Now, as he passed all the shops and buildings that lined the streets, each decked with lights that shimmered their reds, greens, blues, and silvers against the snow-covered ground below, he drove himself home from a long day of work. He just nearly caught himself pulling the Jeep over outside her apartment building, wanting to drop in just to see her again. He decided against it, partly because he didn’t know which apartment she lived in. Also, what kind of creep stalker would he look like if he just showed up on her doorstep? He thought better of it and carried on down the icy street in four-wheel-drive.

He turned down the radio playing The Piano Guys’ rendition of Angels We Have Heard On High as he pressed the Bluetooth button on the steering column and stated his command, “Call Jake.”

The sound of the phone ringing filled the cab of the Jeep, and Jake’s voice came over the speakers. “Graham, what’s up, buddy?”

“Hey, did Marta invite Cordi to your Christmas get-together this Friday?” Russ asked, getting straight to the point.

“I’m guessing so. Why? You want me to ask her?” Jake suggested.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Russ could hear Jake’s muffled voice calling out to Marta. “Hey, babe? … Graham wants to know if you invited Cordi to our get-together this Friday…”

Then Jake answered back into the phone, “Hold on. She wants to talk to you.”

Russ groaned internally, rolling his eyes up to the hardtop of the Jeep, but greeted Marta cheerfully when she got on the phone.

“Graham?” she said.

“Hey Marta.”

“What the heck, Graham? Cordi said you never showed up last night. What gives?” she admonished.

“I’m sorry. You must think I’m a jerk,” Russ admitted. He couldn’t tell her the real story yet without risking her telling Cordi.

“I think you probably have a darn good reason, but if you don’t, then yeah, I’m going to think you’re a jerk.”

“That’s why I called. I was hoping I could have a do-over. Is she coming to your party this weekend?” Russ asked, trying to come across as casual and not too eager.

“I’m pretty sure she’ll be here. I invited her to come. But you’re going to have to step up your game, now, because she met a really nice guy she hit it off with last night while she was waiting for you not to show up at the diner,” Marta told him, trying to put the guilt trip on him for ditching her friend.

Russ tried to hold back a smile, realizing that Cordi had mentioned him to Marta, and that she thought they had hit it off, too. Maybe there was still a chance.

“Okay, Marta. Thanks. I’ll see you guys Friday,” he said before pressing End on the steering column, just as he was pulling up into his driveway.

At that, he got out and trudged through the thick snow that had accumulated on the sidewalk, dusting off his boots as he slipped through his front door.

He had a renewed sense of anticipation as he started planning how he would approach Cordi at the Christmas party in just a few days.

Chapter 4

Jake and Marta’s home was covered from one end to the other in tinsel, garland, candles, and snacks of various sweet and savory varieties. A fire was blazing in the fireplace, radiating warmth throughout the large living room as their friends made their way in from the cold, some in twos and some, like Cordi, alone.

When Cordi entered the front door, she took in the scents of cinnamon and warm pastries, taking in a deep breath to let the comforting aromas fill her. She shrugged out of her coat and winter scarf, handing them to Jake as she greeted him with a nod and a smile, which he returned.

She loved this time of year. It had a sort of sweet sadness to it. She was surrounded by friends and family and all the beauty that Christmas held. But still, she couldn’t shake that all-too-familiar feeling of being alone. She found that with each passing year, her hope was waning. She never thought she would be that girl who, at thirty-two, was still single. No husband or companion to kiss beneath the mistletoe. No laughter of children to spread the Christmas cheer with.

She walked around the party, maneuvering between the other guests who stood conversing, holding their flutes of champagne. She found Marta, and shimmied up to her as Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree played softly in the background.

“Your party is beautiful, Marta. I love what you’ve done with the place,” Cordi said to her friend as she smiled and they hugged.

“You made it! When did you get here?” Marta squealed in excitement before handing Cordi her own bubbly glass.

“Just now. Don’t act so surprised! I told you I would come, didn’t I?” Cordi said as she took the glass and brought it to her lips for a sip.

“Yes, but I had my doubts.” Marta said with a raised brow. She shook her head and waved the thought away to segue into a new topic. “I have a surprise for you!”

“What? What kind of surprise?” Cordi asked, feeling guilty that she hadn’t brought a gift for Marta, as well, if Marta had gotten her something.