“Sometimes. It’s so green back home and so…well…not green here.” Sophie shrugged.

“You don’t have to say,” said Uma. “We know what the Isle is like.” She whistled to a server. “Bring us two pints of the best swill.”

“Oh wow,” said Sophie.

“My pleasure,” said Uma. “Gil is handsome, isn’t he?”

Sophie’s eyes flicked to Gil, who raised his bilge glass to her with a goofy smile. “Yeah, I guess, if you like brawny.”

“Who doesn’t?” said Uma.

Sophie giggled self-consciously. “Belle, I guess. Although she married Beast.”

Uma decided it was time to get down to business. “Anyway, you have a second?”

Sophie nodded and put away her napkin. “Gil said you had something magical for me,” she said, in a professional tone.

“He did?” Uma was confused for a moment until she remembered it had been her idea to tell Sophie that she had something for her. “Oh, right, I do.”

“You really have it?” Sophie asked, her neck tensing at the question. Whatever it was that she thought Uma had, it was clear it was incredibly important to her.

Like Gil, Uma decided the best answer was a definitive “Yes. I have it.”

“Oh, thank wizards!” said Sophie, smiling in relief. “I’ve been looking for it everywhere! Where’d you find it?”

“Around,” said Uma vaguely.

“I mean, I can’t believe the shop gave me a witch’s hat back!” Sophie grumbled.


“I just took it there because the brim was fraying,” said Sophie. “I should have just fixed it myself. I’m sure they sold the sorcerer’s hat to someone else.”

“The hat! You’re looking for the sorcerer’s hat!” said Uma.

Sophie was suddenly not as friendly. She frowned. “Yeah, and you said you had it.”

“Pointy blue one? With all those stars and moons on it? What’s so special about it?” asked Uma. She would never understand the ways of wizards.

“Nothing!” said Sophie abruptly.

“Nothing?” said Uma suspiciously.

“The professor doesn’t like to be without it,” Sophie finally admitted. “He’s a little sensitive about his bald spot.”

Uma raised an eyebrow. “That can’t be all it is.”

“Fine! Whoever wears the hat is able to use his power, except there’s no magic on the Isle, thankfully,” said Sophie. “But I still need to get it back. So, out with it. Do you have it or not?”

Uma slammed a palm on the table. “Of course I have it! And it can be yours if—”

“What do you mean if?” asked Sophie.

“If you give me something in return,” said Uma with a wicked smile. “Can’t get something for nothing, you know. Ursula’s rule. And you’re on our turf now.”

Sophie’s eyes narrowed. “What do you want for it?”

“Tell me where Yen Sid keeps my mother’s necklace,” said Uma.