hol hit her throat with a pleasing buzz. She motioned politely to the bartender to start making another. Ben raised his eyebrows.

“I love a woman who can hold her liquor.”

“That’s nice.” She willed her voice to be completely cold. She felt him lean in closer, so she calmly turned to look him dead in the eye. “Is there something you need from me, Ben?”

She was not prepared for the deep hunger she saw in his eyes. They were rich with desire. His enchanting lips parted and she watched them, mesmerized.

Suddenly, a flash of red glossy hair came between them. Vivian pulled back to see the gorgeous redhead from the restaurant the other day now hanging on his arms. She smiled two rows of perfect white teeth at Vivian.

“Hello,” the woman chirped brightly and then promptly turned to Ben. “Benny, where were you?” Her voice was a needling whine that pierced Vivian’s ears. He shot a look towards Vivian and then turned his attention to the redhead.

“Candace, I came to get a drink and then saw my employee here. This is Vivian.”

She didn’t turn to look at Vivian. Instead, she seemed to have missed his words entirely. “Let’s dance!”

“Alright, just one second.”

“Benny, please, now!”

She turned so that Vivian was merely staring at her tanned back as she pushed Ben towards the dance floor with wild giggling. Vivian scowled and rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, Ben.” The bartender took her empty glass and gave her the second cocktail. She thanked him and made a bee-line for the balcony doors. A group of stylish smokers, models she guessed by the size of their limbs, leaned against the railing to her left. She turned right and rounded the corner to thankfully see an empty bench with a small table next to it. She sat and placed her glass on the table, running her hands through her hair and appreciating the warm, humid air of the night. It might ravage her curls, but she was thankful for some peace and quiet.

A few minutes passed and she heard footsteps rounding the corner. The familiar shiver than ran through her spine already told her who it was. How he had managed to escape his redheaded shackle, she wasn’t sure.

“Hello, Ben.”

“Good evening again, Vivian,” his smooth voice evoked a longing in her core that she tried vainly to push down. He sat beside her and pulled out a silver cigarette case. “Would you care for one?”

“I don’t smoke,” she replied shortly. He hesitated for a moment and slipped them back in his jacket. She took a gulp of her fruity drink as the nerves in her stomach rose.

“Vivian, are you angry with me?”

She refused to look at him and opted to stare out in the twinkling lights of the city. “No.”

“You’re a liar, love.”

She didn’t reply. She could feel his eyes burning holes into her body.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He smirked. “I like you calling me sir.”

“Ben, if you have nothing of a professional nature to say to me then please stop talking,” she said darkly and turned towards him to greet those same eyes so heavy with desire. Her pulse quickened. He was still smirking.

“You can’t pretend it didn’t happen today.”

A sudden yearning to take him on the bench rushed through her. To do away with his slick suit, the pressed white shirt, to press herself against his body again. She took a deep breath.

“That was a mistake,” she said slowly.

“A mistake…I wonder if my brother would be interested to hear about that mistake? Unless you’d want to do it again?”

“Is that a threat?” she asked, jumping up abruptly. The fabric of her dress slid against his leg during the motion. Her rushing blood sung. He chuckled deeply, a sound that tickled her ears.

“No, Vivian,” he began and stood to face her. With a smirk, he swept a stray hair out of her face and she tried not to shiver. “That’s a promise.” His eyes glimmered underneath the dim balcony lights.