Before the vote was tallied, Ambrose Barlow and Minerva Morgan, two of the oldest Wardens on the council, brought a damning anonymous letter about Forsyth to Mimi’s attention. Mimi stalled on giving Forsyth leadership of the Conclave by withholding her approval.

Now, the Conclave remains leaderless in a time of great darkness. But there is a good omen at last: Allegra Van Alen finally awoke from her dreamless sleep with words of wisdom and hope for her two daughters, the light (Schuyler) and the shadow (Bliss).

As our story continues, the fate of the Blue Bloods rests in the hands of the newest generation of vampires and their loyal human Conduits. Can Schuyler, Jack, Oliver, Mimi, and Bliss work together to bring back peace and safety to their community? Or will Lucifer and his Silver Bloods destroy everything the Blue Bloods have worked so hard to build in their earthly home?



A formerly prominent New York family whose influence and largesse was instrumental in the founding of modern-day Manhattan, the Van Alen name was once synonymous with power, privilege, and patronage. But the family fortune has been dwindling for many years, now reduced to a few real estate holdings and nothing more.



Birth Name: Schuyler Theodora Elizabeth Van Alen Chase

Origin: September 1, 1992, New York, New York

Known Past Lives: None: she is Dimidium Cognatus (half-human, half-vampire), the first and only one of her kind.

Bondmate: None. Schuyler is a trueborn new spirit with no heavenly past.

Assigned Human Conduit: Oliver Hazard-Perry

List of Human Familiars: Oliver Hazard-Perry, no others

Physical Characteristics:

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’7”

Schuyler is the only daughter born to immortal mother, Allegra Van Alen (Gabrielle, the Uncorrupted) and mortal father, Stephen Chase, her mother’s only human familiar. The Van Alens were once one of the community’s wealthiest and most illustrious families, but fell on hard times when Allegra broke her blood bond to her brother Charles (Michael, Pure of Heart). Home is a shabby mansion on 101st Street and Riverside Drive. Other Van Alen holdings include a Nantucket compound, and a pied-à-terre in Paris (currently rented to visiting tourists).

Schuyler was born premature, and as a baby was perpetually underweight. Her pediatrician noted that she did not speak until her fourth birthday, when she suddenly began using whole sentences. Her primary caretaker, Cordelia Van Alen, her maternal grandmother, refused to allow speech therapy, insisting that her granddaughter was perfectly capable of speaking and would do so when she was ready.

School reports from Duchesne indicate that Schuyler was a quiet and thoughtful child, socially awkward, and if not for her best friend and human Conduit, Oliver Hazard-Perry, would have been a complete outcast. She excelled in Language Arts and Applied Arts, and was once honored by the faculty for diligence in her studies.

According to medical records from the Committee physician, Dr. Patricia Hazard, Schuyler’s half-blood heritage means she has many powers that vampires her age do not, but also that her mixed blood makes her weaker and her Transformation to vampire unstable. Her immortality is in question due to her human progenitor.

Schuyler’s birth was a flagrant violation of the Code on her mother’s part, and the Conclave has not yet come to a formal decision on her fate. Because it is said that the daughter of Gabrielle will bring the Blue Bloods the salvation they seek, Schuyler has been allowed to live. For now.

Schuyler Van Alen spends most of her time alone; she has a fondness for museums and long walks in Central Park, and made it a habit to revisit her comatose mother in the hospital every Sunday.

The following is a report from a Repository intern currently enrolled in Duchesne:

Intern Report #101

Schuyler Van Alen dresses like a nineteenth-century street urchin in thriftstore castoffs, but was recently tapped to be a model by New York’s top agency during a casting call held at school. She gives the impression of being short of stature yet is in fact slightly taller than average. Her best friend, Oliver, calls her Sky, and according to a poem written in his diary (filched from his locker and scanned while subject was in class):

Her blue-black hair falls in curtains

Surrounding a delicate heart-shaped face

Blue eyes set deep in a pale, almost ivory complexion