Flood, Armstrong, Captain: Founder of the Flood Oil Company

Flood, Rose Elizabeth: Wife of Captain Armstrong Flood who donated the family home (Flood mansion) to the Duchesne School when her three daughters died during the sinking of the S.S. Endeavor duri

ng an Atlantic crossing.

Frost, Brannon: The Blue Blood editor in chief of Chic magazine

Getty, Natalie: A Blue Blood teen killed by Silver Bloods in the New York slayings

Hazard, Patricia, M.D.: Oliver’s aunt and the Blue Bloods’ trusted doctor, she watches over the New York Coven’s health at her posh Fifth Avenue office. In particular, she observes their Transformations, especially Schuyler’s unusual case as half vampire, half human.

Henri of Orleans, Crown Prince of France (deposed), also known as Henri Bourbon and Henri, Count of Paris: The late Blue Blood husband of Countess Isabelle, he would have been heir to the French throne had the Revolution never happened. Isabelle took his position as Regis of the European Conclave after his passing from the current cycle.

Isabelle of Orleans, the Countess of Paris: Hostess of the Bal des Vampires and former owner of the Hôtel Lambert, the countess is the Regis of the European Conclave and former friend of Lawrence and Cordelia Van Alen. Schuyler and Oliver traveled to Paris seek her aid when the New York Conclave decided that Schuyler was responsible for Lawrence’s death. The American and the European covens became estranged when the Blue Bloods left the Old World. Isabelle never had much faith in Michael as Regis. She is an imposing woman, regal and beautiful, with coal-black hair. At the end of The Van Alen Legacy, Schuyler, now with Jack, finally was granted an audience with the countess, who gave them refuge and protection. However, in a twist, it was revealed that the countess was Drusilla in a past cycle, Caligula’s beloved sister, and perhaps her old allegiance to Lucifer still runs deep.

Jackson, Hattie: Cordelia and Schuyler Van Alen’s loyal maid, she and Julius watch over the house on Riverside Drive and essentially raised the (for all intents and purposes) motherless Schuyler.

Jackson, Julius: Cordelia Van Alen’s personal driver. Married to Hattie.

Jones, Jonas: The famously incorrigible Blue Blood fashion photographer and Duchesne alum; also a filmmaker and painter

Keaton, Alice: Chantal’s assistant at Chic, who goes by her last name

Lennox, Sam and Ted: Twin brothers and Venators on Mimi and Kingsley’s team

Leslie, Honor: Another teenage vampire sent to Transitions for “rehab” during her transformation

Llewellyn, Dennis (Pap-Pap): Bliss’s beloved grandfather and Forsyth’s father, he was a rebel from a Texas oil family who stayed East after boarding school, married a Connecticut debutante, and raised his family on Fifth Avenue until the stock market sent them back to the Texas homestead.

Manuela: The Llewellyn family’s maid who works in their Hamptons property

Marie: Lawrence Van Alen’s Italian landlady whom he impersonates when Schuyler chases him through the canals of Venice

McCall, Wesley: Another vampire teen at Transitions. He told Ally Elli about Dylan’s memorial service, who in turn told Bliss.

Morgan, Minerva: Along with Ambrose Barlow, one of the oldest living Elders, Minerva Morgan was called back to duty in the Conclave. She was one of Cordelia Van Alen’s oldest friends and former chairwoman of the New York Garden Society. Like Ambrose, she was suspicious of Forsyth but too weak to vote against him in the White Vote.

Morgan, Randy: Rolf ’s wife and first model, the quintessential “Morgan” girl

Morgan, Rolf: A designer of preppie, old-boy style. He selected Bliss as the new face of his line.

Oelrich, Edmund: A famous art historian and gallery owner in his private life, in the Blue Blood realm he replaced Priscilla Dupont as Chief Warden after she was killed by a Silver Blood. Perished in the Rio massacre.

Phillips, Henri: Bliss’s modeling agent, who visits her to lend his condolences and to offer her a job

Potter, Charlotte: The woman Bliss was told was the mother she never knew. She was supposedly a schoolteacher her father met on his first campaign trail, but there are no wedding albums or heirlooms. It is the Repository’s belief that Charlotte Potter is a fictional creation, a lie told by Forsyth Llewellyn.

Renfield: One of the older and more crotchety human librarians at the Repository. He takes his job very seriously.

Riberio, Yana: A young vampire of the Rio Coven. She was feared missing but had only absconded with her boyfriend. This may have been a Silver Blood ruse to bring about the Rio massacre.

Rockefeller, Dorothea: Conclave Elder who perished during the Rio massacre. She also guest-lectured at a Committee meeting and taught the fledging vampires how to transform themselves into smoke, fog, or air (the mutatio).

Russell, Danielle: Another of Lizbet Tilton’s Blue Blood clients. A recent Brown grad bonded to her twin, Don Alejandro Castañeda.

Schlessinger, Landon: A Blue Blood teen killed during the New York slayings

Schlumberger, Esme: Conclave Elder who perished during the Rio massacre. She called Alfonso Almeida an “old coot” during a Conclave meeting.