"We'll see each other at Christmas," Eliza said, voicing the emotion they were all feeling. They were going to miss each other. They had gone through a lot this summer. "We'll need winter bikinis!" Eliza added.

"In Palm Beach," Mara said dreamily. Another chance to get out of Sturbridge.

"What's it like?" Jacqui asked.

"Awesome," Eliza yawned. "Parties and galas and we'll all need new clothes!" Her eyelids dropped. Mara was falling asleep, too. Jacqui turned on her side, grabbing for the covers.

Their summer was over. They had done everything they wanted to do and some things they shouldn't have. Tomorrow they would drive out on the Montauk Highway for the last time. They would return home older, wiser, and certainly more glamorous.

In the end, it had been the best summer of their lives. Maybe there was truth in advertising after all.



Many heartfelt thanks to the wonderful folks at 17th Street--my absolutely fabulous editor, Sara Shandler, the inspiring Josh Bank, and the encouraging Ben Shrank. Thanks to Les Morgenstein for invaluable insight. Immense gratitude to Emily Thomas for all her brilliant ideas. Thanks to Claudia Gabel and Jennifer Unter for thinking of me for this project. As always, I'm very grateful to Deborah "superagent" Schneider, a guardian angel in high-heeled shoes.

Thanks to Jason Oliver Nixon, Andrew Stone, Paige Herman, and Juliet McCall Dyal at Hamptons magazine for giving me a reason to write off my summer rental. Thanks to Karen Robinovitz, my partner in crime, an invaluable resource and a true friend.

Thanks to the de la Cruz and Johnston families for all their support. Thanks to my dad for letting me hog his computer to write this book when mine broke. Thanks to my mom for asking if the naughty parts would be "normal or perverted" (I've never laughed so hard, Mom!) Thanks to "Hotel Chit" in New York. Thanks to Aina and Steve for sharing their stories about the Hamptons. Thanks to Kim, David, and Diva for a fantastic summer. Thanks to Jennie for coming out to visit. Thanks to Tristan, Gabriel, Tyler, Peter, Andy, and the rest of The Gang for being The Gang.

Thanks to my husband, Mike, for getting out of the city every Friday night, no matter how late it got.


about the author

MELISSA DE LA CRUZ is the author of the novels Cat's Meow and Fresh off the Boat, and the coauthor of the nonfiction books How to Become Famous in Two Weeks or Less and The Fashionista Files: Adventures in Four-Inch Heels and Faux Pas. Her work has been translated into many languages. The Au Pairs is currently in development as a television series at the Warner Brothers network. She has written for many publications, including Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, Allure, and the New York Times. She recently moved from New York City and lives in Los Angeles with her husband.


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Madonna song came on the radio, and Mara leaned through the front seats to turn it up.

"Papa don't preach!" they all sang. "I'm in trouble deep!"

Mara thought she couldn't be happier. It was great to be back with Eliza and Jacqui in the Hamptons again. She'd really missed them. There was no one as fun as Eliza or as mischievous as Jacqui back home.

The song ended, but before Eliza could speak, Mara suddenly blurted, "God, I just can't wait to see Ryan!"

"Really?" Jacqui asked. "Even after you broke up with him?"

"I know, I know," Mara sighed. Her champagne buzz was still strong. "You guys, I really think I made a mistake. I mean, he said he still loved me, you know, even after I said we couldn't go on, and I just hope... I don't know... . Do you know if he's seeing anyone?" Mara asked hopefully.

Eliza cleared her throat. If she was going to tell, she would


have to do it now, before this got even worse. It was obvious Mara was still in love with Ryan, and God knew the knowledge that he had hooked up with one of her friends was bound to be crushing. Best to get it over with quickly. Mara would be upset, but she would understand and hopefully forgive Eliza.

"Mar, listen, this is important. Please don't be mad at me, okay? Because it meant nothing, I swear. This winter in Palm Beach I--"

"That's the thing," Mara said, interrupting again, obviously oblivious to the rising notes of anxiety in Eliza's voice. "I wish I'd gone to Palm Beach. God, I don't know why I stayed away. I just ... I really regret it. I should have listened to you, Jac."