She chewed on her lip, wondering how she was going to brazen it out. How could she see him again after what had happened last night? Now he knew just how weak she was. She’d almost crawled up his body, so impetuous in her need to get close to him. He’d kissed her, held her in his arms, and she’d lost all control. Had offered herself to him, there in the hallway, without thought.

It had only been his words, pounding into her desire-numbed brain, that finally brought her to her senses.

And even then, even when he looked at her with the easy contempt of a man who knew she was his for the taking, it had been an almost insurmountable struggle to tear herself away. Despite his words, despite the pain they inflicted, she’d still wanted him.

What sort of woman did that make her? ‘The spinis? Are you all right?’

She turned to Yiorgos, noting the genuine concern in his flashing eyes. He’d been a pleasant companion all day, even though she hadn’t been able to convince him to call her by her name. The boss wouldn’t like it, he said. And that settled the matter, of course. The boss obviously got whatever he wanted.

Except her.

‘I’m Ok,’ she said, dredging up a smile. ‘Maybe just a little tired.’

He grinned then, flicking her a mischievous glance. ‘I don’t see how that could be. After all it was only the markets you visited. And then the archaeological museum. And Knossos. And—’

‘You’ve made your point,’ Sophie said, and this time her smile was real. ‘It’s been a wonderful day. Thank you.’

‘It was my pleasure. Any time. You just ask and I’ll drive you wherever you want to go.’

Sophie watched as he concentrated on a tight curve in the road. He really was remarkably good-looking. Gorgeous even, with those large, laughing eyes. And he was close enough to her own age for her to relax in his company and enjoy his jokes.

So why didn’t she feel even a spark of attraction to him?

Why did his handsome face leave her unmoved, when just the memory of Costas’ hard, passionate features and dark, probing eyes made her feel as if something had unravelled in the pit of her stomach?

And why did eagerness mix with her trepidation at the prospect of seeing him again?

Fortunately Yiorgos chose that moment to regale her with another of his stories, distracting her from thoughts she’d rather avoid. And soon she was laughing so much that she didn’t even notice that they’d swung through the security gates to the estate.

It was only as they rounded a gentle curve in the long private road and the house came into view that she realised they were back.

And that Costas was waiting for them.

He stood, arms akimbo, at the head of the steps. A forbidding figure that dominated the scene.

Sophie’s grin morphed into a rictus stretch of taut lips, all laughter fled. Would she ever see the man and not experience that desperate, melting awareness deep inside?

He was down the steps and opening the passenger door even as the limousine drew to a gentle halt.

‘Where have you been?’ His hand fastened on her elbow, drawing her from her seat as soon as she’d released her seat belt.

‘Sightseeing,’ she said, raising her eyes to his. They were unreadable. Pure, impenetrable black. But the scowl on his face needed no interpretation. He was furious. His brows tilted down at a ferocious angle and the grip on her elbow was more than supportive. It was like a vice, clamped hard round her arm.

She shrugged, but he didn’t break his hold. Instead he bent low to the open car door and snapped a barrage of staccato Greek at his chauffeur. It was too rapid for her to understand, but she could tell by the suddenly sombre look on Yiorgos’ face that it was far from pleasant.

What was Costas’ problem?

‘I’m sorry,’ she interrupted, ‘I didn’t know you needed the car today.’

Costas straightened to stare down at her. A flash of dark emotion in his eyes made her shiver. The controlled energy he projected made her hackles rise. She sensed he was waiting for the right moment to pounce.

‘I didn’t,’ he cut in succinctly. ‘And I have more than one car, should I need one. But I would have appreciated knowing where you were. I expected you back hours ago.’

What? He’d been worried about her? Surely not. Not when he glared at her so disapprovingly.

‘I didn’t know I had to report my movements to you.’

She was damned if she’d apologise again. He’d offered the use of the car and now he was annoyed she’d used it. Was he worried his precious bone-marrow donor might disappear off the island if he didn’t keep tabs on her?