Page 10 of The Italian's Price

Waiting for the rotors to come to a standstill, he angled himself into his seat and studied his passenger through narrowed luxuriantly veiled eyes.

Lying, cheating, devious minx! He wondered idly how she thought she would get away with it and what her motive had been in the first place then dismissed the consideration as unimportant.

Two could play that game and he'd make a better fist of it than she had.

She was staring ahead her shoulders rigid beneath the silky blue top she was wearing above cropped, narrow fitting white jeans. She hadn't said a word since they'd left the villa, not even to ask where he was taking her, lush mouth downtimes like a sulky teenager, the only indication that anything was seriously amiss being the stark apprehension in those deep emerald eyes.

He could understand the apprehension. She was afraid of being found out. As well she might be' she was on decidedly shaky ground and must know it.

When he'd taken that call from the English agent back there on the mainland airstrip, he'd been icily furious but not driven by surprise. He'd been puzzled ever since he'd escorted Nonna's absconding companion back to the villa and the flare of triumph over running the devious little thief to earth had died down sufficiently to let him see clearly.

The agent had made short work of discovering that there were two of them.

JiIly Lee and MiIly Lee .

Identical twins.

His overriding imperative had been to wash his hands of the imposter give her a well-deserved tongue lashing then walk away, leaving her standing on the airstrip, head back to the villa letting her find her own way back to England as best she could.

But in the space of time it took him to draw breath common sense had overcome his icy fury that she had believed she could make a fool of him-and even worse deceive his beloved grandmother.

To return to the villa now and explain everything to Nonna would be to deal her a severe blow. He couldn't do it. Not yet. It would ruin the happiness she was currently enjoying. The company of her old friend-who hadn't needed much in the way of pressure to agree to the last minute invitation to visit-and secure in the knowledge that her vibrant young companion was back in harness her matchmaking tendencies surfacing again in her delight at his suggestion that he whisk her companion away to the island.

Nonna was old she was frail and he loved her. Let her be happy for a little while longer.

His original intention to use the time on the island to solve the puzzle himself was now redundant.

But he could amuse himself at her expense-she owed him a little light entertainment-and when she least expected it he would hit her with the fact that he knew the truth and hope to shock her sister's whereabouts from her assuming the Italian and English agents had drawn a blank.

'You can get out now.' Softly spoken his condemning eyes on her delightful profile as he tried to read what went on inside that devious head.

The sisters were identical in face and body but this one has an air of softness, almost vulnerability, about her that the other patently lacked. With her short blonde hair trailing soft tendrils against her tender nape and those startlingly green eyes she looked almost childlike. But there was nothing childlike about the full, pert breasts, tiny waist and luscious hips.

Gorgeous on the outside but inside they were, b0th of them bent as corkscrews-she had to be just as devious and self serving as her much more in-your-face twin.

She gave no response, just the merest dip of her head to acknowledge she had heard him her hands eventually straying with slow reluctance to the heavy-duty clasp of her seat belt.

Scared witless? As she had every right to be. Expecting him to bombard her with Italian, force her to confess she didn't understand a word of the language and reveal her true identity. She would be quaking in her shoes waiting for the axe to fall.

His smile was self-admittedly victorious as his feet touched the ground. He would gently erase the fear, lull her into a false sense of security. And then hit her with his knowledge. Not exactly ethical, he conceded but Dio! Nobody treated Nonna like a cash cow or a dupe and got away with it-not while he had breath in his body!

It felt as though all the ants in the world were charging up and down her spine wearing spiked boots Milly decided feverishly. In sickening mental turmoil, she watched as Cesare lifted down her old suitcase and shouldered his own rucksack. Reaching down for her case he set off up the stony track at speed, leaving Milly with no option but to follow.

She had no idea why he had brought her here. Whatever his reason, it didn't augur well for her, she acknowledged edgily. It certainly wasn't for the good of her health! He thought she was a thief a common con-woman and she in her role as Jilly, hadn't denied it and sought to clear her name as her maligned sister most surely would have done. She had just gone along with his dictates, seeing it as the only way to keep her sister out of his vindictive clutches and the cold hands of the law.

But she had the terrifying feeling that the deception would soon be discovered, laid bare before his contemptuous gaze. And then the hunt for the real Jilly Lee would be back on with a vengeance.

It wouldn't take long. AII he had to do was start conversing in Italian. Without his grandmother's rules there was no reason why he shouldn't use his native language and expect her to understand most, if not all, of it.

Knowing she had failed miserably and done her sister's cause no good at all she was unable to concentrate on where she was going when her foot hit a rock and emitting a sharp cry of alarm she fell flat on her face and lay spreadeagled in the growing heat of the sun. Winded, humiliated, short moments later she felt herself lifted to her feet by two strong hands and her eyes sparkled like fine jewels with unshed tears of chagrin.

'Are you hurt'?' Milly gulped for much needed oxygen and shook her head. Two displaced tears trickled down her

pale-with-shock cheeks. He actually s

ounded as if he cared his eyes narrowing with what looked suspiciously like concern as his gaze swept down the length of her shaken body.

His hands were on her slender shoulders now. They felt reassuring, comforting. She had the insane impulse to move closer to that strong, lean body, lay her troubled head against his broad chest and seek solace .