She falls asleep just as she feels the bed dip. A warm hand covers her body and then she's being pulled into a warm chest. She falls asleep.

Chapter Four: Mate

When she wakes, she feels lightheaded and more than a little bit confused. She's in a bed, but it doesn't smell like familiar. In fact, it doesn't even smell like her, which doesn't make any sense because she's slept in it and it should smell like her for that reason alone.

When she shifts, she feels a strong pair of arms around her waist, tugging her back and pulling her in place. She pauses. That's not right. She- she should be alone.

It's still dark out, but she doesn't need the light to feel the warm press of a body behind her. She can't ignore the fact that she's completely naked, having just shifted back from her rabbit form. And he's not wearing much either, just a pair of boxers to keep his cock from sliding between her legs. Not that it's not doing that anyways. There's just a piece of clothing in the way of letting her feel the skin-to-skin sensation. He's pressed her so hard to him that her tail is just a flat ball of fur between them.

When his palm splays over her stomach, his free hand circling her breasts and grabbing hold tight enough for her to squeak out a broken-off protest.

"Sleep," he rumbles, his voice deep, a little bit guttural.

She doesn't listen. Instead, she tries to wriggle out of his grip, which is a terrible idea because that just rubs her tail over his already half-hard cock and he punishes her by tightening his grip more, yanking her up a little bit so that his cock fits between her thighs and his mouth closes over her neck.

"Stay," he growls and sucks a bruise on her neck, bringing blood to the surface of her skin.

She whimpers and feels him mark her. It feels foreign, but also really good. Her instincts overpowers her brain, every nerve of her body alight with yes, yes, please. She should be frightened. A wolf has his teeth on her pulse and is mouthing her like he's looking for a taste. She should be terrified, really.

But she's not. The more she feels his mouth, his hands all over her, the hotter her body gets. Her nerve endings come awake one after another, from the points where his touch begins to the roots of her hair. It feels inevitable, like the last piece of a puzzle fitting into place, like she had been waiting her entire life for this moment and now that she's here, there's nothing for her to be afraid of.

"Sweet little thing," he slurs, opening his mouth wider, gently rubbing his teeth against her skin. "You smell fantastic. Like mine. So perfect and beautiful," he says, branding every place their skin touches.

She whimpers, leaning her head to the side, offering him more of her neck to work with and he licks and suckles lazily, hands palming her breasts, rubbing and pinching them until they're both pebbled and slightly red at the bottom. She has always bruised so easily.

"It's alright," he murmurs when she hears herself keening, body trembling both of out fear and arousal.

She's never felt this way before.

"I'm going to be so good to you. I'll take care of you. Make sure you have everything you've ever wanted," he says, lips on her skin, promises burning like hot brands on her flesh.

And what he's saying sound really, really good. It goes to all the right places in her body, bringing to life senses and nerve endings she didn't know she had. She likes the sound of his voice, the things he's vowing. "Are you- are you going to make a burrow with me?" she asks, timid, almost uncertain.

"Put my pups in you," he hums, hands on her flat stomach, like he's imagining filling her up already. "Breed you until you're nice and round with my pups inside you. Have you in my nest and get you all fattened up just for me," he rumbles, word tumbling over each other, his teeth turning sharp as fangs as he speaks. She feels the brush of his stubble on her ski

n, his hands turning more claw-like before her eyes.

She knows he's not going to hurt her. Her skin feels like she's burning and his touch is the soothing balm that she craves. "Yes," she whines despite herself. "Yes, please." She blushes.

His hand presses flat on her stomach and then rubs further down, leaving a trail of goosebumps wherever he touches. He's such a huge man, his palm able to cover the entirety of her stomach and when he cups her between her legs, she's entirely unprepared for the the jolt of pleasure that courses up her spine. His fingers brush between her pussy lips, pushing them open so that he's teasing at her opening with the tip of his finger. She's immeasurably glad that his wolf is under control enough that he's no longer sporting a wolf claw. "You're so fucking wet already," he says.

She blushes bright red at his words, squirming to get his finger away.

"My little slut," he growls and really, that sort of dirty talk shouldn't be making her more wet.

She's completely mortified. She's not a slut. She's pretty sure she's the opposite of a slut because she's never even had sex before!

"Do you touch yourself at night, darling? Make yourself come on your fingers like a little slut?"

She shakes her head, her cheeks burning so hot she's worried she would catch on fire. He's still mouthing along her neck, sucking a ring of bruises all around her like he's trying to mark her up and let everyone who so much as looks at her know that she's taken. She stays with her parents in their little burrow and they don't have much privacy there. Plus, she's never been too curious about sex before. She kind of wishes she had experimented more now that his hands are on her and it feels so impossibly good and yet completely unfamiliar. "No, no," she finds herself whimpering. "I haven't- I've never," her breath catches on a high whine when his fingers dance over her body, tongue licking and mouth sucking bruises all over.

"So fucking wet already," he growls. "And all for me. My perfect little mate."

She feels little. He curls over her from behind, one hand rubbing between her slit and the other playing with her nipple, his chin resting on the top of her head and his cock fitting between her inner thighs. "I'm not- I'm not," she whimpers, clutching at his hand with the initial thought of pushing him away and ends up tracing over the veins and muscles there.

He pulls his fingers all the way up to her engorged clit and-

"Oh!" she gasps. The pleasure that jolts up her spine is completely novel and unexpected. She shivers as he continues to rub it gently.