When the messenger picked up the earrings, Mara felt so relieved and deliriously happy, she had no idea what to do with herself. She felt liberated and free, and as she waved away the brown


truck, she bumped into Jacqui, who was getting ready to run a few errands before the hurricane really hit.

"Jac! Oh God, Jac!" Mara said, rushing toward her and picking Jacqui's arms up and twirling her around.

"What? What happened?" They hadn't talked in more than a week, and she hadn't seen Mara smile in that entire time.

"Jacqui! I'm so stupid. I'm so awful. I'm so sorry. Poppy--it was Poppy who took the earrings. I don't know if they knew, I don't know if it was deliberate. I think it was, but I'm so sorry I thought. . . you had ... I must be insane. ..."

Jacqui raised an eyebrow. The Perry twins. Of course. The twins' bedrooms were the first place they should have looked for the earrings. "It's okay," she told Mara.

"I just want you to know that I'm really, really, really, really sorry," Mara said. "Really, really, really--"

"Mara, look, I forgive you, all right?" Jacqui interrupted, taking her hand.

"It's just, I feel so embarrassed. I wish it had never happened."

"Listen, things happen for a reason. Don't worry about it," Jacqui said as she hugged Mara tightly. "But your apologies aren't over, chica."

Jacqui was right. They were just beginning.


there's nothing

sexier than a guy with a hammer

JUST AS RYAN AND ELIZA WERE ABOUT TO LEAVE THE Home Depot empty-handed and disillusioned, a friendly voice called over. "You guys looking to get some supplies?" Jeremy asked. He'd also been stymied by the Reynoldses' great buyout. He walked over wearing a slick vinyl poncho and a crushed fisherman's hat.

"They're all out," Eliza said.

"Yeah, but I know where we can get some," he said. "There's a Target in Riverhead, and they sell storm windows and everything there. Not many people in the Hamptons know about it, since it's in the North Fork. You guys want to follow me? Take the highway north to the Riverhead exit and it's right there." He wiped his hands on his jeans, which were tucked into big rubber fishing boots.

Eliza nodded her thanks, and she and Ryan followed Jeremy as he drove down the flooded highway. There weren't as many cars going in that direction, and they made good time.


Inside the Target, it was as if the hurricane wasn't even happening. It was bright and cheerful, and all the shelves were stocked high with everything they needed. There were several other people shopping, but there was plenty to go around, and they all just smiled conspiratorially at one another.

"Who's going to put up your windows?" Jeremy asked Eliza as they both took some lanterns and heating oil.

"My dad," Eliza said, even though her dad was like, seventy years old.

"I'll do it," Jeremy said quietly. "Look, man, I'll just drive Eliza home," Jeremy said, turning to Ryan. "Her house is on the way to mine, anyway."

"Okay with you, E?" Ryan asked.

"That's fine, actually," Eliza said, her heart beating fast.

Ryan gave Eliza a quick hug. "Good luck. Stay dry!" he said to both of them.

Eliza climbed into Jeremy's pickup truck. The seats were battered leather, and it was nothing like the Porsche Cayenne's sleek leather upholstery or heads-up dashboard display--but it smelled like the earth, piney and loamy, like Jeremy. She loved that smell.

They drove in silence back to Eliza's Westhampton rental, where her parents were frantic with worry. Without a staff to command, the Thompsons had no idea what to do. The television had already gone out and the lights were off, but Jeremy soon found the circuit breaker in the basement and flipped the right switch.