Like many Blue Bloods of her generation, she began her education at the Duchesne School in Manhattan but transferred to Endicott Academy, a boarding school in Massachusetts, during her junior year. As a student, Allegra was known on campus as cheerful, spirited, and athletic; captain of the girls’ field hockey team and a natural-born leader. She made a stunning debut at the Four Hundred Ball on her eighteenth year, leading the cotillion with her brother, Charles. Town & Country christened her the “debutante of the decade.”

As far as the Repository is concerned, nothing in Allegra’s past or her personality suggested that she was capable of violating the Code in a most egregious manner. When she came of age at twenty-one (not eighteen, as previously believed: see new documents updating Allegra’s history/diary/Hazard-Perry notes), Allegra forsook her blood bond to her bondmate and vampire twin, Charles Force (Michael, Pure of Heart: see Force Family Files/Angelus Files/Pure) to elope with her human familiar, Stephen Chase. The marriage remains the only instance of a vampire-human bonding. The couple lived in hiding for several years until Charles Force, acting from his position as Regis of the Conclave, lifted the sanction and allowed Allegra to return to the Coven.

Allegra succumbed to a self-imposed coma in 1995, three years following the birth of her half-human daughter, who was conceived from the illegal union with her husband/human familiar. While earlier reports indicated that Allegra lapsed into unconsciousness immediately following the birth of her child, the Repository has concluded that the confusion on the dates of Allegra’s current long-term hospitalization stemmed from her lengthy stay at the maternity ward after the difficult birth of her child. The date of that earlier internment (9/1/1992) was mistakenly applied as the date of her remittance into the care facility.

It is speculated that sorrow from the death of her human husband {DEATH UNCONFIRMED–RENFIELD} was what led Allegra to lapse into a comatose state. She would not participate in the Caerimonia Osculor with any other human after their bonding, and when he died, she chose to withdraw from life as well.

A recent visit to her hospital bed revealed that even at forty years of age, Allegra has kept her incandescent beauty. While most of the community used to visit at her bedside, in recent years, only two visitors have signed the security logs: her estranged bondmate, Charles Force, and her daughter, Schuyler Van Alen.

While some in the Coven believe that Charles Force could use his considerable influence on his twin to wake her, he himself has admitted that he has no such power over her reduced state.

From Hospital Records


—An orderly working the late shift reported that he heard screaming from patient’s room.

—Patient undisturbed. (Orderly delusional?)

—Security logs indicate visit from her daughter. But signature is of a B. Llewellyn? (Is this correct? Reconfirm with security.)


—Patient awake and coherent. Alert: Dr. Patricia Hazard

—Daughter visit. (S. Van Alen)


—Patient missing.


From Lawrence Van Alen Records

This letter was found among Allegra Van Alen’s personal effects.

My daughter,

If you are reading this, you are awake. I am writing, for I fear we shall not meet in this lifetime or in any other. I am leaving for Rio tomorrow evening, and I do not know if I will be able to return.

Before I left, I wanted to finally answer the question you posed to me before I went into exile. Yes, you did have a child in {REDACTED}. We kept her hidden from you after her birth, and her destruction was my doing. I cannot speak for Charles, but I ask you to forgive him for the sin we committed so many centuries ago. He did only what I asked of him, for the good of the Coven.

I leave you as ever, your loving father,



Conclave-level Only

Gabrielle birthed many reincarnated spirits in many cycles. She is, in a sense, mother to all, but we have recently learned that she had not one but two trueborn daughters: children who were created as new spirits and not simply a reincarnation of an immortal one. (So far, Gabrielle is the only vampire able to procreate in the human sense. No other vampire female has been able to create new life instead of carrying the immortal spirits of those who came before.)

The House of Records has always been aware of Schuyler Van Alen, but only recently has been apprised of the continued existence of Allegra’s other daughter, one born during {REDACTED}. The child was to have been destroyed by order of the Regis. New information indicates that Cordelia Van Alen may have been correct in her assumption that the child survived as a result of treachery within the Conclave. With the disappearance of Forsyth Llewellyn during the attack at St. John the Divine, and recent documents previously suppressed by Warden Cutler that show Bliss Llwellyn carried the mark of Lucifer on her neck, the Conclave has come to the conclusion that Bliss Llewellyn is Allegra’s firstborn daughter (the product of Allegra’s union with Lucifer) and a Silver Blood. The Repository is still in the dark as to how this came to be.

Current Status: Missing. Suspected to be searching for Charles Force in the White Darkness.

(For more on Allegra’s story see Misguided Angel, Repository Record #505, which contains the comprehensive file on the many lives of Gabrielle.)<