“Touch yourself. Show me,” he said thickly and took my hand, placing my fingers over where his tongue had been. I stroked myself, lightly at first and then with his encouragement, harder and faster as he darted his tongue inside me to bathe my clit and fingers with the juices of my arousal.

My stomach muscles clenched as I raised my chest off the bed and leaned on my elbow to stare into Nick Hunter’s hypnotic eyes. Our gaze collided like planets as a wave of the most intense and delicious sensation

I had ever experienced swelled in my clit and crested in my heart, roaring over me till I was tumbling over and under in bliss, crying out and then sputtering till I was breathless and spent.

The bed spun around me as I fell back, stunned by what had just happened. My hands still clutched the back of Nick’s head as he laid his forehead against my inner thigh and blew cool air over my pussy that sent tingly shivers up my spine and glimmering showers of falling stars behind my closed eyes.

He lazily traced a fingertip over my mound and up the center of my body, circling one nipple and then the other. The hum of the plane’s engine sent gentle vibrations through our bodies as we drifted in space, content to be quiet and at peace holding each other.

Nick’s long eyelashes tickled my skin as he kissed my belly. I opened my eyes and he raised his head to meet my gaze. His gorgeous face made me breathless. Light sweat on his throat and face made his skin gleam and his breath was long and strong.

“Did I make you happy?” he whispered, his voice raw and deep. The vulnerability he showed touched my soul, even as his heavily hooded eyes and parted mouth, which let me know how very much aroused he was, stirred my senses. I couldn’t believe how quickly my body responded again, yearning for pleasure and to please him.

My nipples puckered as I unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing the smoothness of his hard chest, inches at a time. His lightly tan skin glowed like sunlight through a jar of honey. I pressed my mouth to his neck, feeling the beating pulse of his throat beneath my lips. His scent, raw and primal with arousal, mingled with the lush salty sweetness of my juices on his chin and in his hair.

I undressed him. My mouth fell open at the sight of his bare torso and arms. His biceps were like rocks and his abs like cobblestones, but his skin was soft as a peach. I ran my hands over him, my breath hitching in my throat as he stared hotly at me.

“I am doing my level best to be patient,” he slowly growled and then groaned as my fingers found the top button of his pants. His stomach quivered as I lay him back on the covers and unzipped his fly. I stretched over his legs and took off his loafers. Then with two quick tugs, I pulled off his pants and boxer briefs. His cock sprung up, tall and proud as a flagpole, seven inches of thick steel wrapped in apricot velvet and capped by a plum shaped helmet of dusky rose.

Standing by the bed, I shook my head softly with wonder, staring down at him in all his naked glory. He looked like a Greek god, and he was all mine. At least for the moment, a dark voice in my brain hissed.

“Sarah.” I blinked.


He propped his head on his elbow and looked at me. “Where did you go? Your eyes dimmed.”

I inhaled and then exhaled deeply. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m back.” He arched an eyebrow, but said nothing. I gave what I hoped was a sexy smile and ran my hand over his chest and down his stomach. His breath quickened and a soft moan escaped his thick throat.

Kneeling by his thighs, I wrapped my hand around his smooth shaft. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, I marveled at how his cock fit perfectly in my palm, like the handle of a sword. It pulsated in my grip as I delicately lapped a clear pearl off the tip. He tasted delicious, like fresh soap and sea salt with a base note of lush musk that made my nipples twirl.

I hurriedly wet my lips and formed a seal. My breasts and belly ached to have him in my mouth. That had never happened before. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude, but giving head was always something nice to do for my boyfriend, not for me. Eagerly I lowered my mouth over him and moaned out loud as his beautiful cock glided over my tongue. It sent a direct line of pleasure to my pussy, strumming my clit, which swelled and throbbed.

Each swirl of his shaft in my mouth made my spine arch with pleasure. I no longer felt civilized. I was wild and untamed, part of the natural world of animals mating on the dark lush floor of a deep beautiful forest. At the same time, with Nick Hunter, I was more human and womanly than I had ever felt in my entire life. His balls were heavy and they tightened against his body when I cradled them in my palm.

Nick gasped and moaned low, an absolutely thrilling sound as I ran my tongue over their sensual perfection, nuzzling one softly between my lips. His fingers raked through my hair, pulling it firmly yet gently by the root, sending tingles of pleasure to the spaces between my toes and fingers.

Silky wetness like liquid honey made my thighs sticky as I pressed them together tightly. My stomach muscles clenched and my nipples throbbed as he raised my chin and turned onto his side to thrust his cock into my open mouth again. He ran his hands over my head, neck and shoulders, pumping his hips against my face. I would have been happy to stay there forever as the head of his cock repeatedly glided against my soft palate, sending volts of erotic power to my clit.

I brought all of him inside my mouth, clutching the hard muscles of his ass and wrapping my lips around the base of his shaft, till he called out in ecstasy, “Sarah! I have to be inside you!” He practically shook me by my shoulders till I finally released him from my mouth. My brain was in an erotic haze. It buzzed like a fat bumblebee stumbling drunk on nectar as Nick lifted me to face him.

He kissed my swollen lips deeply as I threw my arms around his neck and arched my back. Pulling me beneath him, he covered me with his beautiful, hard body. My thighs fell open for him and I waited breathlessly for the exquisitely sweet sensation of his cock piercing me to the core.

“I’ll be right back,” he panted and lifted himself off me. It was like I had been thrown to the cold hard ground of Reality Land, the world’s suckiest amusement park.

“Huh?” I said foggily.

He smiled and looked down at me. “I have to get a condom. I’ll be right back.” I stared at the side muscles of his flawless ass flex as he strode into the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinet over the sink.

“Got it,” he called out over his shoulder. I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to drown out all the competing voices in my head. My brain had all of a sudden woken up to the wailing alarm of my body aching for sexual release and sprang into action.

Of course he has condoms here, it sneered. This plane is a pussy magnet. You think you’re the first or last? Hey, the other side of my brain retorted, at least he was mindful enough to get them. You were about to let him inside you with no protection at all! And oh yeah, both sides cried out in unison, now you’re going to be the girl who fucks her boss! Good luck with your future!

“Sarah. Why are you curled up like a ball?” I felt the mattress dip as he sat beside me and gently touched my shoulder. I unfurled my arms from where I had locked them over my chest and opened my eyes. His cock was still rock hard, but his voice resonated softly with concern.

“I just…I just remembered who you are and who I am.”

“And who are we?” he murmured, stroking my hair back from my face.