Harry peered over her shoulder. “Oh, those are transfer documents—for when he moved here to the Isle of the Lost from Auradon. I had one of my boys pull the file.”

Uma pointed to an additional name on the paper. “Look.”

Harry read the file and caught Uma’s eye. They grinned at each other, matching evil smiles. “This is it. This is how we get in.”

“What?” asked Gil, still oblivious and his stomach growling loudly.

Uma studied the document again. This was all coming together beautifully. She could see the outline of a plan already. Truth be told, she was a little afraid of the esteemed professor. There was a hidden strength and a fortitude

to the old guy that chilled her, and the scope of his magical power was legendary. For once she was glad there was a magical barrier to protect them from such wizardry. There was no way they would ever get her mother’s necklace back from the sorcerer himself; Uma knew that for a fact. Yen Sid would never let that happen. But here on paper was another way. “Professor Sid didn’t move here alone,” said Uma slowly.

“He brought his apprentice!” added Harry gleefully.

Uma held up the file. “The Sorcerer’s Intern.”

“We just need to find out who he is and where. We’ll never get the professor to talk, but this is the weak link. His apprentice is sure to know where he keeps that necklace,” said Harry triumphantly.

Gil studied the grainy, blurry picture. “She.”

“She?” asked Uma.

Gil nodded in excitement, happy to contribute to the planning. “I know her, she helps out Professor Sid in class. Like a teacher’s assistant. Sort of quiet, shy, a little mousy even. Always sweeping. Sophie, I think her name is.”

“Great! Let’s see, we can threaten, bribe, or intimidate. What do you suggest?” asked Harry gleefully.

“First things first,” said Uma, thinking quickly. “Gil, invite her to the Fish and Chips Shoppe tonight. Tell her we stumbled on a bit of magic and want to discuss it with her before alerting her boss.”

“Discuss?” Harry asked innocently. “Is that the word for tying someone up and threatening them with my hook?”

Uma smirked. “Don’t worry, Harry, you’ll have your fun.” By the time they were done with her, this Sorcerer’s Intern would wish she’d never set foot on the Isle of the Lost.

Gil had never had any trouble asking girls to go out with him. In truth, most of them went out of their way to make themselves available. Girls were always dropping schoolbooks in front of him, or giggling uncontrollably in his presence. He was used to a certain amount of admiration from the female species. But when he approached Sophie after class that day, she was wary.

“What do you want, Gil?” she asked, setting down the books she was holding and pulling up the red sleeves on her robe. She had dark hair and a skeptical expression. “I’m not giving you the answers to next week’s test, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Oh, too bad,” said Gil, before catching himself. “Wait, no, that’s not what I wanted to ask you.”

“Well, what is it, then? I’ve got study notes to hand out and quizzes to return to the professor,” said Sophie impatiently.

“Wanted to know what you’re doing tonight,” said Gil, throwing her his most dazzling smile. He flexed a bicep for good measure.

“Tonight? I’m refilling the professor’s well. Exciting, isn’t it?” said Sophie dryly. “I’ll be carrying buckets of water all night.”

“I’ve got a better idea. You, me, and the Fish and Chips Shoppe,” said Gil.

“Huh? Is that like a date?” asked Sophie.

“What, you’ve never been on one before?” asked Gil.

“I’ve been on dates!” said Sophie defensively.

“Okay then!” said Gil. “I’ll see you tonight!”

“No. I told you, I’m busy,” said Sophie, turning away.

This was not going as planned, and Gil began to sweat. Uma would not be pleased if he couldn’t get Sophie to come out tonight. “But you have to go!” he whined.

“Why?” asked Sophie.