hoping for it, how would that affect everything between us from that point forward? I didn’t want to assume something and be totally wrong, and I definitely didn’t want to come off like some self-entitled jerk.

“Well… goodnight. See you tomorrow.” I gave a weak smile, waved, and turned to take my exit.

It was the right decision. The timing just wasn’t right, at least not yet.


The next night, I met Dylan at the Daylee Grind. I didn’t dress up in a costume, but since it was Halloween, I figured I’d at least show a little Halloween spirit. I decided to go with a black fitted shirt with a Cheshire Cat smile and the words “We’re all mad here” in cryptic lettering across the front.

The live music was scheduled to start at seven-thirty p.m., so we decided to meet there at that time. I went a little early to make sure we got a table, since the coffee shop usually got pretty crowded on live music nights.

“Can I get an Italian cream soda? White chocolate and watermelon if you’ve got it,” I ordered a drink at the counter before heading to my table to wait.

Dylan showed up right on time, once again, I noticed.

“Hey, Zia!” Dylan seemed excited to be here tonight.

“Hey! Long time no see, stranger.” I laughed good-naturedly.

“What are you drinking?” he asked.

“It’s a white chocolate-watermelon Italian cream soda. You want one?”

He made no attempt to hide an exaggerated look of disgust on his face, and I couldn’t help thinking to myself how attractive he was even when he made a horrible face like that. I mean, was it really fair for any one person to be that attractive?

“You can’t knock it until you try it! Here, try mine before you rule it out altogether,” I offered.

“Okay,” he said as he reached for my glass and took a sip from the side instead of the straw.

He looked as though he was contemplating for a moment, and then decided it was not so bad after all. “Once again, you know more about what I like better than I do, it seems. And to think I never would have tried this on my own.”

“Should I go grab you one?”