Her assaulter forgets that she's underneath him. Or he forgets how small and fragile she is because he lets his weight drop on top of her and his grip fall on her neck and she can't breathe. She can't breathe.

Chapter Seven: Bath

She doesn't stay unconscious for long. She wakes with a shuddering inhale and several other deep breathes, eager to refill the air in her lungs.

"That's it, love." Her Master's voice is soft and soothing. "Deep breaths," he coaxes, one hand curled possessively on the back of her neck, the other on her chest as he cradles her to him.

Master's carrying her in his arms and she is sitting comfortably in his lap. It's nice here. She thinks she could go back to sleep like this.

"No, no, darling," he growls. "You have to stay awake," he cautions.

"Master?" she murmurs, blinking awake unsteadily.

Master looks pained, but he doesn't smell injured. There are lines between his brows, like he's thinking very hard. She reaches out to try and smooth them away.

"What's wrong?" she asks and tries to look around and find out what's upset her Master so much. She grimaces when the movement stretches her neck and then she remembers what's happened. Her scent must have soured with anxiety immediately because he pulls her up closer.

"I'm here now, love. It's alright. No one's going to hurt you." Master rubs soothing circles at her chest, where a bruise is forming already and it hurts a little bit even with his soft touches. He makes soothing, rumbling noises. "I should have had someone guard you," he says. He sounds like he's in pain too.

She squints at him and notices there are specks of blood around his mouth. She leans up, wanting to clean the wound, but he pulls back violently. "Master?" she whimpers, hurt by how much he didn't want her to touch him.

"Don't, love. That's not my blood," he says, wiping the back of his hand across his cheek. "Let's get you in the bath, okay? I had the water running earlier."

He must really hate how she smells right now if he already has water running in the bath. She doesn't really like baths, but he is still a little wolf-like, fangs still long, the hands around her torso more claws than fingers. He's rumbling a little too. "Okay, Master," she says and he offers her a wobbly smile as he stands.

Master's really strong. He carries her to the bathroom and she tries to peer over his shoulder to see what's happened to the others. She can scent the blood around the apartment, but there hasn't been any noise.

"Don't look." Master presses her face closer to his neck, shielding her eyes from view, but not before she had caught a glimpse of b

lood splattered all over the walls of their once pristine apartment. Dried blood is on the floor and drenched over his beautiful upholstery. The door is locked though, and they seem to be the only two people left.

"Oh no," she murmurs and he freezes, waiting for her to continue. "The house is dirty, Master."

He chuckles and nods. "That's fine, love. We're not going to stay here," he says. "I came as soon as the alarm went off," he says, lowering her onto the edge of the tub and peeling off her dress. It is- was a nice dress. It's drenched in blood now, the strap torn and unsalvageable. He tears off the dress to get it off quicker and she makes a wounded noise.

"I like that dress, Master," she whines.

"I'll buy you another," he promises, kissing the top of her head. "Any dress you want, love. But we're throwing this one. It smells like him."

"Oh." She hadn't thought of that. The house must smell pretty horrible to him right now. She perches on the side of the tub and watches as he takes off his clothes too. They're black, so she can't tell if it's dirty, but she can smell blood on them too. "Did you get hurt, Master? "she asks.

He shakes his head. "Of course not, darling. They're only human."

They had traps and there were so many of them, she wants to say, but it kind of hurts her to talk. She looks down on her naked body, seeing bruises blossoming between her breasts and up towards her neck. She thinks it would probably be worse at her neck, what with the man biting her so roughly earlier, and then choking her with his fingers around her throat. She makes a whimpering noise without meaning to and Master's by her side instantly, kneeling in front of him with his hand on her cheek, prompting her to look at him.

"I'm here, love. It's alright," he tells her.

She swallows the lump in her throat and nods. "I know, Master," she says. "There was- there was a man too," she starts, tentative and uncertain. "Like me?" she whispers.

"The one wearing a wolf pelt but is too much of a coward to challenge me properly?" he is growling as his say this, his chest rumbling with barely-concealed anger.

She nods.

"He'll live," is all he says. He takes her hands and wipes it with a wet towel, getting rid of the blood smeared on the tips of her fingers and under her nails. "Poor kitten," he coos, his tone shifting so abruptly that she is a little bit startled. Mostly, she finds herself enjoying how good it feels to have his warm hands on hers, how right it feels. "Were you scared?" he asks.

"A little," she whispers. She was terrified, but everything's alright now. Her Master's here.

"But you were very brave," he says.