One by one, each of them nodded.

Mal smiled, relieved. “Obviously, first things first, we need to figure out where the trident is,” she said briskly. “Any ideas?”

“That’s what this is for,” said Evie, removing the magic mirror from her purse. She flipped it open and spoke directly into its reflection. “Magic Mirror of seas and skies, show me where the trident lies!”

The mirror turned cloudy and gray and nothing happened. “Is it broken again?” asked Carlos.

Evie shook her head. “It was never broken, it just didn’t work in the Catacombs.” Evie gave it another good shake, and the mirror showed the trident stuck between two rocks under the sea.

“Where is that?” asked Mal, squinting at the screen. “I wish your magic mirror could talk, Evie.”

“It’s only the last shard of the mirror; no audio function, sorry,” said Evie apologetically.

“Looks like it’s somewhere near the barrier. See that shimmering line? That’s the invisible dome,” said Carlos, looking over Evie’s shoulder.

“Which means anyone on the Isle of the Lost could grab it, if they know it’s there,” said Jay.

“But where exactly is it?” asked Mal, her forehead scrunching in dismay.

Carlos took a closer look at the screen. “As far as I can tell, it looks like it’s right by the Isle of the Doomed. The water’s murkier over there. And see those flashes of green in the water? That’s goblin slime.”

Mal nodded. It was the same green color that seeped out of Maleficent’s fortress.

“Those goblins would do anything to get their hands on that kind of treasure. Not to mention the pirates if they knew about it,” said Jay.

“Magic Mirror, is anyone else looking for the trident?” asked Evie.

This time, the mirror’s surface glowed, and showed villain after villain on the Isle of the Lost searching the surrounding waters for the trident. Witches in scuba outfits, pirates diving off docks, hooligans of all kinds swarming the beaches and picking through seaweed, searching.

“Looks like everyone’s looking for it. Word must have gotten out somehow that it’s there,” said Carlos.

“Goblins are terrible gossips,” muttered Mal.

“The worst,” agreed Evie.

Jay only shrugged. He had no opinion on goblins other than that they were fun to steal from.

“It’s still going,” said Evie, as the mirror showed an image of a crowded tavern.

“What’s that?” asked Jay, leaning over for a better look.

“Don’t push!” said Carlos, as they all crowded around Evie.

“It’s Ursula’s Fish and Chips Shoppe,” said Mal, as the mirror zoomed in more closely, until they could make out the blurry silhouette of a figure in the middle of the crowd.

“Who’s that?” said Evie, catching sight of thick, ropy strands.

“I can’t tell yet. One of the pirates, maybe?” said Carlos. The mirror kept focusing.

“It’s a girl,” said Jay decisively. “Those are braids.”

“That’s not a girl. That’s a sea witch,” said Mal, tapping on the screen.

“It’s Uma!” said Jay.

“Uma!” quaked Carlos.

“Uma.” Evie sighed.