Nicholas glanced enquiringly over at Cat and she smiled politely and shook her head. ‘No, that will be all, thank you.’

The waitress withdrew and then stood at a discreet distance, waiting and watching in case Nicholas should summon her. His every whim was catered for, Cat thought as she took another sip of her coffee. His days were probably filled with staff dancing attendance and women fawning over his every word. Well, she was glad she hadn’t given in to her desires last night, she told herself firmly. She’d just have been another notch on his belt. Sex would mean nothing to him; it would have been merely a passing recreational moment.

You could never trust a man like Nicholas Zentenas. He would look on a woman as no more than a plaything in the bedroom.

But doing business with him—well, that was another thing entirely. She had not missed the gleam of respect in his gaze as she’d told him her ideas and she had got quite a buzz out of it. Business was everything to a man like him. Making money was probably more of a turn-on for him than sex and, as for love … Well, the only thing a man like him would love would be a successful deal.

She had learnt a thing or two about relationships from watching her father.

‘If you want to drop into my office some time next week we can talk about my ideas in greater detail,’ she invited coolly.

‘I’ll see how I’m fixed. I’ve got a pretty hectic schedule lined up.’

Cat allowed the subject to drop. Despite his offhand response, she was quietly confident. She had made her pitch and it had been good; she was content to sit back and wait.

‘You certainly started work early.’ Her glance moved towards the stack of paperwork he had placed on the empty chair between them.

‘I’m in the midst of negotiations to buy another hotel and I’d like to get things wrapped up as soon as possible. Time is money.’

‘Well, I’m sure the deal will fly through. You strike me as a man who always gets what he wants,’ she said flippantly.

‘Not always.’ He looked at her and for a moment there was a gleam in his dark eyes. ‘But I enjoy a challenge.’

Something about the way he said those words made her tingle inside.

The ring of his mobile cut the silence between them and with a sense of relief Cat pulled her gaze away from his and reached to finish her coffee.

She listened as he answered his phone. It was another business call in his native Greek language. Something was displeasing him; his voice was crisp and authoritative, his look intently serious.

Although Cat couldn’t speak Greek fluently, she had picked enough of the language up when she was younger to be able to make a competent stab at it. And she understood it pretty well. Nicholas seemed to be checking on the progress of some building work for an orphanage—no, she must have got that wrong, she decided quickly. He must have said building work for offices; he spoke so quickly that she couldn’t catch the details.

After a while Cat found herself tuning out as her eyes moved contemplatively over his features. He just oozed sensuality. Her eyes drifted down towards his lips. What would it feel like to be kissed by him? He would be very experienced, would probably be an incredibly masterful lover. Her heart gave a weird little flip.

He hung up and glanced across at her and with a jolt she realized the errant direction her thoughts had taken.

Gathering her scattered wits together, she pushed her chair back from the table. ‘I really should be going,’ she said quickly.

‘Yes, me too.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘I’ll drop you off,’ he offered.

‘No, it’s OK—’

She supposed it was churlish to refuse but she really did just want to get away from him. She didn’t like the effect he had on her one little bit.

‘I insist. If you are ready, we’ll go. My driver should be outside by now.’

Nicholas led the way through the apartment towards the lift. As soon as he pressed the button, the doors swished open.

‘I think the waitress got the wrong impression about us this morning,’ Cat remarked as they stepped inside and the doors closed.

‘In what way?’

Cat tried not to look embarrassed. ‘Because I’m still wearing my clothes from last night, I think she assumed that something was going on between us.’

‘Does it bother you what people think?’ The deep velvet tone seemed laced with amusement.

‘No, not at all!’ She held his

gaze steadily.