Eyes: Brown

Height: 5’9”

Described by Cordelia Van Alen as a prime example of the “downwardly aspirational” actions of the current incarnation of Blue Bloods, BobiAnne was known to be a superficial, silly, and ridiculous social climber; a tacky caricature who never quite fit in with the New York upper crust.

The much younger wife of Forsyth Llewellyn is referred to in all reports as Bliss’s stepmother; however, there is no record of Forsyth’s prior marriage, and a recently discovered copy of Bliss’s birth certificate lists her birth mother as “R.P.” the initials for Roberta Prescott. It is the Repository’s conclusion that BobiAnne was Bliss’s birth mother for her current incarnation but allowed the child to believe she was her stepmother, as Bliss had shown hostility toward her in prior life cycles. As Dorothea Stanford, she reportedly became mentally unbalanced after her daughter’s disappearance, which we now believe was due to her fear that Maggie’s true identity would be revealed to the Coven. Dorothea was convinced that her friends and neighbors were keeping the truth of her daughter’s whereabouts from her.

She was also Jordan’s birth mother. By all accounts, she barely tolerated the child, for reasons that have now become clear. The Venators believe that, like her husband, Bobi-Anne was a Silver Blood traitor, and feared that the Pistis Sophia would expose the couple for what they were: agents of the Prince of Darkness, foster parents to his secret heir. She perished during the massacre in Rio, a victim of her own nefarious schemes.

Forsyth Llewellyn was never the same after her death. As for New York and Texan society, they survived.

Current Status: Finished. Slain during the Silver Blood attack in Rio.


Pistis Sophia, Elder of Elders, the Watcher

Birth Name: Jordan Grace Llewellyn

Origin: January 1, 1994, Houston, Texas

Known Former Aliases: Julia Livilla (Rome)

Current Alias: Jane Murray

Bondmate: None. The Pistis Sophia is a virgin incarnate and has no bondmate.

Physical Characteristics:

Hair: As Jordan Llewellyn, brown

As Jane Murray, red

Eyes: As Jordan Llewellyn, green

As Jane Murray, blue

Height: As Jordan Llewellyn, 4’10”

As Jane Murray, 5’5”

Jordan Llewellyn’s true identity—the spirit of the Pistis Sophia, the Watcher—was known to only very few members of the Conclave: Cordelia Van Alen, who called for her rebirth; Forsyth Llewellyn, who fostered her and accepted her into his family; and the Regis, Charles Force, who finally gave his permission to the House of Records to call up the Sophia after Cordelia petitioned for it once too often.

The Watcher is an ancient soul born into full consciousness, with command of her memories and the ability to see the future. The Blue Bloods believe her wisdom will keep vigilance against Lucifer’s return, but she has slumbered for thousands of years. She came to her position during the days of Rome, when she was then called Julia Livilla and sister to the emperor Caligula. She was the first who recognized Lucifer in him and joined forces with her sister Agrippina in a failed assassination attempt.

Michael released her spirit from the blood and freed her from having to adhere to the cycles of Expression. As the Pistis Sophia, in Rome she predicted the breaking of the bond between Michael and Gabrielle and prophesied that Gabrielle’s daughter would be the salvation of the vampires.

As Jordan Llewellyn, the Sophia was a slightly awkward, short, and heavy girl, homely in contrast to her sister. At school she excelled in mathematics and science, and had a small group of friends. Family reports show that she followed Bliss around everywhere as a child, and, given Bliss’s extraordinary origin, it is safe to conclude that Jordan knew exactly with whom she was dealing and was simply biding her time. Yet those who knew the sisters well reported that they were very close and shared an affectionate bond, which might explain why Jordan waited several years before making the decision to strike.

The Venators believe that on the night of her abduction in Rio, the Watcher in Jordan finally took action. She tried to kill Bliss in her sleep, but was discovered at the last moment by Forsyth and BobiAnne. From Venator Martin’s subsequent investigation, it appears that Jordan was held captive by Silver Bloods at Lucifer’s command for a year, in an attempt to extract information on the Order of the Seven. When it appeared she would never give them this information, they killed her. Or so they thought. The Watcher is capable of changing physical shells, and as Jordan died, Sophia found a new host in Jane Murray, a forty-year-old history teacher who had been hit by a bus while traveling in South America.

As Jane Murray, Sophia is now a sturdy, apple-cheeked woman with bright red hair and a ruddy Irish complexion. In 2009, she joined the staff of Duchesne as a history teacher. School reports from Duchesne indicate she was incredibly popular; her seminar, Ancient Civilizations, was continually overenrolled.

The Venators have pieced together this information from Jane Murray’s ransacked apartment, and we can only conclude that the Watcher is with Bliss Llewellyn, wherever she may be.

Current Status: Missing. Believed to be in the company of Bliss Llewellyn.

Author’s Note: I am in the process of writing the first book in the Wolf Pact series. The idea for Wolf Pact came very early to me, when I was writing the major outline for the Blue Bloods books, and once the story expanded, the wolves seemed to merit a series of their own. The following is a sneak peek at the first book. The series follows the continuing story of Bliss Llewellyn as she sets off to find the Hounds of Hell.