She was vaguely aware that the plane had stopped shuddering and that he was waiting for her to answer him.

With difficulty she lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him. Something happened as their eyes met, something that sent wild spirals of heat pulsating through her.

‘Sorry … I lost my balance.’

‘You don’t need to apologise,’ he said with a smile.

Danger signals escalated and she tried to make herself move away from him but her limbs wouldn’t cooperate.

His gaze moved towards the sensual curve of her lips and her heart skipped violently against her chest.

‘So … what are we going to do about this?’ he asked softly.

‘Do about what?’ Her voice was no more than a husky whisper.

‘This …’He reached out a hand to stroke it down along the long line of her neck. The caress made the heat of sexual need increase; she could feel it curling inside her now as if it were a living entity.

She swallowed hard, terrified by the feeling and desperate to dismiss it.

‘I don’t know what you mean.’

He laughed; it was a low, very sensual growl of a laugh that made her tingle. ‘I think you do.’

There was a purposeful gleam in the darkness of his eyes that made her pulses race. Then suddenly he lowered his head towards hers and fear was replaced by a wild excitement. For a moment it didn’t matter that she was probably playing with fire. All that mattered was that he was going to kiss her.

As his lips captured hers the world seemed to tip and spin on its axis and this time it had nothing to do with the turbulence outside the aircraft. This time the turbulence was in her heart and in her senses, pounding through her with a relentless searing force.

Cat felt so light-headed that she had to reach up and put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. And at the touch of her hands his kiss changed from gently persuasive to powerfully fervent, crushing against hers with an almost ruthless intensity.

She kissed him back with equal passion, meeting his demands with a hunger she had never realized lay within her.

In that moment Cat wanted him with every thread of her soul. Desire pumped through her as if someone had broken open a door to a reservoir of need … a reservoir that was so secret that even she hadn’t known of its existence until this very moment.

Nicholas was the one to pull back from her, leaving her shaky and bewildered by what had happened.

‘That was some kiss,’ he murmured.

‘Was it?’ She tried very hard to sound casually indifferent but, to her distress, her voice was breathless and shaken. She was furious with herself for responding to him like that. ‘I didn’t notice anything … special …’

Although she tilted her chin defiantly, Nicholas could see a chink in her armour, a receptive light in her eyes.

He smiled. ‘A sexual heat exists between us, Catherine. We’ve both known about it very forcefully since the first moment our eyes met.’

Even the way he spoke her name sounded dangerously provocative. She started to shake her head, but his hands were around her waist now, pulling her back into his arms.

‘This is inevitable,’ he murmured, ‘because the truth is that you want me as much as I want you; I can see that in your eyes, taste it on your lips.’

‘It was just a kiss, a reckless spur of the moment kind of wildness.’

She was desperate to justify her response, to herself as much as to him.

‘It was more than that.’ As he spoke his hands moved upwards, boldly stroking over the firm curves of her breast. He found her nipples through the soft material of her dress and brushed his thumbs over them in a rough caress. It was a blatant demonstration of the power he wielded over her senses because, to her shame, they hardened even more beneath his touch until they were throbbing with need.

Cat closed her eyes and desperately tried to fight against the erotic sensation that flooded through her, but her body was crying out for more. She wanted him so badly, wanted him to tear away her dress and her underwear and just assuage this unbearable aching need.

‘You do want me, Catherine.’

The arrogant words should have made her pull away but she couldn’t; she was so aroused by the way he was touching her that she was powerless to fight against it.