Page 22 of The Italian's Price

But the door at her side swung open and she found herself staring into that darkly sexy face her stomach flipping as he commanded with impatience at her glued to her seat ‘Come, we are blocking the traffic.'

‘I'm sorry, I thought-' ‘Bastal Just move ' Only now aware of the cacophony of car horns Milly slid out appalled by the way her borrowed miniskirt skidded up to reveal her no-nonsense white panties flushing to the roots of her pale blonde hair as someone vented a loud wolf-whistle. Her colour in no way subsided as Cesare clamped a lean bronzed hand on her elbow and hustled her on to the pavement as a uniformed doorman gave him a deferential greeting.

Respect and genuine warmth enveloped him on all sides Milly noted as he strode with her over the cool marble paving of the immense reception area. She was horribly aware of the same eyes assessing her though .

His staff probably thought she was some slapper he'd picked up off the street and her slim shoulders slumping as she tried to make herself invisible she muttered uncomfortably, ‘I'm not dressed for this place and if you're thinking of eating here-' he had told Filomena he wanted to give her dinner.

‘I'd rather find a back street joint,' and found herself ushered into a private lift and whisked upwards.

Cesare, leaning back against the satin finished steel wall, studied her through veiled eyes. The blonde silk of her hair tumbled into her eyes and her lovely mouth was a mutinous pink pout and she winced whenever she took a step in the ridiculous heels she was wearing. His heart ached for her discomfort and he marvelled at the feeling of guilt that consumed him over what was to come.

Telling her he was fully aware that she was not who she was pretending to be would shame and embarrass her and he hated the thought of that, of doing or saying anything to hurt or discomfit her, and tried to make sense of the immense protective feelings she aroused in him. Shifting his position uneasily he hoped he wasn't turning soft losing his edge! But it had to be done, he reminded himself with cool determination as the doors whispered open directly on to the sitting room of the elegant suite kept exclusively for his use.

Milly's spiky heels sank into the depth of the soft jade-green carpet that covered a vast room in which a group of pale lemon silk-covered upholstered armchairs surrounded a long low marble-topped table the rest of the furniture being ornate antiques, the Tuscan landscapes on the silk-covered walls framed with gilded opulence.

'This suite is kept for my use,' he imparted coolly, slapping down his libido and ignoring the growing need to kiss her again to discover if she would respond as beautifully as she had on that never to be forgotten occasion. 'And for the use of important clients or occasional business colleagues’. Had he brought Jilly here? Had he insisted on conducting their affair away from the prying eyes of his grandmother and his staff at the villa? A shiver coursed

through her and only stopped when she got her brain into gear and remembered that he thought she was Jilly and if he'd brought her here before he wouldn't be making those explanations.

This ridiculous and utterly hateful situation had to end! Gathering all her courage, her confession on the tip of her tongue, her eyes shot to his as he forestalled her. ‘I have something for you.'

His eyes were warm-she would have said tender had she been in the habit of giving way to wild imaginings. And his smile made her forget what she'd been going to say as he led her through to a sumptuous bedroom where half a dozen classy boxes were laid out on the satin coverlet of the enormous half tester bed.

‘I had these delivered. Replacements for the clothes you left behind on the island in your desire to waste not one moment because you understood my haste to fly to Nonna's side. I hope you approve, I explained your size and your characteristics in detail.'

He sounded like a sultan bestowing favours on the newest member of his harem she thought wildly, and just knew the boxes would contain thongs, miniskirts and see-through tops, the sort of overtly sexy stuff Jilly went for-all singing, all dancing, look-at-me stuff! A hand in the small of her back he edged her forwards, towards the bed, but she dug her heels in and said, ‘I can't take theml' And then, because that sounded really ungrateful because he obviously believed he'd been doing her-filly-a favour and no one liked having their generosity and good intentions shoved back at them, she amended, ‘It was a nice thought but I can't take them.'

She dragged in a huge breath and got out in a rush ‘I'm not Jilly. I'm her twin sister. I'm sorry to have deceived you, but I did have my reasons.'

For a long moment Cesare found it impossible to articulate a single word for the flood of relief that took his breath away. Many signs had told him that she was deeply uncomfortable with the situation she had put herself in-or her twin had forced her into-but finally she had found the courage to tell him the truth and saved him from having to accuse her. He admired her for that. More than admired her? He shelved that question and studied her instead.

Her long lashes veiled the brilliance of her eyes as she stared at the floor and her face was pale her shoulders tense as if she were expecting a blow. Or his anger.

Quick to disabuse her of that expectation, he put a gentle forefinger beneath her chin and lifted her face to his .

Her colour returned in a flood. Milly felt it in the hot burn of

her skin as she met the steady intensity of those dark-as-night eyes and dizziness almost overwhelmed her as he announced softly, ‘I know, Milly. I began to have suspicions almost as soon as we reached the villa from England. They were confirmed by telephone on the following morning just before we set out for the island. Jilly Lee had an identical twin, Milly.'

‘Oh!' Her heart began to pound and her knees turned to unset jelly. 'Why? Why didn't you-'?' 'say something'?' he supplied and placing a steadying arm around her waist he led her to a white velvet upholstered chaise and watched while she sank on to it with every appearance of wishing the floor would open up and swallow her.

‘I made a mental date on several occasions to hit you with what I knew but something always happened to make me hold back.' He folded his lean powerful length on to the seat beside her and a smile warmed his voice to smooth honey. 'And in retrospect I'm glad. My first intention was to let you stew during that first day on the island and then come down on you like several tons of bricks. Had I done so I would not have discovered how unlike your twin you really are.'

‘I don't understand,' Milly said strickenly, her breath catching in her throat. He was so close that the spicy, faintly lemony, husky male scent of him was in her nostrils' it made every nerve-ending in her body quiver. She felt punch drunk by his proximity and knew she shouldn't.

A tiny whimper of distress escaped her and Cesare sprang to his feet and strode out of the room so lithe and graceful he made her heart ache, and she didn't know whether to be grateful because the raging anger she'd braced herself to meet hadn't materialized or whether to curl up with smothering humiliation because all the time he'd known she wasn't Jilly and must have been laughing his silk socks off at her useless attempts to pretend she was.

Returning moments later Cesare put a glass into her hands closing her fingers around the cut crystal bowl.

‘A little brandy. You are in shock, I think.'

He sounded so damned complacent! Milly tossed the fiery liquid back and a rare upsurge of rage had her blurting, ‘So all the time you were laughing at me! Watching me make a fool of myself! I hate you ! '

‘No you don't ' Cesare stated with infuriating calm and prised the empty glass from her tense fingers. 'Whatever emotions you have inspired in me mirth wasn't one of them. I admit to being as furious as an angry bull when I first had my suspicions confirmed. That changed to interest. Why had you stepped into your twin's shoes-quite literally-when you are so unlike each other'?'

'Not so' Milly contradicted, the effect of the alcohol in her bloodstream making her reckless. 6We wear our hair differently, that's all. Jilly would never wear hers short, but you weren't to know that.'

‘Superficially you look alike providing one scrapes away the layers of make-up your sister uses.