What? She freezes at that because there's no way she heard that right. There's no way-

"You've never played with yourself before, darling?"

She shakes her head immediately because it's true. She's never so much as touch herself between her legs. She's just been so busy with everything and it's not like there's time for her to be experimenting with - with fisting herself, not when she's never even experienced vaginal sex!

"It'll be pleasant, trust me," he says. "Intense, but very good."

She doesn't trust him at all. To make matters worse, he doesn't appear the least affected by how much she's beginning to panic again. If anything, he seems to be enjoying it, taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around her and soothe her on his lap, bouncing his legs a little like she's an infant. "I don't- I don't want-" she blabbers, finally finding her voice. She wishes she hadn't spoken at all. Her voice sounds too shrill to her own ears, the notes a little off, and she's whining like a child who doesn't want to go to a doctor's visit.

It all just makes her cry again, tears wetting his expensive suit jacket, hiccuping noises from her throat. Not for the first time, she wishes she wasn't human. If she was a Shifter of some sort, or a vampire, at least they wouldn't want her to do this. She knows it's a problem with their society. No humans are unbonded past the age of twenty. Once they're eighteen, they're married off or 'adopted' by a pack or a vampire coven. The lucky ones get themselves bitten quickly.

The only reason why she managed to stay alone for so long is because they had money. Keyword being 'had'. Her mother being sick had drained their accounts.

"Shh..." he coos. "It'll be alright, darling. No one's going to hurt you."

She knows for a fact that he's lying because it hurts now. Just thinking about how much her life is going to change makes her feel sick.

Her hitched breaths have only just started to calm when the car pulls to a stop in front of a large white building with no discernible signs on any of five floors. Someone opens his door from the outside and he shifts her in his lap and, to her horror, steps out of the car carrying her in his arms easily. She tries to struggle out of his lap, but his grip tightens to the point of pain around his waist and he whispers a hissed, "Stay still or I'll bite."

She freezes and hides her face in the nape of his neck, hiding herself from anyone's gaze, hoping everything will just go away and she'll wake up and this is all just a weird dream.

"Has she gotten her first dose already?" a warm voice asks from beside them.

"Yes," Peter says. "Had a small panic attack in the car, but I handled it. Is Ethan ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"And the camera crew?"

The camera crew? She doesn't like the sound of that, but she's feeling too comfortable where she is to look up

and figure out where he's taking her. She thinks she could close her eyes and fall asleep right here and everything would be just fine when she wakes.

Hair falls over her eyes and shields her from strange gazes. She yawns and her mouth closes around his suit. She mouths at him a little, finding solace in the sucking.

"Are you sleepy, love?" he asks. "Sleep," he tells her. "We can get everything ready while you're sleeping."

The rational part of her knows that sleeping is the worst thing she could do. She doesn't know these men and she doesn't know where she's at. But his hands rub soothing circling on her back and he's telling her that it's safe to sleep. He'll take care of everything for her. It'll be easier if she's asleep. She closes her eyes and yawns. Seconds later, she's out like a light.

Chapter Four: Hogtied

When she wakes, she feels oddly clean and soft, like someone had washed and soaped her, and then rubbed lotion all over her body while giving her a full body massage. She realizes that may have been exactly what's happened because when she looks down, she sees that she's completely naked and spread out on top of a smooth surface with only a towel on her back. She's curled to her side and to her horror, is sucking her thumb in her sleep.

She yanks her hand away immediately. It's a terrible habit. One that she managed to train herself out of doing in public.

She starts to panic immediately, sitting straight up and struggling to climb to her feet. Her legs feel too heavy and she can't move her lower body much at all. There's a slight, stinging sensation between her legs and oddly enough, on her ass as well. Inside her ass to be specific. She frowns, not understand why she would feel this way.

Did they- did they clean her while she was asleep? Both outside and in? Her skin prickles at the thought of strangers touching her when she's not awake, fingers against her skin and rubbing her down.

Her legs wobble after the first step and then she's sinking onto the floor, too weak to do anything but lean against the wall as she looks around her. She's in a bathroom of some sort, one with too much space and porcelain everywhere she looks.

Her heart hammers too fast against her rib cage, threatening to leap through the solid bones and escape her body. There are men all around her, cameras in their hands pointing to her and the tell-tale green dot informing her that she's being recorded. She stares at them in abject horror. "What'- what's happening?" she murmurs.

"Ah, it seems to be time for her second dose," a man in a white suit says, approaching her with a needle from the door. He kneels down in front of her and her eyes are immediately drawn to the sharp needle in his grip. There is a droplet of white at the needlepoint. "It will only sting for a second," he says, reaching for her arm.

"No," she yelps, kicking her leg out at him when he starts towards her. Or she tries to. Her legs feel like jelly, too weak to even kick out properly. He grabs her by her ankle and gives her a smile that is probably meant to be reassuring but she's too busy staring at how bare her leg looks, and then further down her thigh to her hips, she sees that her pubic area has been shaved clean as well. Her jaw falls open and she blinks at her body for a few seconds before she's panicking anew, kicking and pushing herself back and away. "No, no, no," she cries, kicking her legs out at him.

She yelps in surprise when Peter suddenly appears by her side and yanks her back and into his lap, pulling her to his chest and holding her still with relative ease. "Shh... It's alright, darling. You just need to get your medicine and you'll be just fine," he says, holding her still.