"Poor darling," he growls. "You want to sleep with my knot inside you?" he asks. "Think you could sleep with me still fucking you, love?"

She nods and mewls happily when he shifts her on the bed, putting them side by side so that he isn't putting his weight on her body and she can get comfortable. She falls asleep to the feeling of his hands on her body, his knot still thick and full inside of her body.

They don't leave the bedroom until the next day and both of them are starving. She's surprised to find the apartment in pristine condition, all the blood cleaned up, the stained carpet torn and replaced, the furniture replaced with identical sets that is indiscernible from the last except for how new they smell.

She plays with the possibility that her Master's magic before catching the scent of cleaning chemicals in the apartment.

They don't stay there for long though. He puts all her favorite clothes in a big luggage and tosses a few of his own.

"Anything else you want to bring with you, love?" he asks.

She looks around the apartment and walks into the bedroom to bring the pillow that Master sleeps on. It smells like Master and when he's not home, she likes to snuffle up with it and sleep with her nose pressed in the soft cushion.

The corner of his lip curves into a crooked grin. "That's all, love?"

She nods.

"Alright then. Let's go," he extends an hand towards her and she hugs the pillow close to her body and hurries to hold his hand with her other. Her ears are perked up happily and he pulls her in and kisses the spot between her ears. "Lovely," he murmurs, breathing in deep.

She knows she smells like shampoo right now. They had taken a bath earlier and he made love to her again. She had spilled so much come that she cries in the shower cause it's embarrassing. Master had chuckled and kissed her, telling her it's normal. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

She's still leaking a little bit as he walks out of the apartment, but not as much as earlier. It had felt disgusting when globules of his come dripped out of her hole.

The moment they climb into his car, she is yanked into his lap and he is busy mouthing her neck again. She's already healing from yesterday's wounds. The bite mark stings a little bit when Master licks over it, but she keens and tilts her head to the side anyways, letting him lick her better.

"Are you feeling sore, love? Is everything alright?" he asks.

She nods. It's nice, having her Master hold her like this. She knows he's being exceptional possessive because they're newly mated. Under normal circumstances, he would have made a nest and kept them both inside for a few days, but she thinks Master wants to leave as soon as possible because their nest isn't safe.

He brings her to a classy restaurant for breakfast and lunch, keeping her in his lap so he can keep a close eye on her and feed her. He doesn't want anyone close and he bares his lips at anyone who gets too close. It's nice. She clings to him and licks his fingers clean after every bite. It's nice that they have the room to themselves. The server only comes in to bring them more food and Master snarls at them so terrible after the first few times that they don't come in until they have plenty of food prepared and run off the moment they have everything spread out on the table in front of them.

She likes being on Master's lap. She can feel Master getting a little hard already, but they don't do anything. They're not safe here.

They spend a little while filling their bellies, and then he ushers her back into the car.

"Where are we going, Master?" she asks.


They move into her old Master's mansion that very day, much to Melissa's delight.

It's further away from his office, further from civilization and everything, really. She wants to tell him that it's fine. He doesn't have to stay here with her, but he hasn't left her side since he mated her and she doesn't think it's possible for him to leave her on her own right now.

He wouldn't even let Melissa close to her, snarling when Melissa tried to give her a hug.

"It's fine, darling," Melissa had said with a bright smile. "The boy's being possessive," she continues like it explains why Shadow's walking up the stairs with her in his arms and is ignoring everyone else in the house.

They end up in a room that smells like Shadow, but older.

"My old room," he tells her between kisses and mounts her again before she can ask anything else. She comes apart with his names on her lips.

It doesn't matter where they are as long as she's with her Master.

Chapter Ten: End

Shadow has never liked cats. It's part of his wolf nature. The fact that this particular cat used to belong to his father doesn't make things any better. It's ever worse that she smells so good and he's tempted to rub his face over her fur.

There's something wrong with him.