Page 27 of The Italian's Price

'Say yes' His voice was demanding, his accent thickening, yet there was a trace of uncertainty there and it astonished her more than anything and sent her heart racing.

Then his mouth was on hers and his kiss ravished her until she was incandescent with need and her, 'Yes oh yes! Cesare I love you-so much so very much' brought his head up, his chin at a proud angle. He promised 'You will never regret this amole mia.' His hands on her slim shoulders he held her away from him. 'And now, much as I regret it, we have to dress. Stefano will be here in thirty minutes to drive us back to the villa.'

Bestowing one swift slashing smile on her he stood up, dropped the towel and strode in his glorious nakedness to a chest of drawers pulling out garments at seeming random. His physique was so perfect it took her breath away and unable to move a muscle filled with such excitement that she thought she might explode from an overdose of happiness she excused his ability to snap back in an instant to the business at hand.

Getting the job done was his modus operandi and she could live with that, she decided meltingly as he told her ‘No second thoughts cara rnia-and provided you agree-we will not tell Nonna of our marriage plans until she is perfectly well and strong again.'

He pulled on a pair of light grey chinos and fastened the button at his lean waist imparting, ‘Knowing my stubborn grandmother and her joy to see me marrying at last she will immediately start planning the service the reception the guest list the flowers and your wardrobe.

An earthquake wouldn't stop her. And in her present state of health it would prove to be too much. Do you understand what I mean'?' ‘of course' Milly's eyes sparkled with love at his consideration. And what did it matter if the wedding announcement was delayed for a couple of weeks? ‘Grazie-thank youl' His smile dazzled her. He fastened the buttons of a black silk shirt.

‘Besides, I will be overseas-a business trip that alas I cannot cancel-it will keep me away for several weeks.

When I return we will share our news. And as for Nonna and what she will think when you tell her who you are, do not trouble yourself mi amole. She already knows.'

'She doest' At that shattering information Milly sat bolt upright, her eyes very wide.

‘Indeed.' He was tying a silver-coloured silk tie. ‘I told her before we came here and about your sister's theft. She was not surprised. In fact when I explained that I was bringing you to the Saracino Palace to finally bring things out in the open she begged me not to give you a hard time! She insisted that you must have had good reason because you were too gentle and loving to have harboured a bad one . '

Four determined strides brought him to the bedside. His dark gaze glittering, he reached for her hands and drew her to her feet. 'You have not a single thing to worry about on that score. Now-' he dealt her backside a gentle tap- 'get dressed.'

Cesare had made his excuses and headed for the room set aside for his high-tech office as soon as they returned to the villa, closely followed by the arrival of his PA, a brisk young man, bristling with the efficiency his boss demanded.

Despite Cesare's assurances Milly had been full of trepidation as she'd taken herself to Filomena's room. Her deception had to be unforgettable, didn't it? She felt slightly nauseous at her own uncharacteristic devious behaviour.

But the old lady's delight in seeing her, the warmth of her welcome, laid her anxieties to rest, as did Filomena's immediate and regally imperious demand to sit out on the terrace for a while so that they could enjoy the air and have the talk she'd been itching for ever since Cesare had informed her that she was Milly, her companion's twin sister.

An operation that was treated as a military manoeuvre, everyone from Stefano to the youngest housemaid being enlisted to move the wooden table and benches from the rose-shaded arbour at one side of the terrace to make room for a cushion-piled armchair Rosa herself bringing up the rear with a tray loaded with chilled orange juice and little almond cakes.

‘I was a little puzzled,' Filomena admitted with her beautiful smile as she sat like a queen on her throne as her staff melted away, bas to how my companion had so changed in character! If I had had my wits about me I would have suspected something. Brittleness all gone, replaced with warmth and gentleness. More thoughtfulness.

Your choice of reading matter too' Dickens as opposed to the sex and shopping sagas your sister was so fond of. Please-l'm not saying her company wasn't good for me. At that time it was. I had become bored with myself and being old! Cesare had become convinced I had a death wish! Jilly took me out of it with her amusing chatter, her liveliness and those flashes of charm that were most in evidence when my grandson was around. Sometimes in my room at night I could hear her laughing with him on the path outside my windows, and I thought-no matter. Yes-' she brought herself back to what she had been saying a-such charm. It could make you forgive almost anything.'

‘Even theft'?' Milly had to ask, feeling deep shame on her twin's behalf.

‘Even that. She must have been desperate and I have much wealth. But,' she added with a flash of asperity,

‘I wouldn't condone it as a career choice. Now-we talk of brighter things.'

Over dinner, the first meal Filomena hadn't taken from a tray since her accident, Milly, feeling cold inside because although Cesare had finally joined them he had barely acknowledged her presence, broached the subject of her friend's wedding.

‘Cleo's really keen for me to be her bridesmaid. I'd hate to disappoint her. And I do need to vacate the flat.' She had given up all hope of Jilly ever bothering to try to contact home in the near future. While Cesare had been away she had phoned Cleo and her landlord and had given her contact number should her sister remember she had a family and try to get in touch.

But so far nothing.

Her face glowed with sudden unconcealed pleasure. She would have no need of the flat. She and Cesare were to be married! The thought had the power to rock her even though the way he'd been as good as ignoring her up until now had made her feel invisible! 'And when does this event take place'?' Cesare had joined them at the last minute and it was the first she had seen of him since he'd shut himself away in his office.

She met the cool questioning of his eyes and a wave of intense disappointment surged through her. Last night those eyes had been filled with raw desire sending her up in flames now he was looking at her as if she were a menial asking for time off when it wasn't due to her!

'Around six weeks ' she answered unsteadily. ‘But I'd need to go back to England a couple of weeks earlier. Dress fittings-that sort of thing. I'd come back the day after the wedding.'

His impressively handsome profile was turned to her now. He wasn't looking at her and Milly doubted that he had heard a word she'd said. It was left to Filomena to step into the breach.

'Then of course we must spare you. And who knows you might learn something of your sister's whereabouts. From what you told me earlier I know you worry about her complete disappearance.

Cesare-' her voice sharpened a-you will arrange this'?'

‘Nonna...-' He laid down his cutlery and leant back in his chair,