She preens. She was. She tried to fight back even though he was bigger and stronger and she scratched him up a lot.

"I'm sorry." He brings her hands to his lips once he's satisfied that there's no more blood on her hands. He presses a kiss on her knuckles. "Come here, love," he says and she doesn't even think about it, wrapping her arms around his neck and getting her legs around him. She rubs her head against his chin over and over again. It feels nice like this. She likes it best when he's petting her. Her neck aches a little though and she flinches when he presses something cool to her neck, and holds it there. "Shh... Just stay still a second, okay?" he says and wipes the wound clean with the wet towel.

She looks up and finds herself staring at the mirror in their bathroom. She can see the wound on her neck, blue-black and red all around the terrible teeth mark. He carries her towards the bath and steps into the water. It's big enough for both of them. And maybe few other people. Master loves baths while she thinks they're just a waste of water.

She lets him sink down into the water though, grimacing when her body starts to get wet, and then is submerged entirely.

He washes them both carefully and she's intensely aware of how Master's naked too, his body so close to hers that she could just touch him all over. She's too lazy to do anything except her herself be soaped down and scrubbed, though.

"Good girl." He kisses her forehead and reaches over to let the tap water start again, replacing the dirtied water. "It's alright, love. I'm here now," he says. She goes limp, like her brain just shorted out and there's nowhere else she would rather be and this is the safest place for her. She's sitting on his lap, legs folded over the side with her ear pressed to his naked chest. She can feel his erection like this, pressed against her inner thigh. It scares her a little because her Master's really big and even his cock is really big. What if it ends up not fitting?

His hands splay over her stomach and pulls her back until her back is flush against his chest. She tilts her head to the side, offering him her neck readily.

He lets out an approving rumble. "So sweet and submissive, love," he says, pulling her firmly up into his lap and then nosing the bite, breathing in and growling, not liking the scent of another male on her skin. "It will only hurt for a second," he warns and then, before she can ask him what he means, he bites down, hard enough to break skin and cover over the mark.

It hurts, but in a good way. She's so relaxed now that the pain doesn't even register until he's pulling back. She mewls, unhappy.

"Shh... It's alright," he rumbles, his tongue warm against her skin as he laves her clean, leaving little kisses on her neck that makes her skin feel as though it's on fire. She whimpers when he finds her pulse and sucks there, her body going lax in his hold.

His grasp loosens and he fixates on leaving bites around her neck, lifting her a little and then twisting her around to kiss further down the valley between her breasts. She makes soft, whimpering noises that seem to be amplified in their small bathroom.

"Master?" she whines, heartbeat going out of control.

"Did he touch you, love?" he asks even though she's certain that he would be able to smell all the places he's touched her. Then again, she was knocked out for most of the time, so maybe he had touched her and she didn't know.

"He didn't- he didn't claim me," she says, a little bit ashamed. Maybe she should have fought harder.

"Shh..." he soothes. "It's alright, love. I know he hasn't claimed you." His hand dips between her legs, touching her clit and causing her to whine, hips bucking when he presses himself against her.

She nods and closes her eyes.

"My perfect little kitten," he murmurs, his voice dark with lust. His fingers dip between her legs and she tries to clench her inner thighs together, but his hand between her legs is too big for her to close them. The tip of her tail closes over her and she thinks that's enough, but he brushes it aside easily, touching her right between her legs and rubbing her weeping slit.

"Master?" she whimpers.

"Shh," he hums close to her neck. "I can smell your heat nearing, kitten. Will you let me help you?"

The moment his fingers brush against her clitoris, she yelps and brings her hands to her mouth to stop the noise.

"No, darling. I want to hear you," he says, using his free hand to guide her hand away. She starts whimpering straight away. He shifts her body so that she's straddling him inside the tub, unable to close her legs together at all.

"Master, I don't- It feels weird," she whines when his fingers find her clit again. She can feel the head of his cock touching her body too and it sends a shiver down her neck.

He smirks and gently starts to ease his finger back and forth, rubbing between her slit.

It feels good but so weird too. She doesn't know if this is supposed to be how sex works because she thinks it should involve more than just his fingers, so she asks him as much. Then, she pouts when all he does is chuckle.

"No, love. This isn't sex. This is just getting you ready for my cock," he chuckles again. "My little virgin," his voice drops, pupils going dark. "Were you waiting for me, darling? My perfect little virgin mate," he rumbles, pressing a kiss on the corner of her lips.

She blinks up at him and licks her lips. She suppose he's right. She has been waiting for him. She's never felt this way before, not even when the other man was rubbing his scent on her and biting on her neck, trying to mate her and claim her. She doesn't move away when he leans forward and captures her lips. Her eyes closes and she moans without meaning to when his fingers brushes against her heat. She feels herself growing wet there and wants to pull his fingers away so he doesn't find out. Maybe he won't. They're still submerged in the water.

"Are you cold, darling? Your'e shivering," he says as he runs his fingers over her skin.

She inhales sharply, her muscles clenching. "Scared," she whispers, ears perked back, her fluffy tail all coiled up and still trying her best to avoid getting it all soaked. She doesn't like getting her tail wet.

"There's nothing to be frightened of, darling," he says. "I'll be gentle," he promises and slides his finger between her slit into her tight hole.

She makes a noise between a whimper and a whine and he growls, surging up to swallow her little noises in his mouth even though he said he wanted to hear her earlier. She can feel his fingers moving inside of her, sliding past tight walls and opening them up with his thick finger. He gets a second finger inside of her, the penetration coming with a slight burn that hurts so good. She's sweating from the heat of arousal and he licks into her mouth, leaving his scent inside of her.