Page 28 of The Untamed Heiress

She stared at him as if she couldn't believe what she'd just heard. "But.. .but what of Harrison? Cook and the housekeeper? I won't keep Nell and Dickon here because I wish to stay, only to have them shunned by the staff."

"I shall inform Harrison that, having judged both of them valuable employees despite their origins, I want them retained. As we both know, he has a fondness for Dickon and, I suspect, will secretly rejoice not to have to discharge him. As for the rest, I expect my staff to treat each other with respect and will tolerate nothing less."

"You would do that? Why?"

He gave her a smile and shrugged. "Because you have convinced me 'tis right."

She stared at him a long moment, as if not sure whether to believe him. Then, when he was on the point of telling her she could leave, a brilliant smile lit her face, transforming her already arresting features into a beauty that stole his breath.

"Thank you, my lord. I promise you will never regret showing mercy." Her smile turning roguish, she added, "And I will

earnestly try to cause no more havoc in your house! Now, I will go prostrate myself before Aunt Lillian and beg her pardon, too."

After a deep, straight-backed curtsey that would have done honor to the queen's drawing room, she rose and swept out the door.


As if she'd cast a spell over him, Adam stood immobile for several moments after her departure. In the lawyer's office he'd pitied her. In his library that night he'd desired her. Now in these last few minutes she had reached him on yet another level.

Bypassing his irritation over the problem of his lust and dispelling his resistance to thinking well of her, she'd brought him to a profound admiration and respect for the girl who'd fought isolation and captivity to find freedom. The girl who, even at the cost of giving up her home with the aunt who loved her, was ready to fight just as fiercely for the unfortunates in her care.

He'd never met anyone remotely like her. He was beginning to fear he would never judge any woman her equal.

He shook his head as if to clear it of her sorcery. He must talk with Harrison, though he suspected convincing the butler would not be overly difficult. That done, he could trust the head of his staff to ensure Nell and Dickon were properly treated by the rest of the household.

Then, he thought with a grin, he would go see whether Miss Lambarth had managed to cajole Lady Darnell with the same passionate thoroughness she'd used to win him over.

His smile faded when he remembered he'd committed himself to returning to see Priscilla. Putting off that visit would worry her and sending a note, which he was highly tempted to do instead, might be interpreted as slighting her concern. With a sigh, he

concluded he would have to wait until later to see 192 THE UNTAMED HEIRESS

what miracles Miss Lambarth had worked on his stepmother.

An hour later, Harrison fully on board and the household quieted, Adam returned to the Standish town house. He was shown immediately to the parlor, where Priscilla had apparently been awaiting him.

"Ah, you are here at last! I've been so worried! Do tell me all is well."

He kissed the hand she offered and followed her to a seat on the sofa. "Yes, 'twas nearer a trifle than a serious problem. As you may know, Lady Darnell has a...nervous disposition and sometimes becomes agitated by things, which, when one examines them in more detail, are not truly alarming."

"I am glad to hear it! What was the problem, if I might inquire? Living together as we shall soon be, I should like to make sure I do not do something similar and upset your dear stepmother."

Adam chuckled. "I am certain you would never do anything like it."

"Like.. .what?" Priscilla persisted.

He had not intended to mention specifics, but in view of Priscilla's concern and laudable desire to ac commodate herself to his household, perhaps he should inform her. Briefly he summarized the cause of the commotion.

Appearing much shocked, Priscilla exclaimed, "You wrong your stepmother, Adam, in calling that a 'trifle!' I'm surprised even a girl with as little training as Miss Lambarth would have—

but I shall try to give her the benefit of the doubt, which I admit is somewhat harder


to do after learning how greatly she distressed Lady Darnell.

In any event, I trust you speedily dismissed the miscreants."

Miss Lambarth might have little training in the niceties of ton behavior, but she'd swiftly seen to the right of a much more important matter—and defended it eloquently. Shocked at his fiancée's lack of compas sion, Adam's newfound admiration for Helena made it difficult for him to refrain from committing what he instinctively knew would be the mistake of defending her.

Instead he said stiffly, "Both employees have given stellar service. Why would I dismiss them?"

Priscilla's eyes widened. "You didn't dismiss them? Creatures out of a workhouse? Adam, you can't be serious! How could Lady Darnell or Charis feel safe, knowing such persons were creeping about?"

"My dear," he said in some exasperation, "we're speaking of a serving maid and a ten-year-old boy— hardly villains to inspire fear."

His fiancée would not be mollified. "Vice knows no age limits, Adam. I've heard such institutions are breeding grounds for all manner of debauchery."

Adam tried to hold on to his patience. "These two have been under close scrutiny in my service for more than a month without

exhibiting the slightest tendency to vice."

Priscilla sniffed. "Doubtless they are clever enough to wait until the household is lulled into complacency before showing their true colors. Adam, I implore you to get rid of these.. .vermin immediately!"

"As you do not know the particulars, I will take your advice as well-intentioned," Adam said tightly. "But I am master in my house and will do as I feel proper."

"Indeed!" Priscilla retorted, obviously not happy to have her recommendation dismissed. "I trust, at least, that before I enter that house as your bride, Miss Lambarth and her.. .exceptional employees will have moved elsewhere."

"Of that, you can be certain," Adam confirmed grimly.

More unsettled than he should have been over the squabble, Adam stayed for only a few more minutes before excusing himself with the need to complete some estate business. He rode back to St. James Square in a pensive mood. Though just a day ago he had longed for Miss Lambarth's departure, now the thought of her leaving caused a hollow feeling in his chest. Such a remarkable girl.. .and they would not have the chance to become friends.

But the necessity of her leaving was more than just the simple fact that, should Miss Lambarth not end up marrying before his own nuptials, she and Priscilla could never live in the same house.

Under the unusual circumstances that had prompted their meeting today, he'd managed to be in the same room with her without the attraction that always simmered just beneath the surface erupting to complicate matters. But he shouldn't fool himself into believing that the respect engendered by his recent glimpse into her

character would make submerging his desire easier in future.

Prudence dictated that while she remained in his house, he must continue to maintain his distance and treat her in the offhand, elder-brother manner one would expect him to display toward his stepmother's niece.

No matter how tempted he was to get to know this intriguing girl better. A temptation only a tad less dangerous than the desire she evoked in him.


Several mornings later, Adam rose early. Rather than take coffee in his room, as had been his habit since the arrival of his houseguest, he prepared to descend to the breakfast parlor.

Tonight Miss Lambarth would make her first appearance with the Darnell ladies at a ball given by another of Lady Darnell's Society friends. Though his stepmother had told him not to worry about escorting them to the event, he'd decided to honor his sister's debut and his stepmother's reentrance into Society by returning after dinner with his fiancée to take them to the ball.

Though she knew Miss Lambarth would be a part of the group, Priscilla had been entirely supportive, a gracious gesture which had done much to smooth over the tension that had lingered between them since their disagreement over his handling of his domestic debacle. More cheerful than he'd felt for some time, Adam planned to surprise his stepmother with the news over breakfast—and incidentally, take the opportunity to chat with Miss Lambarth, whom he'd not seen since their interview several days previous.

Conscious of his resolve to deal carefully with that


lady, he resisted the impulse to enter and perhaps find her alone. Not until he heard his sister's voice along with her husky tones did he proceed into the room.

"Adam, what a surprise!" Charis cried, coming over to hug him. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

Nodding to acknowledge Miss Lambarth's curtsey— though it hadn't required that gesture for him to notice her, for he'd felt her presence the instant he walked in—he returned the hug. "Must I have some hidden purpose to take breakfast with my favorite sister?"

"I should hope not, though despite the fact that the house has been free of merchants for over a fortnight, we've seen very little of you. The obligations of an af fiancéd gentleman, I expect!"