Shifter Domination 4

Cruel, Kind Love

Domination | Size Difference | MFM

Marilynn Fae

Copyright 2019 Marilynn Fae

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. No part in this book may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or distributed without permission of the author or publisher.

This steamy short story contains scenes inappropriate for 18-years and below. A cat shifter with cat ears and a fluffy long tail falls into a relationship with an older Werewolf Alpha. It contains domination and submission, pet-play, size-difference (large males, petite female) knotting, double penetration, and rough sex.


The first time Aria sees someone like her, she is walking behind her pack Alpha, his fingers curled around the handle of her leash, tugging her behind him as he walks. She used to be upset about how she isn't allowed out without being leashed, but that was years ago, when she didn't understand that she's different. She's older now. She understands things.

Aria isn't like the other cat shifters in her pack. Her cat ears and fluffy long tail that she can't keep hidden no matter what she does stops her from being wholly human, but she isn't wholly animal either. Somewhere stuck in between.

"Hurry up, pet," Alpha Franklin says, tugging her onward like she's dragg

ing behind on purpose. The yank makes her stumble over her feet a few steps and she gasps as he hands go instinctively to her neck, where the collar is.

For ever step he takes, she has to take two quick jogs and she's running to keep up. Her slippers feel like lead shoes on her feet as she trudges through the thick snow that has materialized over the morning while nobody was paying attention. She's glad for her tail and the warmth it provides, but it would be even better if she could have the warms jackets the other are wearing instead of a t-shirt that's too big for her and a pair of pants that's held up by a belt. She wishes they would pause for breath but she knows asking for a break would only make things worse for her later on.

Alpha Franklin stops so abruptly that she almost walks into the back of his legs. She takes a few grateful breaths, liking the way her exhales causes frost in the cold, winter air.

It is only when she looks up that she understands why they're stopped at all. There is a crowd in front of them in the middle of the road, blocking their path. Not that anyone seem to care so much about being blocked, their expressions bright and unreadable. It frightens her a little how her packmates s are looking towards the middle of the crowd and then glancing at her with knowing smirks.

The hair on the back of her neck rises. She doesn't like the way they're looking at her.

Neither does Auntie Darla, since she takes a brave step forward to shield her from view.

The crowd in front of them part enough for her to see a glimpse of skin, a woman with large floppy ears like that of a rabbit's and an expression frozen in something she doesn't quiet understand. Her lips part and she lets out a loud cry that is a mixture of pain and pleasure. There's a flash of torn clothes and a peculiar slapping noise that makes her ears swivel up with interest. There's a man behind her and he is holding onto her hips, pushing her towards him with an urgency that causes the lady to lean arch forward every time he moves. She doesn't understand what she's seeing.

"Alpha?" she asks, brows furrowed as she tries to peer past the crowd and see more. She thinks the lady is naked, but that can't be right. People don't get naked in the middle of the street.

Darla is the one who responds instead of their Alpha, who is so engrossed in the scene that he moves forward and forgets he's holding onto her leash, tugging her into the crowd carelessly. She's afraid that the leash would get caught somewhere and she'll be tugged away by someone else, so she tries to pull back a little, hoping Alpha Franklin would notice that she's not catching up behind him as quickly as she should be.

"Alpha Franklin. Perhaps you should leave her here with me?" Darla grabs onto her arm, sensing his distraction, snaps the leash off closes to her neck and yanks her back.

She gasps when she's pulled into Darla's arms, the woman twisting around swiftly and pulling her away from the crowd, putting as much distance as she can between them without straying too far.

"Auntie Darla?" she looks up at the woman in confusion. "Auntie Darla, I want to see too," Aria says, holding her arms up, expecting her favorite auntie to pick her up so she can have a look at what's gotten everyone's attention. She knows if she strains her ears, she can probably hear the commotion, but there are too many noises and she's not very good at isolating sounds yet. The beanie also keeps her from hearing things clearly. The material is scratchy and she sort of hates it, but Alpha Franklin forbids her from taking it off when they're in public.

Darla blinks at her for a few seconds, as if the request is so ludicrous that she doesn't know where to begin. "Darling," she starts, a ghost of a smile on her face. "Maybe when you're older, hmm?" she says and pat her head like she's a child.

Aria huffs and shuffles closer to Auntie Darla, who's nice and warm. Auntie Darla looks around and makes sure the rest of their pack members aren't paying them any attention, and then opens up her jacket and tugs her in to share her warmth.

"Stay close, darling," she says.

"Why, Auntie Darla?" Aria asks.

"It's dangerous," an unfamiliar voice answers her and she turns to look at the stranger by their side. He's a very tall man. She has to tilt her head all the way up to the sky to see him. He has very pretty eyes. She wonders if his hair is as soft as it looks.

Auntie Darla's arm stiffens around her and Aria doesn't understand why Auntie Aria is afraid. He looks kind. "Why is it dangerous?" Aria wants to know.

His expression softens. "Because you're special," he says.