“Two…” Rogan’s face was mere inches away from Dallas’s now, and his voice was deceptively quiet and low. Dallas continued to stand his ground, unwilling to back down, but Rogan continued. “If you… ever… put your hands on Farren again-”

“What does that worthless little bitch have to do with anything?” Dallas interrupted, fuming.

“Silence!” Rogan demanded.

And it was quiet.

The two men stared each other down, and Dallas was the first to look away. Rogan began circling around him as he continued.

“The only worthless bitch I see is you, and I’m done putting up with your deception and betrayal. You’re done in my company, and you’re done in this city.”

“Bullshit!” Dallas said. “You think I don’t have an Ace or two up my sleeve?”

Rogan laughed and shook his head. Then his hand was on Dallas’s neck, slamming him against the wall. Through clenched teeth, he spoke in a near whisper.

“Let me make this clear. I know exactly what you’ve been up to behind my back, with my stakeholders, my investors, and yes, even my assistant. I know what you’re doing now, and I know what you did five years ago, the last time you pulled this shit. It didn’t work for you then, it’s not going to work now, and as of this very moment, you are un-em-ployed.” He drew out each syllable of the final word to bring his point home.


sp; When Dallas gave an almost imperceptible nod in acknowledgement, Rogan released his grip from Dallas’s neck and turned to walk away.

Dallas reared back and threw a punch Rogan wasn’t expecting to the back of his head. Rogan was startled for a brief second, caught off guard, and Dallas was on him.

“You son of a bitch,” Dallas seethed.

But Rogan was not to be taken for a fool, and he caught a punch in his hand that had been aimed at his face, using Dallas’s momentum to swing him around with Dallas’s own follow-through.

Dallas growled in frustration and outrage, and the men separated. Their breathing was heavy. Rogan watched, anticipating Dallas’s next move.

“What would my brother say if he could see you now, Rogan?” He cast the name from his mouth with such hatred, as though it were poison on his tongue.

“Maybe you should ask yourself the same question,” Rogan replied. “I’m done letting you get away with murder for the sake of Craigan’s memory.”

“Murder?” Dallas scoffed. “Funny word to mention, coming from the man responsible for Craigan’s death.”

It was the hardest blow he’d suffered yet, because it was the first words from Dallas’s mouth he actually believed were true.

Dallas, seeing he had struck a nerve, went for the kill. “You think you deserve any of this? Your thriving business? Your fucking life? Any of it?”

He waited for Rogan to respond, but Rogan said nothing.

So Elaina did.

“Get out, Dallas.”

Dallas turned, surprised to see his sister in the shadows of the doorway.

“Fuck you, Elaina. Stay out of this,” he ordered, turning his attention back to Rogan who stood, solemn and somber with clenched jaw and fists.

“This is between me, and him,” Dallas added, pointing a finger at Rogan.

“I’m only going to say this one more time, Dallas. Get. Out.” Elaina demanded.

He watched as she emerged from the shadows, flanked by two of her bouncers.

Dallas looked from Rogan, to Elaina, to the two men behind her at the ready. Realizing he was defeated, he looked to Rogan one more time. “This isn’t over,” he said, and he pushed past the bouncers on his way out the door as he left.

“Yes it is,” Rogan said, watching his best friend’s brother walking out of the door, and finally out of his life.