She had been so afraid that he was just toying with her in the beginning of their relationship but as the time passes, she begins to understand that she's not just a passing obsession for him. He wants to keep her and she's immeasurably grateful for that. Master Darius is a kind master. She's heard plenty of horror stories about how young shifters like her are taken from their homes and forced to be pack whores, filled until they're always full and heavy with cubs or put to work in a brothel. But Master Darius has never treated her with anything but kindness, even if he can be a little overbearing sometimes.

She hasn't been outside ever since she moved in here years ago.

Not that she's not grateful for Master Darius because she is.

It's just-

She's bored all the time when he's not here with her. She gets he has to go to work, but she wishes he will spend all his time with her.

She's eighteen now and she thinks she's old enough to leave the apartment on her own but she also understands that it's a risk. Master Darius is a very powerful man. People would want to hurt her just for that and he's terrified of her getting hurt. Her little stunt climbing on the ledge made sure she's no longer allowed anywhere now. It's hard to miss the heavy chains linking her ankles together.

She remembers what the officer said though. She gets them off once she's mated. She wonders if Master Darius would mate with her. She could be happily mated to him. It would be just like what they're doing already, except he would pet her more and put cubs inside her belly. Just thinking about it makes her a little giddy, which is silly because she knows she's just a pet. She's not someone Master Darius would want to mate with. There's nothing special about her except for that fact that she's not completely human, not with her cat ears and long fluffy tail.

Feeling a little unhappy now, she presses the hard green side of the sponge into a particularly stubborn piece of food and lets the soapy water soak in before scrubbing hard. It does

n't come off. She considers being more forceful about it, but everything in the house is expensive and delicate. She doesn't want to break anything.

Huffing, she sets the plate down and lets it soak. She washes her hands and crosses her arms, glaring at the stain as though that would be enough to make it disappear.

Master Darius isn't home right now, which makes her a little bit upset too. She misses him. He's been out since early that morning after pressing a kiss on her forehead and telling her to behave herself. He's ridiculous. She always behaves herself. She wishes he would take her outside with him but knows why he can't. It's nice to fantasize about being free, but she remembers when she was free to go outside. Her hand comes to the collar around her throat automatically. It's a pretty little thing, silver and gold with sparkling colorful gemstones that makes her look more like she's wearing a decorative choker instead of a collar. Master Darius bought it for her on her seventeenth birthday last year. She loves it.

Alpha Franklin used to collar her too, but that was leather and metal thing that would bite into her skin and make her chaff something horrible. This one is much lovelier. And even though Alpha Franklin used to bring her outside, she knows it's only so he can show her off. Like she's something for him to show off in the first place. She remembers people looking at her weird because of her ears and tail. She knows shifters like her aren't protected by law. She's something in between human and animal. Someone could snatch her off the streets and take advantage of her.

Master Darius keeps her home to keep her safe.

She just wishes he would come home soon. It's almost eight. She doesn't like it when he doesn't have dinner with her.

As if summoned by her maudlin thoughts, the apartment door slides open. She stands up automatically, her ears and tail perking up in anticipation. Between one heartbeat and the next, Master Darius is in front of her, standing at the archway to the kitchen.

"Welcome home, Master Darius," she greets with a cherry smile, happy to see him already. She walks over to greet him, wanting to rub off the scent of strangers and outside and replace it with her own.

"Hello there, pet," he says, interrupting her steps.

She stops moving. She tilts her head and peers at him with her brows furrowed. He's never called her that before. Her nostrils flare as she tries to scent the air discreetly and see if anything's different with Master Darius. He smells a little bit like cooking alcohol. He doesn't look too different than usual, though he's not wearing one of his many fancy suits for once. Maybe he had gone to the gym after work and changed into something else? He has on a white, long-sleeved shirt that stretches across his chest in a way that she is determined not to notice and a pair of black leather pants that cling to his skin obscenely, leaving little the imagination. She looks away before her gaze can go anywhere inappropriate, keeping her eyes firmly on her feet.

He feels as intimidating as ever, even without looking at him. She doesn't know if it's just something Alphas are capable of naturally, or if he's just used to looking scary all the time. It'll take a little bit of time before he winds down and starts relaxing, so she's not too worried about how tense he's carrying himself right now.

"I didn't think you' would still be here," he says, which doesn't make any sense at all to her. "Happy birthday, darling," he says with a sharp grin of excitement. It's not an expression she's used to seeing him wear very often. There's something odd about him, something she can't put her finger to. "Did you have a nice day, pet?" he asks.

"It's my birthday?" she squeaks. She doesn't keep track of the days here very much but it feels like they've only just celebrated her seventeenth birthday.

"Of course it is, pet," he says, ignoring her grimace when she hears the word again. The way the word rolls off his tongue makes her feels prickly. "Happy birthday to you," he says, walking up to her with the grace and strength rolling off him like a beacon, like he's trying to intimidate her into submitting.

She doesn't understand why. Startled, she takes a step back, and then another and another as he keeps moving with her until her back his the kitchen counter, the hard line of the counter digging into her lower back and pinning her tail with it. She gasps when his arms brace on either side of her, fingers curled over the edge, trapping her in an immovable cage that is his body.

Her heart pounds erratically in her chest at the knowledge that she's trapped with nowhere to run, but she knows her Master Darius would never hurt her. He's close enough that she doesn't need her special senses to smell the alcohol in his breath.

"You're very lovely, pet," he says, leaning even closer.

She has nowhere else to run. "Master?" she squeaks, her voice several pitches higher than normal.

His pupils dilate upon hearing the title from her lip.s His exhales fill her lungs as she inhales and her cat ears swivel back anxiously, tail curled around her waist.

He looks strange, predatory almost, his eyes dark and filled with something that makes her heart beat even harder in her chest. He looks like a wolf who's just about to pounce and she's the rabbit stupid enough to be cornered. She grasps the front of his shirt without thinking, hoping that her arms in front of her will provide some sort of shield.

"Master?" she tries again and sees the way his eyes zone in on her lips, pupils blown so wide his entire eyes have gone fully dark. "What's wron-"

He kisses her, mouth hot and insistent, tongue pressing at her lips. She doesn't remember to breathe, not even when his hand curls around the back of her neck and pulls her closer, his other arm winding around her waist to press them flush together, pinning her arms between them.