‘It was sex, not love-making, and it’s not going to happen again.’ She angled her chin up with fierce determination.

He laughed at that but it held a raw edge. ‘It’s going to happen whenever I want it to happen.’ As if to illustrate the fact, he ran his hand down from her chin, over the glittering suds on her body, smoothing over the satin wetness of her breast, feeling how she instantly tightened beneath his fingers, her nipples hardening to throbbing peaks. ‘You see!’ He felt a flare of triumph mixed with arousal.

With difficulty she forced herself to flinch from the touch but the desire he had stirred up inside her was still vehemently insistent. ‘That doesn’t prove anything. Go away, Nicholas!’

He smiled and for a moment she thought he was going to comply as he reached and flicked on the water again. Then he started to unbutton his shirt, a look of deliberation in his dark eyes.

‘What are you doing?’ Her voice raised in alarm.

‘What does it look like?’ he drawled sardonically. ‘I’m going to join you.’

‘Nicholas, don’t!’ Her heart thudded fiercely as he dropped his shirt on the bathroom floor and then reached to take a condom from the back pocket of his trousers before unzipping them.

He had the most magnificent body—a bronzed, strongly muscled, smooth torso that tapered down to narrow hips and an absolutely flat abdomen. His erection was enormous and she averted her eyes from it hastily, her skin tingling with searing heat.

‘This isn’t a good idea,’ she breathed huskily as he stepped into the cubicle beside her, but her voice lacked conviction now.

‘Whether you like it or not, you want me, Catherine. So your body belongs to me right now; you may as well stop fighting the fact.’

There was determination on his handsome face as he moved forward and she backed against the tiled wall.

Water pounded down over them as he bent his head and captured her lips with his. The kiss was sweetly searing and it made her stomach turn over with longing. He could kiss so well, she thought hazily.

Almost of their own volition, her arms went up and around his shoulders. His hands smoothed over her, drawing her closer, then holding her bottom he pressed himself against her.

She groaned with need, kissing him urgently now.

‘I thought you said this wasn’t a good idea?’ he teased her softly as he pulled back a little, his eyes gleaming with hunger.

‘Well, I was wrong.’

Smiling, he reached to open the condom packet. ‘This time I’d better be a little more responsible … hmm?’

She shuddered with desire as he lifted her off her feet and, holding her back against the shower wall, peppered her face and her neck with kisses whilst his hands stroked over her body with sensuous caresses. He was right, she thought dazedly. The chemistry between them was too intense. She didn’t understand why he made her feel like this; all she knew was that she couldn’t fight it. Even when he entered her, it was as if she still couldn’t get close enough to him.

Despite the strength and the force of his passion, he was infinitely gentle and she wound her legs around him and gave herself up to the bliss of the feelings he could conjure up.

His hands cupped her bottom squeezing her against him, gently rocking her. She raked her fingers through his wet hair and tried to stop herself from crying out with ecstasy.

‘I want you so much.’ The words burst out of her uncontrollably with the feeling.

‘Do you want to come?’ He whispered the words huskily, his tongue licking against her earlobe, then lower down her neck.

‘Yes … yes.’

He thrust into her with a passion that made her senses spin and her body convulse with delicious waves of sensuous pleasure.

She hadn’t thought it possible for the feelings to be more intense than they had been the first time around, but they were. It was so earth-shattering that she wanted to cry tears of sheer joy.

He waited for her pleasure to spiral out of control before joining her, thrusting into her deeply, alleviating his desire with a forceful intent that turned her on all over again.

Breathless and spent, she clung to him under the jet of water. She wanted to be held like this for ever, with his heart thudding against her breast and his lips nuzzling against her neck.

Nicholas frowned to himself as he realized that once again he had completely lost control.

‘Every time you touch me I seem to lose all perspective.’ She whispered the words almost to herself.

He smiled. ‘You can’t fight chemistry. We may as well just let the sexual heat play out between us.’