“You want Ursula’s necklace?” asked Sophie.

“Are you deaf? Yes, I want her necklace—the seashell one!” growled Uma.

“But it’s broken; what would you need it for…?” said Sophie.

“I don’t care, I want it. It was my mother’s, and I want it back,” said Uma. “Sentimental value, shall we say.”

“You? Sentimental? As if!”

“It was my mother’s!” said Uma. “It’s rightfully mine.”

Sophie stuck her nose in the air. “Be that as it may, it’s the property of the kingdom now. It belongs in the museum,” she said in a superior tone. “The only reason it’s still on the Isle is—”

“The embargo,” said Uma. “I know.”

“I’m not telling you where it is,” said Sophie.

“Fine, then no hat,” said Uma.

“You don’t have it,” said Sophie.

Uma grunted in frustration and motioned for backup.

“Sophie,” said Harry, stepping up to the table from the shadows. “You’re surrounded. There are many of us and only one of you, and you don’t have any magic at your disposal. You’re going to lose. We don’t want to hurt you. But we could.”

She trembled. “I’m not afraid.”

Uma glared at her. “You should be.”

“Okay, so if I tell you where the necklace is, you’ll give me the sorcerer’s hat back,” said Sophie.

“Precisely.” Harry smiled and nonchalantly wiped his hook on the front of his shirt, so she could see how sharp it was.

“I can’t tell you where it is,” said Sophie. “I just can’t.”

“Why not? I’ll give you whatever you desire,” said Uma, trying a different tack.

“How? There’s no magic on the island, and last I checked you’re not Ursula, and I don’t need to sell you my voice for a pair of legs.”

“Not interested in princes, are you?” said Uma.

“Princes are boring. Have you even met Chad Charming? That’s all you need to know,” said Sophie.

“There are other things a girl might want. I don’t need magic to help you,” said Uma. “Tell me, there’s got to be something you need that you can’t have. A way out of your internship? A better apartment down at the Knob? Maybe even another date with Gil? Pirates over princes every time, am I right?”

Sophie shook her head. Uma and Harry exchanged a look and left the table—Uma ostensibly to serve other customers; Harry had no excuse but followed Uma anyway. “She won’t budge,” said Uma.

“You’re losing your touch,” said Harry.

“Oh, stuff it,” said Uma. “You couldn’t get her to spill either.”

Harry shrugged. “The Uma I know could talk the hat off a wizard.”

“If only we had the sorcerer’s hat,” said Uma. “Or if we could come up with something else she wants that I can give her.”

“Or else?” said Harry, holding up his hook with a wicked grin.

“If it comes down to that, yes. But hold on.”