Their eyes locked.

‘Maybe a few strawberries with champagne.’ He murmured the words playfully as he slipped her dressing gown down and kissed her naked shoulder. ‘And a little bit of this …’

The touch of his lips against her skin was wildly provocative. She closed her eyes as he worked his way higher, kissing the vulnerable curve of her neck.

‘And a little bit of this …’ He cupped her face and held her while his lips captured hers.

The feeling inside her was like a flame melting sweet chocolate. ‘You are really bad for me, do you know that?’ She whispered the words unsteadily as he released her.

‘On the contrary—relaxation is very good for you.’ His hands moved to the belt of her robe. ‘It lowers the blood pressure.’

She laughed breathlessly as he untied the belt. ‘That’s definitely debatable.’

Why did everything feel right when she was in his arms? she wondered hazily.

This was a dangerous madness but she just couldn’t resist him.

The dressing gown slithered to the floor and she looked up at the star-studded sky as his hands moved possessively over her.

It was easier to give in and infinitely more enjoyable than fighting him.


WHEN Cat woke up she was alone in the double bed. For a few moments she stretched out a hand towards the empty pillow next to her as she remembered the night of wild passion.

A strange ache seemed to curl in the pit of her stomach as she remembered the strong arms that had held her so tenderly, the whispered words of arousal and the possessive warmth of his kisses.

‘Wake up, sleepyhead.’ Nicholas came into the room and pulled back the curtains. Sunlight filtered across the room with a dazzling intensity.

‘What time is it?’ she murmured, putting a shielding arm across her face.

‘Almost eleven.’

‘Eleven!’ Instantly she struggled to sit up, holding the sheet across her naked body with a measure of shyness that was absurd considering the fact that he had explored every inch of her with fervent concentration last night. ‘I can’t believe that I’ve slept so late!’

‘Well, we were rather busy last night,’ he murmured. ‘Room service have sent up some tea.’ He put a cup down on the dressing table beside her and she noticed that he was fully dressed in chinos and a white shirt. He looked suave and refreshed and by contrast she was suddenly aware of her dishevelled hair and sleep-smudged face.

‘Thanks. You should have woken me earlier! How long have you been up?’

‘I had a business call that I had to take at about nine. So unfortunately, I had to drag myself away—otherwise …’his eyes lingered on her creamy skin and the luxuriant mass of blonde waves on the pillow ‘… I would have definitely woken you up.’ He smiled as he watched the rise of heat under her skin and the way she bit down on the rose-coloured softness of her lips—lips that were still slightly swollen from his mouth.

He felt a sudden urge to pull the sheet away from her and take her again. The impulse was stronger than he wanted it to be and, impatient with himself, he turned away. ‘Drink your tea and then get dressed,’ he murmured. ‘I’ve had some clothes sent up to the suite for you. They are hanging on a rail outside in the lounge. Take your pick of what you want when you are ready.’

‘Thanks.’ His businesslike manner disconcerted her after the intensity of their passion last night. She didn’t know how to deal with the situation. ‘What time are we heading back to London?’ she asked cautiously.

‘I’ve spoken to the pilot this morning and he informs me that the first available air-space is six-thirty this evening.’ He slanted a wry glance over at her. ‘I know it is later than we had hoped, but unfortunately air traffic control has the last word on these matters, so it is out of my hands.’

‘It will have to suffice, then,’ she said quietly. But perversely she wished that there had been no available air space until the middle of next week. She also wished that Nicholas had sounded a little more enthusiastic about spending the day with her. The feeling was most unwelcome. What on earth was the matter with her? she wondered crossly. Last night she had at least attempted to think sensibly—now she wanted to stay here in a kind of limbo, luxuriating in his lovemaking, blocking out all logical, sane thoughts.

Get a grip, Cat, she told herself fiercely. They had enjoyed a pleasurable interlude last night—but it was unreal, it meant nothing to either of them and it certainly couldn’t last.

The ring of the phone in the other room made him turn away. ‘I’d better get that.’

‘Yes, it might be important.’ As the door closed behind him, she hurriedly gathered herself and got out of bed. She needed to shower and clear her head and then she needed to change the focus of her thoughts back towards work, she told herself firmly. As they were stuck here for a while, it was an ideal opportunity to consider some more ideas for the forthcoming campaign.

A little while later, showered with her hair dried into straight silken submission she looked around for the dressing gown she had worn last night—then remembered it was still out on the patio. For a second her mind stole back to the way he had made love to her out there under the bright starlit sky, candles flickering in the warm air as he’d slipped himself into her. Although she had been sitting on top of him, he had been the one in control, dominating her senses, making her writhe with need.

Hastily she snapped the memory closed as she felt the heat of desire flare up inside her all over again. It was over, she told herself fiercely. Time to move on.