No way!

Outwardly compliant Milly preceded him into the coolness of the marble paved reception hall then watched as Saracino handsome as all-get-out in the superbly styled light grey suit that drew attention to his broad back narrow hips and long, elegantly strong legs, walked purposefully towards one of the gleaming, intricately carved doors that led off this huge space.

Then she dragged in a deep breath and scampered after Stefano as he mounted the sweeping staircase congratulating herself on disregarding the boss's orders and discovering where Jilly's room was and avoiding the ignominy of pretending a shod-term memory loss and having to confess to forgetting which room was hers!

Concentrating hard she followed Stefano as he turned left where the magnificent staircase branched down a panelled corridor hung with portraits and landscapes in heavy gilded frames counting doors to left and right.

First hurdle over! It was the only positive thought she'd had since leaving England when Stefano opened the third door on the right.

Smartly suppressing the instinctive cry of delight, she entered the room that had been supposedly hers for the last few months the most beautiful room she had ever seen with its soft ivory-coloured carpet panelled walls colour-washed in the same shade gleaming antique furniture and the most opulent tester bed she had ever laid eyes on, layers of white lace topped by a satin quilt in a lovely shade of dusky rose, the whole enclosed with gauzy drapes. Not to mention the magnificent vaulted wooden ceiling, painted with scags of flowers cherubs and exotic birds.

Placing her luggage on the low chest at the foot of the bed, Stefano said in passable English, 'Not to use the smart valonia the Signora buy for you'?' As his glance rested on the old hold-all and shamefully battered suitcase into which she had stuffed Jilly's lovely clothes she understood his meaning, found a smile and invented rapidly, ‘I didn't want it to get scuffed; I wanted it to stay smart.'

Which earned her a beam of approval and the self-congratulatory thought that so far she was doing just fine. Which lasted precisely five seconds, the time it took for Stefano to exit and for her to realise that she was facing her reflection in a full length pier glass.

Staring at herself, she simply couldn't believe Saracino hadn't seen through the deception! True, feature for feature, she and Jilly were identical, but where her twin walked and held herself with sublime confidence she drooped! Hastily hauling her shoulders back she pushed her fringe out of her eyes. Eyes innocent of any artifice. Unfortunately Jilly hadn't left any of her cosmetics behind, just the clothes she'd worn a couple of times and grown tired of. So Milly had had to do the best she could with her usual moisturizer and rarely used rose-pink lipstick. Totally different from the trade mark scarlet pout heavily darkened lashes and expertly applied foundation eye shadow and blusher.

No wonder Saracino had made that scathing remark about toning down her act! She was going to have to try harder! Make herself act, walk and talk like her sister, because if she didn't then sooner or later-probably sooner-she would be rumbled. The thought terrified her so much that she felt nauseous as she made her way back to the huge hall.

Where Saracino was waiting, pacing, and clearly not pleased. His nostrils flared, dark eyes shooting a dire warning at her, he bit out, ‘I told you to wait here.'

Inwardly quailing, Milly straightened her spine. Never mind how Jilly would have reacted to this ogre in the guise of an Adonis she Milly, wasn't going to be spoken to as if she were a dim-witted form of low-life.

‘So you did.' Proud of her dulcet tone, achieved with great self-control, she added serenely, ‘But I needed the bathroom. Now I will make my apologies to Nonna.'

'she is not your grandmother. I won't have a creature like you presuming family connections' The sensual mouth compressed with distaste as he took her arm in ungentle fingers. 'You will address her as Filomena as you always have done and as Saracino when speaking to the staff on her behalf.'

Little did he know it but because of her slip of the tongue he was being a great help. This thought buoyed her a little as he practically frog-marched her through an intricately carved door that led into a sitting room of beautiful proportions.

Tall windows lay open to an arcaded stone veranda admitting the soft spring light that gleamed back from gilded looking glasses and exquisite inlaid furniture. But Milly's attention wasn't for the obvious grandeur of the surroundings, it was all for the beaming elderly mauve-clad lady seated in a throne-like chair that dwarfed her frail body, b0th hands held out in welcome.

‘silly-naughty girl! Running away without a wordl' The warmth of the tone and the smile that went with it robbed her words of any sting. score, let me look at you.'

Unnervingly conscious of a pair of hard black eyes boring into the back of her head Milly went forward on legs that felt like wet cotton wool uncomfortably aware that if she put a foot wrong Filomena Saracino would see right through her and out her as the imposter she was.

Frail fingers clasped her own and the warmth of affection flooded through Milly and made her want to weep because the warmth wasn't for her but for her charismatic sister. Jilly, the golden girl only had to turn on that effortless charm of hers to have the recipient eating out of her beautifully manicured hands.

'You've cut off all your hair', why did you do that, child'?' Disconcertingly-her sister was a total stranger to blushes-

Milly felt her face flood with colour.

She hated having to lie to this patently nice old lady. She pulled a breath into her suddenly oxygen-starved lungs and managed 'With the hot weather coming I thought it would be cooler ' and heard behind her a cynical huff of breath. Saracino. He believed she'd done it to try to alter her appearance', he'd said as much at their first meeting.

‘very practical.' The silvery head was tipped arrestingly, the faded eyes lively, ‘It suits you. You look younger', don't you thi nk so Cesare'?' Which elicited no response, but

Milly knew his first name now and that was one more brick in the edifice of deception she was building up-a necessary deception she hastily reassured herself as distaste for the part she was playing flooded her conscience.

The old lady released her hands and prompted gently, 'Now pull up a chair and tell me about the family crisis that took you away from me.'

Silently Cesare placed a delicate upright chair a little to the side and a little in front of where his grandmother was sitting, then took himself across the room to lean against the huge marble fire surround, one arm draped over the top, feet crossed at the ankles.

He might appear relaxed but he wasn't. Those dark hostile eyes didn't leave her for a single moment, Milly noted singingly as she sat on the chair he had provided and tugged the hem of her narrow skirt more demurely over her knees. He was watching her like a hawk to make sure she didn't do or say anything to upset his grandmother or leap up and snatch the rope of pearls from around the old lady's throat and make a run for it, she thought with rising hysteria.

‘It must have been important ' Filomena probed.

‘For you to leave without saying goodbye, or phone me later to tell me what was happening.' Her voice trembled slightly. 6 I really missed you. The days seemed so long and dull without you to brighten them for me.' The eyes that had seemed so lively on her arrival now dulled. 'Would you have come back if Cesare hadn't gone to England to find you?'

A lump the size of a small planet formed at the base of her throat and from the opposite side of the room Cesare put in as smooth and deadly as black ice ‘Don't upset yourself Nonna. I know Jilly can put your mind at rest.' Dark eyes narrowed on her troubled face and she heard the threat behind hi s seems ugly bland tone .