Page 16 of The Italian's Price

after her shower last night.

Embarrassment colouring her cheeks deep emerald eyes flinchingly sought him beneath the tousled pale silk of her fringe. Sought and locke


Casually leaning against the door-frame incredibly sexy in narrow-fitting jeans and a sleeveless olive green T-shirt he looked magnificent magnetic all male strength lean lines hard muscles.

Her breath stopped in her throat. Her eyes slid up to his face. That slight utterly devastating smile the straight Roman nose that flared a little when he was angry, the dark as night eyes veiled now by impossibly thick and silky lashes.

It was so unfair! If her worldly-wise sophisticated twin, who'd been wrapping besotted males around her little finger ever since she'd reached her late teens, hadn't been able to resist falling for him then how the hell was she supposed to cope? Conquests had always come so easily to Jilly, and had just as easily bored her. She'd always walked away without a single regret. But this time, if her hunch was right, Jilly had met more than her match.

She'd finally fallen in love and Milly couldn't blame her.

Worriedly she recalled that last postcard from Florence. It must have been sent just before Jilly had joined the Saracino household. She had been so sure that in the future money would be no object, that she would be able to repay her debts. She must have been convinced that her new lover would soon be her husband .

'Get ready. We'II eat breakfast on the beach and swim later,' he delivered, fascinated by the blush that bloomed like wild roses on her cheeks. And turned away before he could get too fascinated by her naked state beneath the tangled sheet tangled in a way that left one long, smooth and shapely leg exposed all the way to the apex of a creamy thigh sternly reminding himself of the questions he had lined up for the lying little witch today.

He turned away, leaving the room and Milly released a pent-up sigh of deep relief. She couldn't believe how vulnerable she'd felt, lying here in a sheet and nothing else.

And the way he'd been looking at her, as if he could see right through the fine white cotton! Her whole body blushed and, to take her mind off it, she leapt out of bed and told herself she was doing fine. Just fine.

As she rummaged through her suitcase for something to wear she mentally ticked off all the pros.

So far he still had no idea that she wasn't Jilly.

While that state of affairs remained he wasn't out there hunting down the real Jilly, no doubt with a pair of handcuffs in his pocket.

He hadn't made any attempt to get up close and personal.

She was sensible enough to slap him down if he did. Wasn't she? As for the cons.

There was the rest of the week to get through.

But she could hack it! Sifting through Jilly's cast-offs, she extracted an outrageous black bikini . Three triangles of fabric and a sort of thong thing. Her face went scarlet. Cleo must have added it to the pile while she had been helping her decide what to take. She, Milly, would never dream of flaunting herself in something so revealing! She thrust it back into the case, then sat back on her heels, forcing herself to face facts.

Jilly would have no hesitation in wearing the thing. She was supposed to be Jilly, wasn't she? So, to keep the impersonation going and not get found out she was going to have to behave and dress as her twin would.

Not giving herself time to think about it, she put it on and smartly covered up with a pair of very brief pale lemon coloured shorts the weird sandals and a sleeveless blouse in a toning, slightly darker lemon that tied just below her breasts, leaving her midriff bare, and went down to the kitchen before she could chicken out.

'Coffee.' Cesare pushed a mug of the fragrant brew across the kitchen table. He was seated long legs outstretched encased in faded denim. He was naked to the waist now' the tanned skin that stretched over whipcord muscles gleamed with health and vigour. Milly's throat jerked. He was too much ! Feeling hot and bothered beneath his lazy scrutiny, she took the mug and carried it to the open door and leaned against the frame looking out over the lush green valley so she didn't have to look at him doing her damnedest to appear relaxed.

If only she knew what sort of game he was playing! It seemed as though he was making up the rules as he went along! Before they'd arrived on the island he'd treated her as if she were beneath contempt dark eyes filled with cold scorn reinforcing what she already knew. That he was only suffering her presence beneath his roof and not hauling her before a judge because his grandmother had taken a real liking to her lively young companion. And his beloved Nonna's happiness and wellbeing counted more than his own satisfaction at seeing her face prosecution.

Yet now-

‘It is a beautiful day, yes'?'

Milly hadn't heard him come to stand behind her and the sheer sensuality of his voice made her breath lock in her lungs and sent a skitter of sensation down the length of her spine.

She moved away, putting her coffee mug down on the outdoor table and managed ‘So it is ' and wondered when his motives would become clear. And what they were.

Getting her-filly-back into his bed? From the rapid alteration in his attitude, it kind of looked that way. The unwanted conclusion took her breath away and she snatched a deep gulp of fresh air breathing in the scent of the sea and the abundant wild herbs.

‘Shall we go'?' He had joined her a backpack hooked over one shoulder bare feet in canvas deck shoes, sunlight gleaming on the skin of his torso making it look like oiled silk.

Her legs decidedly shaky, Milly followed, keeping behind him as the track leading to the cliff top narrowed. The way down to the beach looked more hair-raising than it had done yesterday.

'Take my hand.'