They giggled softly together, and Evie was glad that they were both equally clueless about normal Auradon life.

“We’ve got to get better at this,” said Evie determinedly, copying down the numbers from the chalkboard.

“Maybe it’s too late for us. We’re the girls from the Isle, after all,” said Mal thoughtfully.

“But our future is in Auradon,” said Evie.

“True. But I still know where we came from,” said Mal.

“I do too,” said Evie, as she went through the calculations and balanced her ledgers perfectly. “But now I’m more interested in where we’re going.” She flashed her friend a reassuring smile, which Mal returned.

“Yeah, you’re right, you’re more Isle Light,” said Mal.

“Isle Light?” teased Evie. “Is that some kind of soda?”

Mal laughed and they both finished their study sheets. At the end of class, they walked out together, running into Evie’s boyfriend, Doug, in the hallway.

“There are my favorite girls,” he said, slinging an arm around both of them.

Mal raised an eyebrow.

“Ahem, I mean, my favorite girl,” he said, gingerly removing his arm from Mal’s shoulder and squeezing the one around Evie.

“She’s just teasing,” said Evie with a fond smile at Doug, leaning into his embrace.

“Am I?” said Mal archly.

“Hey, be nice to Doug,” said Evie.

“I am,” said Mal, acting offended. “When am I not nice to Doug?” She turned to him. “You did really well during the band performance at the tourney game the other day,” she said sweetly. “I think Evie particularly enjoyed your jazz solo.”

“Thanks, Mal,” he said, beaming.

“Anyway, I should go,” said Mal, hugging Evie goodbye. “I forgot I have to meet Ben at the royal library opening. Do I look okay?”

Mal was wearing a purple T-shirt and leather pants, not exactly grand-opening, meet-the-public material, but Evie knew she didn’t have time to change. “You look beautiful!” she said, and that was the truth. Mal always looked great, even when she was wearing a preppie punk dress for a royal event.

Mal smiled hopefully. “Wish me luck!”

“Luck! You’ll do great!” said Evie.

“Luck!” called Doug. They watched as Mal sauntered away.

Doug looked fondly at Evie. “Speaking of luck. How did I ever get so lucky?”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Um, band geek on the short side wins hand of Isle princess?” he sai

d lightly.

“All that matters to me is that you’re a prince at heart,” said Evie. “You really think I’m a princess?”

“Your mother is Evil Queen, right? That makes you a princess.”

“Thanks, Doug,” said Evie, blushing. “I guess I thought it didn’t count in Auradon. No one ever remembers I actually am a princess.” She realized she never got invited to any of the royal functions—she was overlooked for the princess tea the other day, and while Evie would never say a word, she did have bona fide royal roots, as Doug pointed out.

“I remember,” said Doug. “How can I forget? You’re the fairest in the land.”