But for how long?

The cab pulled up to the terminal, and Oliver unloaded their bags. He had been quiet too, during the trip. And he looked at Schuyler so intensely now, as if he were trying to memorize her face.

"What?" Schuyler asked. "Do I have something in my teeth or something? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm not going to Florence," Oliver said as the cab pulled away. "What do you mean you're not going to Florence..." Schuyler said, just as Jack Force walked up to the terminal.

Yesterday, Mimi had finally come back to the church, and had taken her brother away. Jack had been too weak to speak when Schuyler saw the two of them off in a cab. From the possessive way Mimi had held on to Jack, Schuyler knew they wouldn't get a chance to say the things they wanted to say to each other anyway.

There were no traces of the lost, broken girl that Mimi had been when she'd returned. And Schuyler understood that the struggle for Jack's heart was far from over. Maybe she and Jack just weren't meant to be, and the two of them would just have to accept it. It was enough to know they had risked everything for each other. Maybe the memory of their love was all that they were allowed. She didn't know. She only knew that she had so much to do. And if she had to leave Jack as part of it, then there was nothing she could do about it anymore. She had to fulfill her legacy.

But when she saw him, and they looked at each other, she knew she would never be able to leave his side. He had recovered well; he looked tired, but then so did she. They had been through a lot in the last twenty four hours.

"You're here," she sent. "My love."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else."

"I came as soon as I got your message," Jack said to Oliver.

Oliver handed him his own backpack. "Your flight is leaving soon. I suggest you guys get in there, security's a pain these days. Especially for international."

"You called him? Oliver, what's going on?" Schuyler asked.

"I asked Jack to meet us here. I told him you were going to Florence. I asked him to go with you."


"Sky... stop," Oliver said. "And don't interrupt me, because I have to say this. I know you would never leave me. I know that. I know you would never be able to make a decision, so I decided for you. You have to go with him."

Schuyler found her eyes filling with tears. "Ollie..."

"You cannot choose between us. So I chose for you. Jack can protect you in ways I cannot. Yesterday, when Leviathan took you, I'd never felt so helpless in my life... and I knew... I knew I couldn't be there for you, not in the way that he can." Oliver gulped. "I would rather have you safe, whole, and alive... than with me."


"Now go. Before I change my mind. But you know I'm right. I'm always right, Schuyler."

He never called her Schuyler, only when he was serious. Or angry. Or maybe a little of both. This couldn't be easy for him. It wasn't easy for her to listen to.

"But what about you?" she asked. "I marked you...."

The Sacred Kiss would mean he would pine for her forever. She couldn't let him live the rest of his life that way.

"I'll be all right. You'll see. I don't believe in fatalism. And you'll call me, won't you? Once in a while? I can still help you... from over here. I think I can, anyway. But I know this is what was meant to happen. I can feel it... the rightness of it... and, like I said, I'm never wrong." Oliver shoved the tickets into Jack's hands.

Schuyler pulled Oliver close and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go.

"You're welcome," Oliver said.

He smiled, and she knew he had heard what she'd left unsaid. The connection between them, vampire and Conduit, sparking at last.

"Good-bye, Ollie," Schuyler whispered.

"Take care of her," Oliver said, shaking Jack's hand. "For me."

Jack nodded and shook Oliver's hand vigorously. "Always."

Oliver saluted them both, then he walked quickly away, jumping into the nearest cab he could find. Schuyler watched him go, finding that her heart ached in the deepest way... but it did not break. They would be friends. They would always remain friends. She loved him still.