She melted into him as her body soaked in his warmth,

and she leaned her head to the side, allowing him access to rest his chin in the crook of her neck, sending chills radiating out in every direction throughout her body.

She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, and he held her tightly around her waist.

“You made it home. I wasn’t sure how late you’d be,” she said, looking questioningly into his eyes.

He kissed her deeply, and he could feel her body responding beneath his touch. Could this finally be the night?


Farren lay down in bed, taking in the coolness of the sheets beneath her as she slid in beneath the comforter. She could feel the tension leaving her tired muscles as she snuggled in. She sighed, letting the relaxing feel of the bed take over her, closing her eyes and nuzzling into her pillow.

When she heard Rogan enter the room, heard the soft rustling as he slowly removed his shirt, then his pants, a pang of fear and anxious worry shot through her. She felt like they had been drifting apart, and while part of her was angry and jealous from the day’s earlier events with Edith, another part of her craved his nearness and affection like a raging hunger.

With the contrasting emotions warring inside her, she made no move to speak to him or even turn to look his way. She felt the blankets pull down, and the bed dipped with his weight as he climbed in bed beside her wearing only a pair of boxer briefs.

He moved in close to her and leaned in to press his large hand to her shoulder giving her a gentle pull as though asking a silent request for her to turn to him.

“You’re not asleep, are you?” he asked.

She rolled onto her back so she could face him.

“Not yet,” she replied in a meek voice.

Her face searched his in the dark, lit only by the soft rays of moon glow. He traced his hand down her arm, massaging her skin, and it felt so good having his hands on her like that. She soaked in the warmth of his touch. She didn't want him to stop, but her emotions were too raw, and she was just too exhausted.

“I'm tired, Rogan,” she said, hoping he would get the message, but also hoping he wouldn't.

Still, she shifted to lie on her stomach and faced away from him.

“I know you're tired, baby,” he acknowledged in his smooth, deep voice, but his hands weren't through with her yet.

He stroked the palm of one hand down the curves of her back, then softly back up. The next downward stroke offered a little more pressure to her sensitive muscles, and she couldn't contain the groan that escaped her lips at the feel of his hands.

The groaning was all the validation he needed, and he shifted so that both hands were now massaging her, pressing into her and kneading her taut muscles with his strong, masculine hands.

There was no protest left in her. His hands dipped lower, kneading the soft flesh of her butt cheeks, rubbing and massaging, teasing her as his hands moved up her spine, then back down again.

As his fingers worked, her body began to hum with a hunger for more of him. She had resisted this for weeks now, afraid of a painful experience after giving birth, but then worried that childbirth would have left her too… stretched… to offer him any pleasure. So many insecurities and rationalizations had kept her at bay, not to mention the sheer exhaustion.

She lay motionless, but the more his hands pressed over her, the more turned on she was getting, and the more tension she could feel rising inside her body. Why was she fighting this, again? It was getting harder and harder to remember.

When his hands made their way down to her thighs, she could feel the wetness begin to pool between her legs, and the intensity of her longing only grew as she continued to lay flat and unmoving on her stomach, trying to deny the overpowering sensations.

He dipped his hand between her legs, cupping her sex over her cotton pajama pants, and she realized a moan had escaped her lips of its own volition. Any ideas she’d had of declining were out the window at that point, and suddenly she was wide awake, her body at full attention.

He continued massaging one of her butt cheeks with his left hand, and his right hand remained between her legs as he began massaging his fingers against her clit with the heel of his palm pressing directly onto her opening.

“Are you sure you’re too tired, baby?” he crooned, knowing exactly the effect he had on her body, even as she lay unmoving beneath him.

“Yes, I'm-” She gasped as his hand began a slow circular motion. “-So tired,” she squeaked.

“Then don't mind me. I'm just going to enjoy this beautiful body for a little bit before I go to bed,” he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice as he said the words.

He grazed his left hand over her, dipping it below the thin fabric of her pants and panties, and tracing his fingers down into the crack of her ass, he began circling her pussy, wetting his finger in her flowing juices. Then he pressed his fingers flat against her hole and vibrated them until she cried out.

“Ah, yes!”