Page 52 of The Untamed Heiress

Finally she moved to straddle his legs. Grasping his erection with both hands, she continued to shape and caress him while she examined him in the candlelight, marveling at the beauty of his nakedness as he lay with his eyes closed, head thrown back, his rigid hands clutching the sheets.

"I want to kiss you—here," she said, drawing one finger down his length. "May I?"

His eyes flew open. "Yes," he rasped, fisting his hands more tightly in the sheets.

His cock leaped against her lips and a long, low moan issued from his throat. Something leaped in her, too, a blaze of sensation in that moist, throbbing spot between her thighs. Murmuring, she widened her legs, rubbing against him as she licked from the thick rigid base of his erection to the satiny tip, then took him into her mouth.

Her heart was beating so rapidly she felt dizzy, impairing her hearing, for when he thrashed his head from side to side and cried out, she couldn't tell whether he was imploring her to stop or continue. But the thrusting motion of his hips seemed to indicate he wanted more.

As did she. She loved the feel and taste of him, the 350 THE UNTAMED HEIRESS

feral pulsing in her veins, the throbbing at her core, winding her tighter and tighter. She loved the sound of Adam's gasping breaths, the sheen of sweat on his chest and abdomen, the clench of his fisted hands and corded arms. Then he cried out, his whole body going rigid as he filled her with his salty essence.

For a few moments he lay gasping, eyes closed. Worried that she had somehow hurt him, she slid up beside him on the pillow.

"Adam, are you all right?"

His eyes opening, he laughed weakly. "All...right? No.

Astounded. Transformed." He lifted a limp hand to caress her cheek. "I didn't want for it to be like that, only for me. But you are...amazing. I couldn't control myself."

"Then I did please you?" She smiled tenderly at him. "I did so want to. I listened quite closely to the Divine Alice's instructions."

"'Please' is a thousand times too weak a word—" Suddenly he stopped, his eyes going from dreamy to fully alert as he propped himself up on an elbow and stared at her. "The Divine Alice! You can't mean that you..."

"Consulted her?" Helena said. "Oh, but I did! I've wanted to talk with her ever since I first saw her at the park. After my disgrace at the musicale, I decided my visiting her could hardly worsen the scandal. More than anything, I wanted to please you. I thought she would speak honestly of what happens between a man and a woman." Her smile turning wicked, she traced a finger down Adam's bare chest to circle one nipple. "And she did."


With a growl, Adam caught her hand and brought it to bis lips.

"And what," he asked, nibbling each finger in turn, "did the Divine Alice say about my pleasing you?"

The sensations evoked by his hot tongue and the nip of his teeth were swiftly eroding Helena's powers of speech. "I didn't..

.think.. .to ask," she murmured.

Adam laughed deep in his throat. "Let me be your tutor, my temptress, and I shall endeavor to please you just as thoroughly."

Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her against him and cradled her on his chest.

Helena snuggled under his chin, breathing in the scent of him, more deliriously happy than she'd ever been in her life. An overwhelming sense of having come home filled her, as if she had been made to be here, wrapped in Adam's arms. She refused to listen to the tiny voice that warned how short-lived that happiness would be.

The maelstrom of sensations that had been building within her eased as she relaxed into his warmth. She'd almost drifted asleep when she felt his hands slipping under the hem of her night rail.

She reached down to stay them. "Adam—my back. I.. .1

would rather not remove the gown."

"Do you not know every inch of you is beautiful to me?" he whispered. "Every scar, an emblem of your honor and courage? I want to see you, touch you everywhere." Leaning over to nuzzle her lips, he stroked his fingers over her skin as he slowly tugged the gown up.

Helena would have resisted, but the quiescent tension within her had tightened the instant his clever 352 THE UNTAMED HEIRESS

fingers began their work. Before she could begin to worry, he gently pulled the gown over her head.

And then thought scattered altogether as with his other hand,

Adam tipped her chin up and captured her lips, sliding his tongue within as she gasped at the pleasure of his mouth on hers. While he kissed her, his hand wandered slowly up her leg, kneading her ankle, smoothing over her knee, rubbing the tender inside of her thigh.

Groaning into his mouth, she widened her legs, offering him access to her hot, pulsing center. His fingers crept upward at a maddening pace, moving so slowly that she began to twist restlessly beneath his hand.

As his fingertips grazed the thatch of curls between her legs, he broke the kiss and moved his mouth to her breast. In the next moment, his finger parted her folds to caress the nub within while his mouth suckled her nipple.

Acute pleasure seared her where his mouth and fingers worked. She cried out as she writhed beneath him.

"Does that please you?" he whispered against her breast, continuing to slide his fingers over the slick nub.

"Oh, yes," she gasped.

He moved to her other breast, suckling the nipple, teasing it with his teeth, then cupping the whole breast in his hand and nipping the tender skin. Meanwhile his finger slid lower, parting the lips to delve into her body.

The piercing pressure spiraled tighter and tighter until she felt she must explode or shake to bits. Just   353

when she felt she could not stand the torment any longer, something within her released, sending a paroxysm of unimaginable pleasure coursing to every nerve.

For a long time afterward, as the waves of sensation faded, she lay motionless, too drained to move or speak.

Smiling down at her, Adam kissed her forehead. "Did I please you, my love?"

She struggled to smile back. "I never dreamed... such feelings existed."

"Only for you, my sweet," he whispered. "For all of this night."

And for the rest of that splendid night they lay entwined, Helena pillowing her head on his thigh, her hand cupping his spent member to coax him back to strength, or gathered boneless and breathless against his chest while his fingers soothed her satiated skin.

But after awakening near dawn to have the little voice she'd been ignoring cry insistently that their time was nearly over, Helena knew with desperate urgency that she could not leave Adam without tasting just once the fullness of union     that, to protect her, he had been denying them.

Snuggling closer, she nibbled Adam's ear while her fingers stroked down his abdomen. She felt his chuckle as his shaft rose to meet her teasing fingers.

"More, my insatiable darling?" he murmured.

"Always," she replied, leaning up into his kiss.

Boldly she sought to conquer the fencing blade of bis tongue, but he would have none of it. Chuckling 354 THE UNTAMED HEIRESS

again, he rolled her beneath him, clasped her hands and pulled her arms above her head as he settled himself between her legs.

Moving his hips, he pressed his hard length against her, stroking her sensitive center with the hot smooth head of his cock in time to the rhythmic sweeps of his tongue.

Knowing that continuing in this fashion, he would soon drive her beyond control, Helena turned her face away, breaking the kiss. "Can't...breathe," she gasped. Though it was truly not a lie, her plea achieved its aim, for Adam rolled her over and lifted her to straddle him.

Eyes glazed, chest sheened with moisture, his breathing rough, he gazed up at her. "This is...better. I can see.. .how beautiful your breasts are." He weighed them in his hands as he spoke.

" from my mouth. See the curve of your belly.

Touch you." He pushed gently at her knees to widen the parting of her thighs.

Before he could return one hand to tease and stroke and send her crashing over the precipice, Helena thrust her hips quickly downward to capture the smooth tip of his rigid cock. Pushing downward again, she felt a slow burn as at last, at last, she eased him within her.

The moment of discomfort passed swiftly, succeeded by an amazing fullness that massaged and caressed from her throbbing nub down the whole of that sensitive passage.

Beyond thought or plan, instinctively she withdrew and thrust down again, crying out at the wonder and intensity of it. Vaguely she noted Adam catching her arms.


"No, my love, we —" he gasped before Helena leaned forward to cover his mouth with hers and press her knees against his sides as she drove downward, sheathing his length fully within her.

"Love me, Adam," she whispered. "Love me completely."

For an instant he remained rigid, resisting. But when she thrust against him again, with a growl he seized her bottom and pulled her closer, arching upward to meet her.

Though she'd had to trick him to it, he quickly took the lead.

Slowing the pace of their movements, he let her drive him in deep, then held her still while he pulsed within her before allowing her to pull back for another thrust. Though he'd several times taught her to balance on the acute edge between madness and ecstasy, this time he held her suspended above the abyss until she was shrieking her need for fulfillment. Then, with an equally savage cry, he plunged in one last time and bound her against him as they both shuddered, spun and shattered together.