However, when Schuyler returned to New York, Allegra woke up from her coma, stirred from her unconscious state by a deep memory of another daughter, and within the safety of the glom, she was able to tell Schuyler the history of the Gates of Hell and the Paths of the Dead.

In the days before the battle in Heaven and Lucifer’s fall, the paths between the worlds were open. Angels moved freely between Heaven, Earth, and the underworld. After the Fall, when Lucifer and his army of angels were cast out, the way to Paradise was shut forever. But the seven paths to the underworld remained open. These were the Paths of the Dead.

In Rome, before Caligula was revealed as the Dark Prince, Michael, as Cassius, served as the emperor’s closest adviser. When Caligula found that one of the Paths of the Dead was anchored below the city of Lutetia, Cassius convinced him to let him forge a gate there to keep the demons at bay. Caligula stole the key from Cassius and, revealing his true nature as Lucifer, unleashed Abomination upon the world. The battle of Rome ensued. At the end, Agrippina and Valerius (Azrael and Abbadon) were able to coax Caligula to the newly forged gate, where Cassius (Michael) sent him to Hell, locking the gate behind him.

After Rome, Michael ordered the Blue Bloods to locate the six other paths and build gates upon them to secure the divisions between the worlds and keep Earth safe from the creatures of the underworld. The guardians, keepers of the Gates of Hell, were known as the Order of the Seven, one from each of the seven original families of the Conclave. The guardians scattered across the earth, unknown to one another but passing down their knowledge through the generations.

The guardians were to keep the gates secure, and the gates, imbued with the celestial power of the angels, were supposed to keep the world safe from the Prince of Darkness and the legions at his command. But with the growing number of Silver Blood attacks over the centuries, Lawrence suspected th

at somehow, the gates were failing and that Lucifer was plotting a way back from the underworld.

Schuyler must now continue Lawrence’s search for the gates and their guardians before the Silver Bloods are able to destroy them all and bring about a second Great War. This is the Van Alen Legacy. Charles resented the Van Alen Legacy, displeased that Lawrence harbored deep doubts concerning the strength of the gates he forged centuries ago. The Gates of Hell must hold, or all the world will fall with their destruction.


The Gates of Hell are located around the world, placed upon the seven paths to the underworld. The following are the three known gates so far:

The Gate of Vengeance was Leviathan’s prison on Corcovado. Lawrence Van Alen was its gatekeeper. With his murder of an innocent (Dylan, in the guise of Lucifer), the gate was opened, but it was a solom bicallis, which can only be used once. Once Leviathan came through it, the path was closed to all.

The Gate of Time was created during the reign of Caligula, who had discovered a path underneath the underground city of Lutetia (now located in present-day Paris). Lucifer and Leviathan assumed that Michael was its guardian. The Silver Bloods planned to open the gate by destroying its keeper. But when they released the subvertio, all they found was an intersection, which created a time vacuum. The true keeper of the Gate of Time is Kingsley Martin, who had moved the gate underneath the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City; an unfinished church, which meant it was not fully consecrated, and was a place of worship that a Silver Blood like Kingsley could enter.

The third gate is known as The Gate of Promise. Lawrence, who left more than fifty-five notebooks with his Conduit, Anderson, believed its guardians are still in Florence.

There are no other gates known to the Repository at this time.




The Morningstar, Lightbringer, Prince of Heaven, Prince of Darkness, Archangel of the Dawn

Known Past Lives: Gaius Caligula (Rome)

Phosphorus Lucifer, leader of the Fallen, king of the Silver Bloods, was the Crown Prince of Heaven, the most beautiful and powerful of all the angels until he chose to challenge the Almighty in the War for the Heavenly Kingdom. Upon his defeat, he awoke on Earth to find himself a vampyre, among the cursed and expelled from Paradise. He refused to make peace with Michael and Gabrielle, the angels who vanquished him, or with Abbadon and Azrael, his greatest friends, who betrayed him at the last. Not much is known about the Dark Prince ever since he and his loyal followers severed their ties to the Coven sometime during the reign of Menes, in the kingdom of Egypt, when they rose up in rebellion. His last known interaction with the Blue Blood community came in the battle of Rome, when he was revealed as the mad emperor Caligula.

It is said that in his true form, his presence is so bright it hurts to look directly at him. As Caligula, he was able to hide his true identity until Julia Livilla, the Pistis Sophia, discovered the truth. As Lucifer has been banished to the underworld since his defeat at the battle of Rome, the Repository is still unclear as to how, when, and where in history he fathered a child with Allegra. {INFORMATION REDACTED BY ORDER OF REGIS}

Recovered from Bliss Llewellyn’s journal (unverified) is a decription of a man she called “the Visitor,” who appears as a handsome gentleman in a white suit with molten gold hair and clear blue eyes, whose beauty is remote and chilling, a description often attributed to the image of Lucifer by those who claim to have seen him in their dreams.

Venator reports from the attack at St. John the Divine indicate that the Dark Prince battled Abbadon and Azrael in the glom, but was unable to escape the underworld, as Venator Martin released the subvertio and obliterated the path back to the living world.

Current Status: Unknown. Presumed trapped in the underworld.


The Giant, the Kraken, Goliath of the Glom

Known Past Lives: Marcus Agrippa (Rome)

Vesperus Leviathan, brother to the Dark Prince, was known as one of the cruelest Silver Bloods who ever walked the earth. He is partial to wearing dark cloaks and a hood that covers his face, described by those who have had the misfortune to see it as red and black, twisted, scarred, and burned from Hell’s flames.

He was captured in {DATE REDACTED} by Gabrielle and imprisoned into the rock under Corcovado, the only place on Earth that could contain his power. Metraton (Lawrence Van Alen) was his gatekeeper and jailer, and Corcovado was put under twenty-four hour surveillance by the Venator elite.

A crafty plan hatched by the traitor Silver Bloods of the Conclave, Nan Cutler and Forsyth Llewellyn, led Metraton to unknowingly destroy Leviathan’s prison bonds when he slaughtered an innocent (Dylan Ward, whose image had been manipulated to look like Lucifer’s). Reports from the European Coven indicate that Leviathan was in attendance at the Bal des Vampires, and those who survived the attack at St. John’s Cathedral testified that they witnessed Leviathan abduct Schuyler Van Alen before disappearing into the glom. Since Venator Martin released the subvertio, however, it is safe to assume that with the destruction of the path to the underworld, Leviathan is safely in Hell once again.

Current Status: Missing. Believed to be trapped in the underworld.