“He gave me the creeps!”

“He was spying on you,” he told her. She gasped.

“What?! What on Earth for?!”

“I don’t know,” her lover admitted. “I’m having someone investigate right now. Alex called in a few favors to associates we have within the man’s company. He’s fairly low-level, but he has given us trouble before. You know, documents disappearing when he’s around for business meetings and such.”

“I had Alex’s notes with me all the time,” she muttered absentmindedly and played with the glass of ice water in front of her. Could it have been that? She wondered. He had definitely been interested in her. But for what? She didn’t have any company secrets.

“I’m not sure. I don’t think Alex had anything very relevant to what that guy’s company would like to know…” something in Ben’s voice made her turn towards him. His brow was furrowed in worry. He tried to plaster a smile on his handsome face upon seeing her concern, but she frowned at him.

“Don’t pretend you’re not worried,” she said and then paused to squeeze his hand. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Not right now,” he admitted. “We’ll just have to wait until the private investigators get done.”

“On the bright side,” the Captain interrupted their steady gazes. “Our food is here.”

Alex was just walking up and cheered audibly upon seeing the arrival of his second meal. “Thank goodness.”

It was hard to enjoy the meal and their wonderful company at first. She kept thinking about the man and his terrible eyes, but another squeeze from Ben’s hand swept all those doubts away.

After saying their goodbyes to the Captain, who would be too busy to find them the next day on departure, they headed back to the suite. Alex joined them on the elevator, but pushed a button that wasn’t either of their floors.

She shot a glance at him. “The spa?”

“Um, sure,” Alex replied quickly and swiftly exited as soon as the doors opened. “Sleep tight!”

Ben waited until the doors had closed before turning to her with a grin. “He’s such a liar. There’s a chocolate shop on that floor.”

She could hardly stop the sudden burst of obnoxious laughter that exploded from her mouth. “He’s going to eat the entire ship by the time this is over!”

They cracked jokes until they reached the suite doors. She slid out her key with a smile and opened the door. It was impossibly hard to stop laughing at the way Ben teased his older brother, especially when he feigned Alex’s voice so perfectly. They walked towards the bed hand in hand before stopping in front of it to embrace. He held her sweetly, the way she’d once only dreamt of being held.

“We better go to sleep. We’ll need all our strength if we’re going to roll Alex off the ship,” Ben told her at last and kissed her forehead.

They laughed until their sides hurt and suddenly they were tumbling on the bed. She felt his body melting against hers. Felt him laugh against her skin as they struggled with each other’s clothes. Her wet hair spread out like a wreath underneath her as he leaned over her to place kisses on the top of her nose.

“I love you,” he said.

And she knew. She could see it reflected in his eyes, in the way his lips said her name over and over. What had it been like to not be with him? She’d forgotten already. Her life seemed to be a wonderful blend of independence and passionate love. She would have blushed at the thought of being pressed against a desk during work hours before, but now it seemed wonderfully naughty

. Her soul felt lighter than it had ever been before.

“I love you too, Ben.”

They made love until their bodies were pushed past exhaustion. As they settled underneath the covers finally, she glanced at the nightstand. In the early hours of the new day, a dim little glow seemed to appear around the key beside her. It’s very presence put a smile on her lips that stayed with her until the darkness of sleep finally greeted her.

Life and love were wonderfully ridiculous in all the right ways.