The doctor came in at that moment and asked to speak with Farren regarding her results, so Rita excused herself leaving Farren and Gramma to hear the news. Farren steeled herself, fearing the worst.

“Miss Fields,” the doctor said, looking up from his chart. “It seems you’ve had quite a scare.”

She nodded, but said nothing, hoping he would go ahead and get to the point. Was she losing her baby?

“I’ve looked at all the blood work, reviewed the sonogram, and based on those and the physical exam, everything seems to look normal. Your baby is healthy. I just recommend taking it easy for a few days and following up with your OB-GYN next week.”

Farren finally let out a breath she had been holding in a sigh of relief, and she turned to Gramma who seemed to share in her excitement of the good news. Farren had become so attached to the little cluster growing within her. Losing it now, as much as it was wreaking havoc on her life, would have been devastating.

A smile broke free

from her lips, and she thanked the doctor. He let her know that once the nurse returned to get her discharged, she was free to go. As the doctor opened the door of her room to leave, she could hear the familiar, angry voice coming from down the hall and moving toward them.

Her nerves suddenly consumed her, and she gripped Gramma’s hand tighter as she watched the door, waiting for Rayner to march his way through. She had so much to tell him and some of those things could not wait.

Rita emerged through the door first with an apologetic expression, and Rayner followed closely behind. The look on his face was anything but apologetic. It was fuming with rage, which did nothing to help calm her growing nerves.

Farren looked between Rita and Gramma. “Would you mind if I spoke with Mr. Rayner alone for a moment?”

They both acquiesced, and Gramma took Rita’s hand as she approached her crossing the small room before they both disappeared out the door.

Farren stood from where she’d been sitting with her legs dangling off the side of the narrow hospital bed in the center of the tiny room. She eyed Rayner and thought how big he looked in front of her, standing here in this tiny space. He was still mouthwatering, as always, but thankfully the look of rage was subsiding now that he knew she was okay.

“Farren, what happened?” he asked in his deep, subdued voice.

Where did she begin? With Dallas? With I’m pregnant, and oh, by the way, you’re the father?

“Something happened,” she began.

“Yes, I see that. What happened?” he asked again, more impatiently this time.

She decided to get the most pressing matter out of the way first.

“I was in the storage room earlier, grabbing some tools to work on Mike’s prototype.”

He nodded, with her so far.

“While I was in there, I overheard a conversation between Dallas and Beau.” She took a step in closer to him and grabbed him by the arms. “Rogan, Dallas is trying to set you up, and somehow plans to use me to do it.”

She paused, looking deep into his eyes, waiting to see his reaction.

“I know,” he said. Then he looked away, removed his glasses with one hand and ran the other hand over his face.

“You do?” She wasn’t sure if this really surprised her, but she was relieved that he would surely already be a step or two ahead of him.

“I’ve known for a while now. Damn-it!” he yelled, startling her. “I thought I was protecting you from him, and the minute I turn my back, I’m rushing to find you at the god-damned hospital.”

He put his hands on her arms now, bringing her in close to him. His touch was warm and soothing. His eyes were intense, locking onto hers.

“That doesn’t explain how you ended up here.” With clenched teeth, he growled, “What did he do to you?”

She shook her head. “I mean, yes, he man-handled me a little bit, but that’s not why I’m here.”

She could see the question in the air between them before he asked it aloud. “Then why are you here?”

It was now or never, she thought. She had to tell him. If she didn’t tell him now, he would never forgive her when he did find out. And he would find out. By now, everyone in their office would have known the big secret she had been keeping for so long.

“Rogan… I’m pregnant.”