‘You should have told me.’ He raked a hand through his hair. ‘I’ve hurt you like this and you are pregnant! No wonder you passed out!’

‘I’m all right now.’

‘I’m so sorry, Catherine!’

The feeling in his voice and in his eyes wasn’t something she could doubt. But she didn’t want his sorrow.

‘You are the best thing to happen to me in a long, long time.’ He ran a hand tenderly along the side of her face, a look of wonder in his eyes. ‘And now you are pregnant and, just when life couldn’t be more perfect, I’ve nearly ruined it all.’

She frowned. ‘Nicholas, you don’t have to even pretend to want the baby—I said I can manage and I meant it.’

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ He grated the words out unevenly, his voice broken with the weight of his emotion. ‘Of course I want the baby—and I want you. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever wanted more in my whole life.’

She couldn’t speak for a moment—she was too overwhelmed with the craziest feelings. Exhilaration—but also fear in case this too was some kind of test—some kind of cruel trickery—and that fate would snatch this away from her.

‘Please give me a chance to prove my love to you and to our baby, Catherine. We can arrange a wedding for after your twenty-first birthday. I’m begging you not to walk away.’

And suddenly, as she looked up at his proud face, she knew in her heart that he meant what he was saying and that if she walked away from him without giving what they had a chance that she would regret it for the rest of her life.

‘I love you, Nicholas,’ she whispered softly.

‘I love you too.’ He pulled her into his arms, holding her tight, knowing he would never let her go.




About the Author

ANNIE WEST spent her childhood with her nose between the covers of a book—a habit she retains. After years preparing government reports and official correspondence, she decided to write something she really enjoys. And there’s nothing she loves more than a great

romance. Despite her office-bound past, she has managed a few interesting moments—including a marriage offer with the promise of a herd of camels to sweeten the contract. She is happily married to her ever-patient husband (who has never owned a dromedary). They live with their two children amongst the tall eucalypts at beautiful Lake Macquarie, on Australia’s east coast. You can email Annie at www.annie-west.com To Maureen, for your wonderful generosity in sharing so much.

To Maureen,

for your wonderful generosity

in sharing so much.

To Karen,

for the tireless encouragement and hard work.

To Judy,

for advice on matters medical.

And to Dimitria,

whose Greek is much better than mine.

Thank you all.


COSTAS SWITCHED OFF the ignition and studied the house he’d crossed the world to find. A red-brick bungalow in suburban Sydney. It was plain and solid, but with an air of recent neglect. Junk mail spilled from the letter box and the lawn was overgrown.