"We broke up," she said.

"And you're okay with that?"

"I should have done it a long, long time ago."

"Good," he said sleepily, and closed his eyes.

Mara nestled into the crook of his armpit, savoring his strong arms around her. She never wanted to let go.

The hammock swayed in the breeze, and they fell asleep to the sound of crashing waves on the shore.


eliza goes to montauk for the first time all summer

Please, please, let him be there, Eliza prayed. Please, please, please.

She parked the car in the lot and walked down to the beach. A few brave swimmers were doing laps in the early tide, but otherwise the beach was empty. Then she saw him. He was wearing a dirty anorak and his running shorts.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" she called.

He turned back, saw her, and kept running. Faster.

Eliza tossed away her high-heeled platforms and ran to keep up with him.

"Jeremy, please!" she begged. "Please wait."

But he kept running.

"I LOVE YOU!" she cried.

Finally, halfway down the beach, he stopped and took off his earphones. "What did you say?"

She ran down, not caring if little broken pieces of seashells were piercing the soft soles of her feet. She stopped right in front


of him. His face was shiny with sweat, and his hair had kinked in the humidity. But she thought he was even more handsome than she remembered.

"I'm so sorry about that night. I don't know what I was doing--no, I did know, and I'm so embarrassed. I love you. I've never felt this way before, and you have to know that." Eliza looked for a trace of feeling on Jeremy's face. Nothing. "Why did you quit the Perrys'?"

"You think I could work there--seeing you--knowing what you really think of me?" he asked.

Eliza could see how much she'd hurt him. "Please forgive me. Can we start over again? Please?" She held her breath.

He had to say yes, he just had to. She told him she loved him. She'd never said those words aloud to anyone--ever.

"I don't know," he said, looking at the sand. "I think we're too different." He shook his head. "It's not that easy."

"Can't we just try?" She tried grabbing for his hand, but he pulled away.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. He was supposed to kiss her right now and say everything was forgiven and forgotten. But his face was grim.

"It's not a faucet I can just turn on and off," he said. "I'm... I'm going to have to think about it. You have to give me some time."

He put his earphones back on and began to jog away.

Eliza watched him, not sure how to react. It was the most