There was a long silence. She could see a pulse moving on his jaw line.

‘My father is a cheat and a liar and he has never really loved me.’ She admitted the truth in a huskily broken tone. ‘My half-brother is even worse, if that is possible. So I don’t know what that makes you.’

‘Catherine, why didn’t you tell me this before?’ He took a step closer and bent down beside her.

‘Why would I tell you?’ She practically spat the words at him. Her eyes blurred for a second. ‘And anyway, would you want to admit to having a family like that?’

‘Catherine, I’m so sorry,’ He reached to touch her and she flinched.

‘I want you to go.’

‘I need to explain things. I wasn’t going to take the money for myself. I was going to give it to a charity, to an orphanage—’

‘I don’t care what your plans were. I don’t want to hear your explanations.’

‘But I need to tell you—’

‘Just leave me alone.’ Her voice rose with distress. ‘I don’t want your excuses.’

‘Nicholas, you’d better go.’ Sophia’s voice interrupted them gently. ‘You are upsetting Catherine and I can’t allow that. She needs to rest right now.’

For a second Nicholas hesitated and Cat thought that he was going to argue, but then he pulled back from her, his dark eyes shuttered. ‘I’ll wait in the other room.’

‘No, I think it’s best if you go home.’ Sophia came closer. ‘Catherine doesn’t want you around. We’ll ring you if you are needed.’

The curt dismissal wasn’t something Nicholas would have accepted normally but, to Catherine’s surprise, after a brief hesitation he nodded and with just a glance in her direction he strode out of the room.

As Sophia strapped a monitor on to Cat’s arm to take her pulse they heard the sound of his Jeep starting up outside and then the roar of the engine as he sped away.

‘There, feel better now?’ Sophia asked softly.

Cat nodded and then bit down on her lip as tears flooded her eyes.

‘My cousin has obviously hurt you a great deal, Catherine,’ Sophia said briskly. ‘And therefore he is not worth your tears—even if he is undeniably as handsome as the devil.’

Catherine smiled tremulously. ‘Yes … It’s just … I can’t believe I’ve made such a terrible mistake. He’s used me.’

Sophia frowned. ‘I know it’s not an excuse. But I sometimes think Nicholas has difficulty in trusting women. Certainly since his divorce he has avoided any deep and meaningful relationship. I think he’s frightened of being hurt again.’

‘Frightened?’ Cat gave a bitter laugh. ‘I don’t think Nicholas is frightened of anything.’

‘I know he does give that impression.’ Sophia shrugged. ‘But, believe it or not, he’s been through a lot in his life. He’s never taken things for granted the way I have.’

‘What do you mean?’ Cat asked curiously.

‘Well, for instance, I always took for granted the unconditional love of my family but he never did. I think deep down he was always frightened that love would be snatched away from him. That hard outer shell he likes to present to the world is just a front.’

‘You’re right. I don’t believe you.’

Sophia looked at her quizzically and Cat felt herself blush. ‘Sorry—I know he’s your cousin … It’s just …’She trailed off helplessly.

‘It’s just that he’s hurt you and you love him,’ Sophia finished for her softly. ‘No! I hate him.’

Sophia smiled. ‘You blood pressure was slightly raised until I asked that question and then it almost shot off the scale.’ She took the straps off Cat’s arm. ‘Try to relax. Tell me, have you any idea why you passed out?’

‘No. It was hot and I was running.’ She shrugged. ‘I haven’t eaten properly for a while. I keep being sick.’

‘Are you pregnant?’