He snarls and unleashes his claws. He can probably get this done without jostling her.

"No," Jake grabs him by his arm. "You can't make a scene here," he warns through clenched teeth. None of them are happy about this.

She clings to his neck and he knows that the last thing he wants to do is cause her more trauma. "You're right," he says into her hair. "I'll just bring her home," he continues, knowing that would cause a stir, but not caring in the least.

His parents would agree with his decision. They've been looking forward to having her in their family and possibly expanding their little pack. His father is too old to sire more children, obviously.

Professor Snow lunges forward, as though he's ready to tackle him. "You can't take her out of the university! She's public property!" he yells and really, that's the worst thing he could say in a room full of wolves who already feel like public property, all their rights stripped in a matter of days. They snarl at the man, fangs bared and looking menacing enough to make the pompous man stumbled back.

He walks out of the doors with his mate. He shouldn't have come to class in the first place, but he's glad he did. He would not have found her if not for it.

Chapter Six: Savage

Even with the fever burning her insides and humiliation making her head spin, she knows calling security is a terrible idea. She sticky everywhere, sweat and come clinging to her skin. Erik is holding onto her so tightly when someone calls campus security and they arrived carrying more weapons than she's ever seen in her life.

A little noise of distress slips from her lips and then she feels his grip on her tighten and a soft press of his lips on her forehead. "It's alright, dove," he says. "I can handle this."

The other werewolves are trailing behind them, following them out of the university. "I didn't know," Jack says. "I've heard what they're doing to some of our kind, but I didn't know they were cruel enough to go through with it."

Erik rumbles something that she doesn't catch. She's drifting in and out of wakefulness. One moment she's in his arms, and then the next moment she opens her eyes, she's on the floor, leaning against the wall. Framed against the light from the open door, she sees Erik gathering himself up into an animal crouch and leaping for the nearest man pointing a gun at them.

The other wolves are shifting too and she curls up when she hears electric prods being used to move the shifters away, pellet guns firing off and doing nothing to stop the wolves pushing them down.

She notices that the wolves aren't hurting the men, using claws and fangs to break the weapons. It's a show of power, a reminder that they don't have to be civilized.

A pair of boots come from outside her field of vision and stops right in front of her face. She twists her neck to look up and sees a man reaching for her. She blinks and the man is in a crumpled pile on the opposite side of the wall.

Erik is in front of her, reaching out with one clawed hand to touch her cheek. "Alright, dove?"

"Yes," she says, closing her head and leaning her face to the palm of his hand, breathing slowly. Now that she's no longer being held captive by strangers touching her everywhere, she feels shaky, all the fear she had pushed back in the past few days rising to the surface. She clings to him.

"Stay here a moment longer, dove. I've got to go make an example out of them," he says. "Stay, alright?"

He steps aside and says something to one of the shifted wolves. She blinks and then a giant wolf is poised in front of her, snarling at anyone who so much as looks in her direction.

She sleeps.

Chapter Seven: Mating

A year later, she's sprawled out on the comfortable couch in their new home. Her muscle feel pleasantly sore from various... activities over the past few days. She had just finished her heat and it's the first one she had spent with the rest of his pack members.

Erik is only happy with sharing because she's carrying his cubs already, stomach full and heavy. It's getting harder and harder for her to move around and they hadn't really expected her heat to arrive at all because she shouldn't be having her heat at all since she's already pregnant, but her body has been a little weird ever since she was captured by those scientists in the laboratory and injected with a cocktail of medication to make her head spin.

She can feel his eyes on her, watching from where he's lying. It makes her mind spin at how much things have changed in a year. Erik's sort of famous now. He is still studying, but it seems he has a

career waiting for him in politics.

Things are a little bit of a mess after the fight Erik had unintentionally instigated at the university. It became the catalyst to what is later known as the Great Shifter Revolution. They have a Cat shifter as president now, as impossible as that sounds. Pictures of her being carried out of the university in Erik's arms had gone viral and was used as an example of the inhumane treatment the shifters have had to suffer.

There were a lot of fights after that. A lot of discussion between groups and then, an international discussion with shifter leaders from other countries chiming in and showing their support. The president stepped down under the immense pressure and a Shifter took his place.

She only knows most of what's happened through stories that she sees in the news later.

"Feeling alright, dove?" he asks, walking forward to press a kiss on her forehead.

"Sticky," she admit with a little grimace. She's curled up on the couch and one of Erik's packmates has an arm wrapped around her pregnant belly. She's a little sweaty and feels a little bit gross because she's stuffed so full with come. One of his packmates still has his knot inside of her and Erik's patience with sharing her seems to have run dry. He snarls at his sleeping packmate who comes awake with a bitten off yelp that causes her to flinch in shock and jerk almost off of the couch.

Erik reacts quickly, lurching forward to catch her before she falls. He's careful not to put too much pressure on her belly. She's carrying triplets and the doctors say they have to be extra careful with her. She had been feeling particularly round and heavy, but her heat hit her unexpectedly and the other wolves had to fight each other for the 'honor' of mating with her. It made her brain spin and also gave her a very good boost of self-esteem.