He nodded with a larger grin now. “Yes,” he hesitated. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, actually.”

But, before he could continue, the lights dimmed suddenly in the room. Robert sat beside them.

“Don’t tell them I’m missing from the Captain’s table,” he whispered playfully to her. She was still reeling from Alex’s last comment. She wanted to ask him what he was going to say, but suddenly an announcer’s voice came over the speakers.

“Ladies and gentleman, we are pleased to announce the first Masquerade Ball on our maiden voyage. Feel free to get up and dance. Your servers will be more than happy to fill all your refreshment requests. Please enjoy the sound of the Third Street Quartet as they perform for your listening pleasure.”

She peered over to a collection of musicians, finely dressed. They gave a little wave at the outburst of applause after their announcement. She clapped politely along with the crowd.

“We have a special surprise tonight, actually,” the announcer continued. There were a few chatters of surprise in the crowd. Robert shifted suddenly beside her.

“What? This wasn’t on the schedule.”

The announcer continued. “One of our finest investors has requested a special first dance for all the couples. He told us that the woman he loved deserved the best.” There was a massive whooping of applause. “We couldn’t agree more, Ben.”

The Captain sighed. “Oh God.”

“Boarding school all over again,” Alex muttered.

“What-?” Her question was cut off by the sudden sound of a drumroll. A spotlight suddenly appeared and her eyes shot to a figure underneath the burning glow.

“We’d like to ask a Miss Vivian to please join our fine friend on the floor. The rest of the couples are more than welcome to join.”

The music began playing. Her jaw dropped.

“No way.”

“Yes. Way,” Alex replied with a feigned girlish accent. He groaned into his hand. “I don’t even want to know how he got this done.”

“That son of a bitch, always a performer,” muttered Robert, but he began to pull out her chair anyway. She sat, dumbfounded, looking from them to the mysterious figure standing in the spotlight.

“Wait. What? What?” she kept repeating. Other couples were beginning to stand. The figure underneath the spotlight raised a hand toward her and motioned her to join him. She couldn’t make out his face from her spot.

“He is a handful. Good luck!” that was Robert’s only cheery reply as he helped her stand and gently pushed her towards the floor.

“Yes, Vivian! That’s the man you’ve chosen to love,” Alex added with a smirk. She gaped at him.

“This is embarrassing!” she squealed. He shooed her and pointed towards his brother.

“Go on, now!”

And just like that, he’d whisked her after a few seconds of dancing and the spotlight disappearing in a quick flash, outside and into the night air.

Cocky bastard. Her cheeks were still burning from the giggles of the crowd as she had walked slowly towards him.

Had she missed him? Who could not miss a man who played mystery and sexy so well together? She ran her eyes over his sleek black suit and then crisp rose in his vest pocket. He was leaned against the railing still, casually slouched now with his arms helping to support his weight.

She wanted to be wrapped in those arms, again and then always. What a fool! How could she really not have missed that smirk? The overwhelming confidence balanced with such good humor and kindness?

“Maybe,” she begged her voice to be as coy as possible in the warm night air as she took a step towards him, her heels clicking enticingly against the floor. “I was impressed by your theatrics.”

“I was in theater at school,” he told her.

“Oh, yes. The Captain and Alex told me.”

“Oh yes? I recall the Captain is still mad at me for stealing his first girlfriend.”

She rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle. “Don’t worry. He’s quite happily married now. But, he says he’s still going to punch you in the face if he gets a chance.”