Page 33 of The Untamed Heiress

"But, my dear, how shall your suitors get to know THE UNTAMED HEIRESS

you—and you them, if you spend your evenings hidden away?"

Helena gave her a level glance. "Aunt Lillian, as I have already assured you, I have no desire to marry. 'Twould be both dishonest and unkind to any purported suitors for me to appear at functions which might lend credence to the notion that, despite my declaration to the contrary, secretly I wish to wed."

"But, my dear!" Lady Darnell began, only to be silenced by a stern glance from Darnell. "Well, I do not mean to tease you about it. We just want you to be happy."

"Bellemère agrees with me that you should attend solely those entertainments you find appealing," Darnell interposed. "Is that not so, ma'am?"

"Yes, Adam," she replied, not appearing too happy with the

approval he'd obviously coerced. "But," she said, brightening,

"the Season is just begun. No doubt you shall find many other functions more to your taste."

"I'm sure she shall," Darnell said. "You enjoy music, do you not? Bellemère has invitations to several musicales, which are generally held in a drawing room and attended by no more than several dozen guests."

"That sounds delightful," Helena said, relieved to see her aunt's face brighten. Grateful to Darnell for lending her the assistance he'd promised, she turned and mouthed a silent thank-you.

He smiled at her, which warmed his green eyes and set the hint of a dimple playing in his cheeks. Checking a strong desire to touch it, she tucked her hand in her gown.


Her aunt was extolling the talent of London's singers when Harrison entered, announcing Mr. Dixon was below. Darnell excused himself, but Aunt Lillian pronounced herself ready to accompany Helena to the parlor.

Their guest bowed as they entered. After an exchange of greetings, Mr. Dixon said, "I am delighted to see you have recovered, Miss Lambarth! The ball was a tedious affair after you left."

While Aunt Lillian smiled her approval of his fulsome compliment, Helena had to chuckle. "Now you are being ridiculous, Mr. Dixon. The rooms we re packed to the chandeliers with guests, half of them quite lovely ladies."

"But none with conversation—or questions—as interesting as yours," he replied. "Should you like to look at some horses? The stock for Tattersall's next auction is in the stables. We could inspect them today."

"If Aunt Lillian permits, I should be delighted!"

"Of course, my dear," Aunt Lillian replied.

After fixing a time to return for her, Mr. Dixon took his leave.

Excited at the thought of finally being able to drive and ride again, she changed her gown and was waiting impatiently when her escort returned. Widiin a few moments he'd helped her into his phaeton and they were off.

"You are fortunate to be seeking horses at this moment," Mr.

Dixon told her as he guided the carriage down the crowded street.

"Several gentlemen whose enthusiasm for gaming outreaches their skill have


recently suffered reverses that require them to part with their cattle. Randall's selling off some fine riding hacks, and Bridgeman has a beautiful pair of carriage grays."

"I can view all the horses now?"

"Yes. Let me know the ones you prefer and I will bid for you since, as I believe I mentioned, ladies do not attend the auctions."

He looked over with a smile. "Ladies generally do not visit the stables, either. I was rather surprised Lady Darnell agreed to let you do it."

"She knows how keenly I desire to purchase horses—and probably realizes that I would insist on choosing them myself.

Thank you for braving censure by escorting me."

"Tis my pleasure. I admire your independence, and certainly wouldn't wish someone else to choose my horses."

In perfect charity with one another, they reached the auction company's stables. Nostalgia mingled with the ache of grief to temper Helena's enthusiasm as she walked with Mr. Dixon and Masters, Tattersall's head groom, through the stable block. How many times as a child had she accompanied her mother as she instructed the stable boys or showed off her yearlings to prospective buyers?

Mulling over the relative merits of the saddle horses she'd seen, Helena had lagged behind the men when a tall black gelding in the next box stall caught her eye.

A broad chest, straight legs and well-muscled haunches suggested the strength and stamina she desired in a mount.

Beyond that, however, something


about his stance and wary, almost feral eyes attracted her. As if reciprocating her interest, the horse paced the stall, then turned back to her and tossed his head.

Going to the stall door, she put out a hand, encour aging him to draw closer. Slowly the horse approached, nostrils extended as he scented the air. Murmuring to him, Helena remained perfectly still, letting the horse accept her presence. Finally he allowed her to stroke his velvet neck.

So absorbed was she in getting acquainted that when Dixon's voice sounded from right behind her, she jumped, prompting her equine friend to jerk away, snorting.

"Come along, Miss Lambarth. Masters wishes to show us that pair of grays I mentioned for your carriage."

"What is this horse's name, Masters?" she asked.

"Pegasus, but it outta be Devil! He's not a fit mount for a lady, miss."

"Why not? Is he ill-tempered? Ill-paced?"

"His paces be smooth enough and he's not mean-spirited, exactly. He's just powerful strong with a mind of his own. The stable boys say he'd as soon run 'em into the side of the stall as walk through the door."

Helena chuckled. "He won't tolerate being ignored or underestimated. Spirit and stamina are essential in a mount—else, why ride? Mr. Dixon, I want this horse."

The two men exchanged uneasy glances. "Miss Lambarth, he is splendid," Mr. Dixon acknowledged, "but if Masters says the horse is...difficult, please respect his opinion."


"Indeed, I do! But neither of you have seen me ride.

Masters—" she turned to the groom "—as I've already told Mr.

Dixon, my mother bred horses. I've been in the saddle since before I could walk, riding everything from a pony to a green horse under saddle for the first time. I beg that you will both

respect my knowledge of what I can handle."

"If you say, miss," the groom replied. "I'll just go on ahead and let you discuss it with the gentleman."

"Coward," Dixon muttered, watching the groom retreat. "Now, Miss Lambarth, pray be reasonable!" he said, turning back to Helena. "You've admitted you haven't ridden in years. Wouldn't it be wise to choose a more docile mount?"

"Undoubtedly," Helena agreed. "But I want this one. In dealing with horses—and men—I trust my instincts, which have never yet failed me. Pegasus and I shall suit perfectly—and gallop like the wind, shall we not, my beauty?" she crooned to the horse.

After a sigh, Dixon shook his head. "I'm sorry to be disobliging, but I cannot in good conscience try to obtain this horse for you. Now, the bay mare or the gray—"

"Please, Mr. Dixon, you needn't apologize! I shall simply bargain for him myself."

Dixon's momentary look of relief was succeeded by one of consternation. "But you cannot, Miss Lambarth! Have I not already explained—"

"You have, quite clearly," Helena interrupted. "But based on my assessment of the horses available, I have chosen the one I believe will suit me best. Was it not to ascertain that very thing that you brought me here?"


"Yes, but—"

"Then you can hardly expect me to settle for another horse, simply because others like it better. That would be neither logical nor intelligent."

"But...but Miss Lambarth," Dixon continued, looking rather desperate. "Adam would have my head if I purchase so highly unsuitable a lady's mount for you!"

"Since you have already said you have no intention of doing so, you may be easy," Helena replied. "I shall purchase the horse myself, saving you Darnell's wrath."

"He'd likely demand pistols at dawn were I to allow you to risk soiling your reputation by taking part in the auction," Dixon retorted.

'Then I fear I have imposed upon you most shamefully, for one way or another, I intend to have this horse. Perhaps you could tell Darnell I was so ungovernable you washed your hands of me?

In any event, I must catch up with Masters and inquire how to go about bidding. If it is impossible for a female to enter the auction room, I must hire him to bargain for me."

She turned to walk away. With a growl, Dixon caught her shoulder. "This is blackmail, Miss Lambarth!"

"Indeed, I do not mean it so," she countered, suppressing a chuckle. He had done her a great favor and she ought not to be amused by his dilemma. "I'm sure Masters can find a hackney for me, if you wish to follow my advice and disavow all responsibility for the proceedings."

"As if that would matter a farthing to Adam, after I


brought you here. He'd be more likely to shoot me where I stood for abandoning you." Looking both aggrieved and chagrined, he swept his hand across his perspiring brow. "Very well, Miss Lambarth, if you must have this horse, I suppose I must buy him. But only if you promise you will not ride him without myself and your groom present."